





// main.m
// FilePathUtil
// Created by fansunion on 15/11/29.
// Copyright (c) 2015年 demo. All rights reserved.
// #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> //演示文件路径API
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {
NSString *fileName =@"path.m";
NSFileManager *fm;
NSString *path,*tempDir,*extention,*homeDir,*fullPath;
NSArray *components; fm =[NSFileManager defaultManager];
tempDir = NSTemporaryDirectory();
NSLog(@"The tempDir is %@",tempDir); //提取基本目录
path =[fm currentDirectoryPath];
NSLog(@"The base dir is %@",[path lastPathComponent]); //fileName在当前目录中的完整路径
fullPath =[path stringByAppendingString:fileName];
NSLog(@"The fullPath is %@",fullPath); //获得文件扩展名
extention = [fullPath pathExtension];
NSLog(@"The extentions is %@",extention); //获得用户的主目录
homeDir = NSHomeDirectory();
NSLog(@"The home directory is %@",homeDir); //拆分路径为各个组成部分
components = [homeDir pathComponents];
for(path in components){
return 0;


2015-11-29 13:43:30.550 FilePathUtil[2861:179163] The tempDir is /var/folders/4q/5ylpds9n5n97bq_r41qvly4w0000gn/T/

2015-11-29 13:43:30.551 FilePathUtil[2861:179163] The base dir is Debug

2015-11-29 13:43:30.551 FilePathUtil[2861:179163] The fullPath is /Users/fansunion/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/FilePathUtil-bvzjqehotbexooebruphtwcmqekz/Build/Products/Debugpath.m

2015-11-29 13:43:30.551 FilePathUtil[2861:179163] The extentions is m

2015-11-29 13:43:30.552 FilePathUtil[2861:179163] The home directory is /Users/fansunion

2015-11-29 13:43:30.552 FilePathUtil[2861:179163] /

2015-11-29 13:43:30.552 FilePathUtil[2861:179163] Users

2015-11-29 13:43:30.553 FilePathUtil[2861:179163] fansunion

Program ended with exit code: 0


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