using namespace std;

typedef struct Node
 int data;
 struct Node *next;

int len,num,M,numbers,i=0,mod,count=0;
int *a;
node **p,*s;
float ASL=0,ASL1=0;

int ListLength(node * head)
 int length=0;
 node *p;
 return length;

void Insert(node * &head,node * s)
 node *p;

void Print(node * head)
 node *p;

void f1()
 cout<<"Input HashTable address length:";
 cout<<"Input the value of M in Hash function H(k)=k%M:";
 a=new int[len];
 cout<<"Input the number of data to be hashed into the hash table:";
    cout<<"please input the keys:";

   int j=i;
 cout<<"the hash table is as followed:"<<endl<<endl;
 cout<<"    Key    ";
 cout<<"Hash search successfully using linear detection method to resolve conflicts and the average search length ASL is:";
 cout<<"Hash search unsuccessfully using linear detection method to resolve conflicts and the average search length ASL is:";

void f2()
 cout<<"input HashTable address length:";
 p=new node*[len];
 cout<<"Input the value of M in Hash function H(k)=k%M:";
 cout<<"Input the number of key to be hashed into the hash table:";
 cout<<"please input the keys:";
   p[mod]=new node;
   s=new node;
 cout<<"the hash table is as followed:"<<endl<<endl;
 cout<<"Hash search successfully using chain address method to resolve conflicts and the average search length ASL is:";
 cout<<"Hash search unsuccessfully using chain address method to resolve conflicts and the average search length ASL is:";

void main()
    int choice;
 cout<<"1.Linear detection and re hash "<<endl;
 cout<<"2.separate chaining "<<endl;
 cout<<"please choose a method to solve the address conflict:";
 case 1:f1();break;
 case 2:f2();break;
 default:cout<<"input error!"<<endl;break;




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