
$("xxxxxxx").iconCountPlugin(options, start, isOffset) {//三个参数,自定义样式,是否禁止图标位置随浏览器窗口变化而变化,是否禁用偏移量
(function ($, window, document, undefined) {
var inforCountShow = function (target, option, isOffset) {
this.$element = target;
var str = "<span class = 'infor-count'></span>";
var offsetleft = $(this.$element).offset().left;
var offsetTop = $(this.$element).offset().top;
var targetWidth = $(this.$element).width();
var targetHeight = $(this.$element).height();
var left = "",
top = "";
if (!isOffset) {
left = offsetleft + targetWidth - 18;
top = offsetTop - 5;
} else {
left = targetWidth + 13;
top = targetHeight - 3;
this.defaults = {
'display': 'inline-block',
'width': '18px',
'height': '18px',
'position': 'absolute',
'backgroundColor': '#f43530',
'color': '#fff',
'borderRadius': '15px',
'textAlign': 'center',
'fontSize': '12px',
"left": left,
"top": top,
"cursor": 'auto',
this.options = $.extend({}, this.defaults, option);
this.createdDom = $(str);
inforCountShow.prototype = {
changeStyle: function () {
return $(this.$element).next().css({
'display': this.options.display,
'width': this.options.width,
'height': this.options.height,
'position': this.options.position,
'backgroundColor': this.options.backgroundColor,
'color': this.options.color,
'borderRadius': this.options.borderRadius,
'zIndex': this.options.zIndex,
'textAlign': this.options.textAlign,
'fontSize': this.options.fontSize,
"left": this.options.left,
"top": this.options.top,
'lineHeight': this.options.lineHeight,
"cursor": this.options.cursor,
"margin": this.options.margin
onResize: function (target, isOffset) {
$(window).resize(function () {
var newOffsetleft = $(target).offset().left;
var newOffsetTop = $(target).offset().top;
var newTargetWidth = $(target).width();
var newTargetHeight = $(target).height();
var newleft = "", newTop = "";
if (!isOffset) {
newleft = newOffsetleft + newTargetWidth - 18;
newTop = newOffsetTop - 5;
} else {
newleft = newTargetWidth + 13;
newTop = newTargetHeight - 3;
"left": newleft,
"top": newTop
//数值溢出,当消息数量超过99时显示 "..."
valueOverflow:function() {
var value = $(this.$element).next().text();
if (null != value && value>99) {
}, //绑定事件,可以接受事件对应外部方法
bindEvent: function () {
var that = this;
if (!that.createdDom) return;
this.createdDom.off('click').on('click', function () {
if (that.options.click) {
// that.options.click();
} else { }
$.fn.iconCountPlugin = function (options, start, isOffset) {//三个参数,自定义样式,是否禁止图标位置随浏览器窗口变化而变化,是否禁用偏移量
return $(this).each(function () {
var infor = new inforCountShow(this, options, isOffset);
if (!start) {
infor.onResize(this, isOffset);
infor.bindEvent(); });
} })(jQuery, window, document);




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