















├── boilerplate # Boilerplate with React, Material-UI, Next, Express, Mongoose, MongoDB
├── book # Codebases for each chapter of our book
├── components # React components
│ ├── admin # Components used on Admin pages
│ │ ├── EditBook.js # Edit title, price, and repo of book
│ │ ├── GiveFreeBook.js # Give free book to user
│ ├── customer # Components used on Customer pages
│ │ ├── Bookmark.js # Bookmark a section within a book chapter
│ │ ├── BuyButton.js # Buy book
│ ├── BookReviews.js # Component that outputs grid of reviews
│ ├── Header.js # Header component
│ ├── HomeFooter.js # Footer component on homepage
│ ├── HomeHeader.js # Header component on homepage
│ ├── MenuDrop.js # Dropdown menu
│ ├── Notifier.js # In-app notifications for app's users
│ ├── SharedStyles.js # List of _reusable_ styles
│ ├── TOC.js # Table of Contents
├── lib # Code available on both client and server
│ ├── api # Client-side API methods
│ │ ├── admin.js # Admin user methods
│ │ ├── customer.js # Customer user methods
│ │ ├── getRootURL.js # Returns ROOT_URL
│ │ ├── public.js # Public user methods
│ │ ├── sendRequest.js # Reusable code for all GET and POST requests
│ ├── context.js # Context for Material-UI integration
│ ├── notifier.js # Contains notify() function that loads Notifier component
│ ├── withAuth.js # HOC that passes user to pages and more
│ ├── withLayout.js # HOC for SSR with Material-UI and more
├── pages # Pages
│ ├── admin # Admin pages
│ │ ├── add-book.js # Page to add a new book
│ │ ├── book-detail.js # Page to view book details and sync content with Github
│ │ ├── edit-book.js # Page to update title, price, and repo of book
│ │ ├── index.js # Main Admin page that has all books and more
│ ├── customer # Customer pages
│ │ ├── my-books.js # Customer's dashboard
│ ├── public # Public pages (accessible to logged out users)
│ │ ├── login.js # Login page
│ │ ├── read-chapter.js # Page with chapter's content
│ ├── _document.js # Allows to customize pages (feature of Next.js)
│ ├── index.js # Homepage
│ ├── book.js # Book page
├── server # Server code
│ ├── api # Express routes, route-level middleware
│ │ ├── admin.js # Admin routes
│ │ ├── customer.js # Customer routes
│ │ ├── index.js # Mounts all Express routes on server
│ │ ├── public.js # Public routes
│ ├── models # Mongoose models
│ │ ├── Book.js # Book model
│ │ ├── Chapter.js # Chapter model
│ │ ├── EmailTemplate.js # Email Template model
│ │ ├── Purchase.js # Purchase model
│ │ ├── User.js # User model
│ ├── utils # Server-side util
│ │ ├──slugify.js # Generates slug for any Model
│ ├── app.js # Custom Express/Next server
│ ├── aws.js # AWS SES API
│ ├── github.js # Github API
│ ├── google.js # Google OAuth API
│ ├── logs.js # Logger
│ ├── mailchimp.js # MailChimp API
│ ├── routesWithSlug.js # Express routes that contain slug
│ ├── sitemapAndRobots.js # Express routes for sitemap.xml and robots.txt
│ ├── stripe.js # Stripe API
├── static # Static resources
│ ├── robots.txt # Rules for search engine bots
├── test/server/utils # Tests
│ ├── slugify.test.js # Unit test for generateSlug() function
├── .babelrc # Config for Babel
├── .eslintrc.js # Config for Eslint
├── .gitignore # List of ignored files and directories
├── .npmignore # Files and directories that are not uploaded to the server
├── now.json # Settings for now from Zeit
├── package.json # List of packages and scripts
├── yarn.lock # Exact versions of packages. Generated by yarn.


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