nagios下的check_http ZT具体参数是一个比较重要的点,我带大家来看看。.


#./check_http -V

check_http v2053 (nagios-plugins 1.4.13)

//-H -u -p


  1. #./check_http -H www.****.com

HTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 106540 bytes in 1.833 seconds |time=1.833151s;;;0.000000 size=106540B;;;0

  1. #./check_http -H www.****.com -u /url1/url2/index.html
  2. #./check_http -H www.****.com -u http://www.****.com/url1/url2/index.html
  3. #./check_http -H www.****.com -p 80 -u http://www.****.com/url1/url2/index.html


  1. #./check_http -I -u /url1/url2/index.html

//-e ; 预期服务器返回的第一行字串匹配

  1. # ./check_http -H -e "200 OK"

HTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 106540 bytes in 1.736 seconds |time=1.736245s;;;0.000000 size=106540B;;;0

  1. # ./check_http -H -e "200 notOK"

HTTP CRITICAL - Invalid HTTP response received from host: HTTP/1.1 200 OK

//-s ; 预期页面代码中的字串

//-M ;检测页面的 Last modified时间,如1m,1h,1d等(分钟,小时,天);

  1. # ./check_http -I -u /cehq/zhishu.html -M 1m

HTTP CRITICAL - Last modified 1:11:40 ago

//-m :; 最小页面size(bytes):最大页面size(bytes)

  1. # ./check_http -I -u /cehq/zhishu.html -m 100:200

HTTP WARNING: page size 3466 too large|size=3466B;100;0;0


  1. # ./check_http -I -u /cehq/zhishu.html -w 0.0001

HTTP WARNING: - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 0.002 second response time |time=0.001646s;0.000100;;0.000000 size=3466B;;;0

  1. # ./check_http -I -u /cehq/zhishu.html -c 0.0001

HTTP CRITICAL: - HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 0.002 second response time |time=0.001778s;;0.000100;0.000000 size=3466B;;;0

// -N; 检查一个页面访问,为了获得较好的响应时间,不读取页面体,no-body:

  1. # ./check_http -H -u /index.shtml -N

HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 4300 bytes in 0.015 second response time |time=0.014826s;;;0.000000 size=4300B;;;0

// -a; 以用户名密码访问一个需认证的页面:

  1. # ./check_http -I -u /nagios/

HTTP WARNING: HTTP/1.1 401 Authorization Required - 717 bytes in 0.004 second response time |time=0.004006s;;;0.000000 size=717B;;;0

  1. # ./usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -I -u /nagios/ -a nagios:nagios

HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 911 bytes in 0.005 second response time |time=0.004724s;;;0.000000 size=911B;;;0


  1. #./check_http -H

HTTP OK HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 106540 bytes in 1.840 seconds |time=1.839614s;;;0.000000 size=106540B;;;0

  1. #./check_http -H -t 1

CRITICAL - Socket timeout after 1 seconds

//-v;verbose,show details for command-line debugging




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