Setup iOS Development Environment

Install XCode and check-out source code from SVN


Please find document from Apple on how to install XCode.

Check-out Source Code

In XCode, Use menu “Source Control” -> “Check-out” to checkout source code from SVN.

One issue I got during this process is: it always time out when check-out. To resolve it: please open a command line and run command

SVN ls

It will ask you for username and password. After that select “Permanent”.

After perform above, you will be able to check-out code in XCode.

Certificates, App ID and Provisioning profile

We need the following in

  1. Development and distribution certificate

    Need at least one development certificate and one distribution certificate.

    wildcards can be used.

  2. App ID

    We can set up app ID which represent multiple apps, such as: com.applesoft.*

  3. Provisioning profile

    Need at leas two profiles: 1 for development and 1 for distribution

Certificates and keys in Mac

There are two certificates required on the Mac development machine:

  1. Development certificate

    This will be used to develop and test the app in XCode.

    Following the steps to create development certificate in Apple development page, it will guide you to setup the key and certificate on the machine.

  2. Distribution certificate

    This will be used to make distribution IPA file.

    I download the Distribution certificate from Apple development page and import it.

    Before import the certificate, you need the TechPubs private key. I export from my original development Mac and import into my new machine.

XCode settings

In XCode, select the project and corresponding Target. Then select Build Settings tab and see code signing session. Make sure select “iOS Developer” for Debug and select “iOS Distribution” for Releases. For “Provisioning Profile”, select “Automatic”


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