I believe the most beautiful and elegant answer to this question is from Churchill. "On a peaceful afternoon, I sit at my desk on which there are only a pen and scores of white papers; I write. And this is the most beautiful thing in this world [1]." And, to be pragmatic, there are many advantages by writing a blog.

To write is to think better [3, 6].

Exhibit oneself

Practice writing skills [2]

Other reasons in these three articles from Weipeng Liu [3]

Write down one's beliefs and values [4]. Build the value hierarchy.

After one has read many books, he wants to write. The inspiration is from [5], a blog of an art professor.

It is easier to share with friends about articles, books, movies, and thoughts, like what she does [5].

In our blood, we want to receive the acceptance, agreement from others. And we want to be corrected by others [13]. Just like the academia, when a researcher finds a great principle, he wants to share with his peers, or to be more general, with other human-beings.

To publish a book one day, just like what they and others did [7, 8, 11].

I want to write a fiction one day. I want to use the good expressions used in these books [10].

Technical blog. To help others avoid pits (potential detours) [9].

To keep interest dairies, e.g. about clarinet, tennis, hiking, etc. [12].

Sometimes I really don't want to write and just want to waste my time doing easy things.

But after I read some books (especially [6]), I come back again to want to write. And after I did it, I appreciated that I did it.

Postscript (P.S.): The principle of the content of the writing: Only write the content that is useful to you and your potential readers [3].

P.S. No. 2: Recommended blog and personal web:

1 Xiaolai Li

2 Weipeng Liu

3 Junbo Zhao's micro blog

4 An art professor. https://www.douban.com/people/malingcat/

5 Brother vczh. http://www.cppblog.com/vczh/. [9]

6 Junbo Zhao. An EE professor.

7 Yi Wang, Tsinghua University

8 Fei-fei Li

9 Daniel M. Kammen. A professor with UC Berkeley.

10 Ke Wang, a computer science professor.

11 Philip Guo

12 Xuesen Qian: The Letters

13 The Albert Einstein Collection Volume One: Essays in Humanism, The Theory of Relativity, and The World As I See It

14 -

15 [7] Give you a bullet. A Cambridge professor.



[1] The Joys of Writing. Churchill

[2] A high school exam paradigmatic article

[3] Weipeng Liu. Dark Time.

[4] Junbo Zhao's micro blog.

[5] An art professor. https://www.douban.com/people/malingcat/

[6] Treat the time as a friend.

[7] Give you a bullet. A Cambridge professor.

[8] Bill Clinton's saying

[9] Brother vczh. http://www.cppblog.com/vczh/; and www.hysteriz.com

[10] Weidong Hou's notes in Chinese officialdom (a fiction) and Kane and Abel (a fiction)

[11] Philip Guo. Ph.D. Grind.

[12] Kenichi Ohmae. Off school — will play will be successful.

[13] A zhihu answer for the question: why do you write an answer in zhihu.com?



我相信这个问题的最美丽和优雅的答案来自丘吉尔。 “在一个宁静的下午,我坐在我的办公桌上,那里只有一支笔和几十张白皮书;我写道。这是世界上最美丽的东西[1]。”而且,要务实,写博客有很多好处。




来自Weipeng Liu的这三篇文章中的其他原因[3]














2 Weipeng Liu

3 Junbo Zhao的微博客

4一位艺术教授。 https://www.douban.com/people/malingcat/

5兄弟vczh。 http://www.cppblog.com/vczh/。 [9]

6 Junbo Zhao。 EE教授。



9 Daniel M. Kammen。加州大学伯克利分校的教授。


11 Philip Guo



14 -

15 [7]给你一颗子弹。剑桥大学教授。






[5]艺术教授。 https://www.douban.com/people/malingcat/




[9]兄弟vczh。 http://www.cppblog.com/vczh/;和www.hysteriz.com


[11] Philip Guo。博士研磨。

[12] Kenichi Ohmae。离校 - 将会取得成功。



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