


You Are Given a Tree


A tree is an undirected graph with exactly one simple path between each pair of vertices. We call a set of simple paths k -valid if each vertex of the tree belongs to no more than one of these paths (including endpoints) and each path consists of exactly k vertices.

You are given a tree with nn vertices. For each k from 1 to nn inclusive find what is the maximum possible size of a k -valid set of simple paths.

Input Format

The first line of the input contains a single integer n ( 2≤n≤100000 ) — the number of vertices in the tree.

Then following n - 1 lines describe the tree, each of them contains two integers v , u ( 1≤v,u≤n ) — endpoints of the corresponding edge.

It is guaranteed, that the given graph is a tree.

Output Format

Output n numbers, the i -th of which is the maximum possible number of paths in an i -valid set of paths.

Sample Input

1 2
2 3
3 4
4 5
5 6
6 7

Sample Output




我们发现\(k\le\sqrt n\)时答案最多只有\(\sqrt n\)种取值,\(k>\sqrt n\)时答案\(\leq\sqrt n\),也只有\(\sqrt n\)种取值,并且答案的大小具有单调性,于是就有一个很直观的想法,二分找到段边界,统一每一段的答案即可,时间复杂度\(O(n\sqrt n\log_2n)\)。



#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
const int N = 100020;
struct edge { int ver,next; } e[N*2];
int n,t,Head[N],f[N],cnt,ans[N];
inline void insert(int x,int y) { e[++t] = (edge){y,Head[x]} , Head[x] = t; }
inline void input(void)
for (int i=1;i<n;i++)
int x,y;
insert( x , y );
insert( y , x );
inline void dp(int x,int fa,int len)
int Max = 0 , sec = 0;
for (int i=Head[x];i;i=e[i].next)
int y = e[i].ver;
if ( y == fa ) continue;
dp( y , x , len );
if ( f[y] >= Max ) sec = Max , Max = f[y];
else if ( f[y] > sec ) sec = f[y];
if ( sec + Max + 1 >= len ) f[x] = 0 , cnt++;
else f[x] = Max + 1;
inline void divide(int st,int ed,int l,int r)
if ( st > ed || l > r ) return;
if ( l == r )
for (int i=st;i<=ed;i++) ans[i] = l;
int mid = st + ed >> 1; cnt = 0;
dp( 1 , 0 , mid );
ans[mid] = cnt;
divide( st , mid-1 , cnt , r );
divide( mid+1 , ed , l , cnt );
int main(void)
divide( 1 , n , 0 , n );
for (int i=1;i<=n;i++)
return 0;



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