


<add key="webpages:Version" value=""/>
<add key="webpages:Enabled" value="false"/>
<add key="ClientValidationEnabled" value="true"/>
<add key="UnobtrusiveJavaScriptEnabled" value="true"/>
<add key="dbName" value="demodb"/>
<add name="connStr" connectionString="mongodb://"/>


 using Cong.Model;
using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Driver;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Linq; namespace Cong.Utility
public class Db
private static readonly string connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["connStr"].ToString(); private static readonly string dbName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["dbName"].ToString(); private static IMongoDatabase db = null; private static readonly object lockHelper = new object(); private Db() { } public static IMongoDatabase GetDb()
if (db == null)
lock (lockHelper)
if (db == null)
var client = new MongoClient(connStr);
db = client.GetDatabase(dbName);
return db;
} public class MongoDbHelper<T> where T : BaseEntity
private IMongoDatabase db = null; private IMongoCollection<T> collection = null; public MgHelper()
this.db = Db.GetDb();
collection = db.GetCollection<T>(typeof(T).Name);
} public T Insert(T entity)
var flag = ObjectId.GenerateNewId();
entity.GetType().GetProperty("Id").SetValue(entity, flag);
entity.State = "y";
entity.CreateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
entity.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); collection.InsertOneAsync(entity);
return entity;
} public void Modify(string id, string field, string value)
var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq("Id", ObjectId.Parse(id));
var updated = Builders<T>.Update.Set(field, value);
UpdateResult result = collection.UpdateOneAsync(filter, updated).Result;
} public void Update(T entity)
var old = collection.Find(e => e.Id.Equals(entity.Id)).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); foreach (var prop in entity.GetType().GetProperties())
var newValue = prop.GetValue(entity);
var oldValue = old.GetType().GetProperty(prop.Name).GetValue(old);
if (newValue != null)
if (!newValue.ToString().Equals(oldValue.ToString()))
old.GetType().GetProperty(prop.Name).SetValue(old, newValue.ToString());
old.State = "y";
old.UpdateTime = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq("Id", entity.Id);
ReplaceOneResult result = collection.ReplaceOneAsync(filter, old).Result;
} public void Delete(T entity)
var filter = Builders<T>.Filter.Eq("Id", entity.Id);
} public T QueryOne(string id)
return collection.Find(a => a.Id == ObjectId.Parse(id)).ToList().FirstOrDefault();
} public List<T> QueryAll()
return collection.Find(a => a.State.Equals("y")).ToList();



 using MongoDB.Bson;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace Cong.Model
public abstract class BaseEntity
public ObjectId Id { get; set; } public string State { get; set; } public string CreateTime { get; set; } public string UpdateTime { get; set; }


 using Cong.Model;
using Cong.Utility;
using MongoDB.Bson;
using System.Web.Mvc;
using WebApp.Models; namespace WebApp.Controllers
{ public partial class AuthController : BaseController
MgHelper<Auth> mg = new MgHelper<Auth>(); public ActionResult Index()
return View();
} [HttpGet]
public ActionResult Create()
return View();
} [HttpPost]
public ActionResult Create(Auth auth)
return Content("<script>alert('success!');window.location='/Auth/Create';</script>");
} [HttpGet]
public ActionResult Modify()
AuthVM authvm = new AuthVM { Auths = mg.QueryAll() };
return View(authvm);
} [HttpPost]
public ActionResult Modify(Auth auth, FormCollection form)
auth.Id = ObjectId.Parse(form["id"]);
return Content("<script>alert('success!');window.location='/Auth/Modify';</script>");
} [HttpPost]
public string Delete(string id)
mg.Modify(id, "State", "n");
return "success!";
} public partial class RoleController : BaseController
MgHelper<Role> mg = new MgHelper<Role>(); public ActionResult Index()
return View();
} [HttpGet]
public ActionResult Create()
return View();
} [HttpPost]
public ActionResult Create(Role role)
return Content("<script>alert('success!');window.location='/Role/Create';</script>");
} [HttpGet]
public ActionResult Modify()
RoleVM rolevm = new RoleVM { Roles = mg.QueryAll() };
return View(rolevm);
} [HttpPost]
public ActionResult Modify(Role role, FormCollection form)
role.Id = ObjectId.Parse(form["id"]);
return Content("<script>alert('success!');window.location='/Role/Modify';</script>");
} [HttpPost]
public string Delete(string id)
mg.Modify(id, "State", "n");
return "success!";
} public partial class UserController : BaseController
MgHelper<User> mg = new MgHelper<User>(); public ActionResult Index()
return View();
} [HttpGet]
public ActionResult Create()
return View();
} [HttpPost]
public ActionResult Create(User user)
return Content("<script>alert('success!');window.location='/User/Create';</script>");
} [HttpGet]
public ActionResult Modify()
UserVM uservm = new UserVM { Users = mg.QueryAll() };
return View(uservm);
} [HttpPost]
public ActionResult Modify(User user, FormCollection form)
user.Id = ObjectId.Parse(form["id"]);
return Content("<script>alert('success!');window.location='/User/Modify';</script>");
} [HttpPost]
public string Delete(string id)
mg.Modify(id, "State", "n");
return "success!";

我的测试项目是用户管理系统,有三个类: User(用户),Role(角色),Auth(权限)。



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  2. Oracle普通表-&gt;分区表转换(9亿数据量)
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  5. HDU 1503 Advanced Fruits (LCS,变形)
  6. AsyncTask 解析
  7. cpu95%,查找问题sql
  8. Comparing the contribution of NBA draft picks(转)
  9. springmvc 之 Controller
  10. Java 后端微信支付demo
  11. 依赖注入[2]: 基于IoC的设计模式
  12. [三]java8 函数式编程Stream 概念深入理解 Stream 运行原理 Stream设计思路
  13. Create Maximum Number
  14. 【JSP】JSP的介绍和基本原理
  15. JS-构造函数2
  16. pycharm 模板添加作者时间信息
  17. SpringMVC之学习(1)
  18. ActionMQ5.8.0 JMS实例 手把手详细图解
  19. 白盒测试实践项目(day4)
  20. mongodb数据导入导出mongoexport/mongoimport


  1. boost::asio与ACE的对比
  2. leetcode 链表 Partition List
  3. vim 常用插件功能跟配置
  4. Onvif开发之客户端鉴权获取参数篇
  5. 缓存函数memorize
  6. html页面中块级元素的居中
  7. Javascript和jquery事件--事件冒泡和事件捕获
  8. LuoguP4016 负载平衡问题(费用流)
  9. docker的数据持久化
  10. factor---将素数分解为质数