

  1. 功能模块化封装,提供一个对外的初始化接口供应用调用即可,首先需要绑定一个页面触发元素(链接/按钮等),传入元素id;

  2. 提供子菜单/导航条目的初始化入口,调用方法输入需要初始化的条目数组,以参数方式输入;

  3. 提供对外事件接口,如点击子菜单/导航的事件定义等,供调用方自定义事件实现;

  4. 提供辅助添加功能,如果子菜单是选择信息,而初始化的条目又不符合调用需求,则需提供让给调用方自定义条目的功能,此辅助功能可以根据需要进行屏蔽;



 AutoDiv("btn", false).InitControl([
key: "12",
value: "二个选项(A | B)"
key: "13",
value: "三个选项(A | B | C)"
key: "14",
value: "四个选项(A | B | C | D)"
key: "15",
value: "五个选项(A | B | C | D | E)"
key: "0",
value: "自定义选项类型"
function(value) {
function() {
alert("new dialog.");

  可以看出,在页面中引用该js文件,然后对需要触点弹出的页面元素进行插件绑定即可,其中绑定函数AutoDiv("btn", false)有两个参数,第一个参数是需要绑定的页面元素id,第二个参数是个布尔值,需要自定义辅助功能时传递true,否则传递false。绑定好页面元素后,接下来是链式调用过程,函数InitControl有三个参数,第一个参数是需要展现的菜单项,它是一个键值对数组(key为选择项的反馈表示,value为菜单项显示信息);第二个参数是菜单项选择点击事件的实现,由调用方定义实现,函数有一个参数,即所选菜单项的key值;第三个参数是自定义辅助事件的实现,同样由调用方定义实现。


* write by zhangyu,2013-07-09,v1.0
* 实现触点式菜单弹出及选择功能
*/ function AutoDiv(id, allowNewFlag) {
if (!document.getElementById) return false;
if (!document.createElement) return false; //保存当前上下文
var me = this; me.targetControlID; //定义当前绑定的id及其对象
me.targetObj = null;
me.pupDivObj = null; //定义弹出浮动层对象
me.callBackFun = null; //选中事件
me.callBackNewFun = null; //自定义回调事件
me.isFocusIn = false; //标记浮动层是不是处于鼠标焦点内
me.allowNewFlag = false; //标记是否显示自定义选项类型选项
me.currentIndex = -1; //当前选中的结果索引
me.LastIndex = -1; //上一条选中的结果索引 me.Result; //最后结果‘13’、‘14’、‘15’、‘21’、‘31’ if (id != null && typeof (id) != undefined && id != "") {
if (!document.getElementById(id)) return false;
me.targetControlID = id;
me.targetObj = document.getElementById(id);
} if (allowNewFlag != null && typeof (allowNewFlag) != undefined && allowNewFlag != "") { me.allowNewFlag = allowNewFlag;
} if (me.pupDivObj == null || typeof (me.pupDivObj) == undefined) { me.pupDivObj = document.createElement("div");
me.pupDivObj.setAttribute("class", "pupDiv");
var parent = document.getElementById(me.targetControlID).parentNode;
if (parent != null && typeof (parent) != undefined) {
me.pubDiv = function() {
me.pupDivObj.style.display = "block";
me.pupDivObj.style.backgroundColor = "#ffffff";
me.pupDivObj.style.position = "absolute";
me.pupDivObj.style.top = me.targetObj.getBoundingClientRect().top + 20;
me.pupDivObj.style.left = me.targetObj.getBoundingClientRect().left;
me.pupDivObj.style.width = "150";
me.pupDivObj.innerHTML = me.GetContentTable();
var result = me.pupDivObj.getElementsByTagName("td");
if (result.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
var bb = new BiBaoOnMouseResult(i, me);
AddEvent(result[i], "mouseover", bb.OnMouseOverEx);
AddEvent(result[i], "mouseout", bb.OnMouseOutEx);
AddEvent(result[i], "click", bb.OnMouseClickEx);
me.GetContentTable = function() {
var DivContent = "<table cellSpacing='0' cellPadding='1' align='center' border='0' id='DivContent_Table'>";
for (var i = 0; i < me.itemList.length - 1; i++) {
DivContent += " <tr ReturnValue='" + me.itemList[i].key + "' name='row'>"
+ " <td height='15' nowrap>"
+ " <div style='width:" + (me.pupDivObj.offsetWidth - 12) + ";' class='listOption' title='" + me.FliterString(me.itemList[i].value) + "'>" + me.FliterString(me.itemList[i].value) + "<div>"
+ " </td>"
+ " </tr>";
if (me.allowNewFlag) {
DivContent += " <tr ReturnValue='" + me.itemList[me.itemList.length - 1].key + "' name='line'>"
+ " <td nowrap>"
+ " <div style='font-size:1px; border-top:solid 1px #dde0e0; height:3px;'></div>"
+ " </td>"
+ " </tr>"
+ " <tr ReturnValue='" + me.itemList[me.itemList.length - 1].key + "' name='row'>"
+ " <td height='15' nowrap>"
+ " <div style='width:" + (me.pupDivObj.offsetWidth - 12) + ";' class='listOption' title='" + me.FliterString(me.itemList[me.itemList.length - 1].value) + "'>" + me.FliterString(me.itemList[me.itemList.length - 1].value) + "<div>"
+ " </td>"
+ " </tr>";
DivContent += "</table>";
return DivContent;
me.FliterString = function(orgString) {
orgString = orgString.replace(new RegExp("\"", "gi"), """);
orgString = orgString.replace(new RegExp("'", "gi"), "'");
return orgString;
AddEvent(me.targetObj, "click", function() {
AddEvent(me.pupDivObj, "mouseover", function() {
me.isFocusIn = true;
AddEvent(me.pupDivObj, "mouseout", function() {
me.isFocusIn = false;
me.Hide = function() {
me.pupDivObj.style.display = "none";
me.currentIndex = -1;
me.OnTdMouseOver = function(i) {
me.currentIndex = i;
var result = me.pupDivObj.firstChild;
result.rows[me.currentIndex].style.cursor = "point";
if (!result || result.rows.length <= 0)
if (result.rows[me.currentIndex] != undefined && result.rows[me.currentIndex].name != "line") { //取消之前选中项的颜色
if (result.rows[me.LastIndex] != null) {
result.rows[me.LastIndex].style.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF";
result.rows[me.LastIndex].style.color = "#000000";
if (result.rows[me.currentIndex] != undefined) {
result.rows[me.currentIndex].style.backgroundColor = "gray"; //"#3161CE";
result.rows[me.currentIndex].style.color = "#FFFFFF";
me.LastIndex = me.currentIndex;
me.OnTdMouseOut = function(i) {
var result = me.pupDivObj.firstChild;
if (!result || result.rows.length <= 0)
if (result.rows[me.currentIndex] != undefined && result.rows[me.currentIndex].name != "line") { result.rows[me.currentIndex].style.backgroundColor = "#FFFFFF";
result.rows[me.currentIndex].style.color = "#000000";
me.OnTdMouseClick = function(i) {
var evt = evt || window.event;
var result = me.pupDivObj.firstChild;
if (!result || result.rows.length <= 0)
if (result.rows[me.currentIndex].name != "line") { //给输入框赋值
me.Result = result.rows[me.currentIndex].getAttribute("ReturnValue");
me.pupDivObj.style.display = "none";
me.currentIndex = -1;
if (me.Result == "0") {
else {
AddEvent(me.targetObj, "blur", function() {
if (!me.isFocusIn) {
me.InitControl = function(itemList, callBackFun, callBackNewFun) {
if (itemList.length > 0) {
me.itemList = itemList;
else { me.itemList = []; }
if (me.callBackFun == null || typeof (me.callBackFun) == undefined) {
me.callBackFun = callBackFun;
if (me.callBackNewFun == null || typeof (me.callBackNewFun) == undefined) {
me.callBackNewFun = callBackNewFun;
function AddEvent(target, eventType, callback) {
DeleteEvent(target, eventType, callback);
if (target.addEventListener) {
target.addEventListener(eventType, callback, false);
else {
target.attachEvent("on" + eventType, function(event) { return callback.call(target, event); });
function DeleteEvent(target, eventType, callback) {
if (target.removeEventListener) {
target.removeEventListener(eventType, callback, true);
else {
target.detachEvent("on" + eventType, callback);
return me;
* 新建一个闭包,用于实现鼠标点击搜索结果时的事件,以解决通过训练传递的参数一直是最后一个索引的问题
* writter:zhangyu 2012-01-03
function BiBaoOnMouseResult(i, me) {
this.OnMouseClickEx = function() {
this.OnMouseOverEx = function() {
this.OnMouseOutEx = function() {



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