Test1:Use the powershell to output the contents

 print "Hello World!"
print "Hello Again"
print "I like typing this."
print "This is fun."
print 'Yay! Printing.'
print "I'd much rather you 'not'."
print 'I "said" do not touch this.'



最后我们在光标处输入python (文件名).py再回车即可运行以上python脚步了。

Running result:

PS C:\Users\Admin\desktop> python ex1.py
Hello World!
Hello Again
I like typing this.
This is fun.
Yay! Printing.
I'd much rather you 'not'.
I "said" do not touch this.

Other topic:

  1. 让你的脚本再多打印一行。
  2. 让你的脚本只打印一行。
  3. 在一行的起始位置放一个 ‘#’ (octothorpe) 符号。它的作用是什么?自己研究一下。

Let's solve the problems!

1:可以在当前的.py文件中修改源代码在代码末尾加入一行print “             ”,这样running的result就会变成多打印了一行(总觉得不应该这么傻瓜样的操作,看以后深入学习了再来修改这里吧)





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