
linux-VMware tools安装步骤:

(1)在CD-ROM虚拟光驱中选择使用ISO镜像,找到VMWARE TOOLS 安装文件,如D:\VMware\VMware Workstation\Programs\linux.iso


(3)在虚拟机菜单栏中点击“虚拟机-> 安装VMWARE TOOLS” 子菜单,会弹出对话框,点击"确认" 安装;

(4)挂载光驱:mount  /dev/cdrom    /mnt/cdrom(注意命令中输入的空格)这时,你的linux.iso里面的文件就相当于windows光盘里面的文件了;

(5)进入cd  /mnt/cdrom,输入ls命令你将会发现多了两个文件,如:VMwareTools-5.0.0-13124.tar.gz 和VMwareTools-5.0.0-13124.i386.rpm,这就是VMware Tools的Linux软件包,.rpm文件是给Red Hat准备的,我们只需要.tar.gz。

(6)将VMwareTools-5.0.0-13124.tar.gz复制到/tmp/目录下(命令:cp  vmware-linux-tools /tmp);

(7)输入命令:cd   /tmp 进入/tmp目录;

(8)输入命令:tar  zxf  vmware-linux-tools.tar.gz 将刚刚复制的vmware-linux-tools.tar.gz 解压,默认解压到vmware-linux-tools目录下(与文件名同名),此时就会多出一个命名为vmware-linux-tools的文件夹,这里和windows 里面的解压结果一样。

(9)输入命令:cd vmware-linux-tools 进入解压后的目录;

(10)输入命令:./vmware-install.pl(执行vwware的安装脚本,这个脚本是用perl编写的),运行安装VMware tools (.pl文件在前面有提过);

(11)在运行安装过程中,它会一步一步的提出问题要你回应,此过程中全部使用默认值,一直按 Enter 就对了;


(13)好了,安装完成。现在你应该已经能看到VMware Tools安装后的效果了:鼠标再也不需要用Ctrl+Alt切换于虚拟与现实之间,一切过渡得那么自然;虚拟机的分辨率也能依窗口的大小来自动适应,一切显得那样和谐;我们也可以使用/mnt/hgfs共享文件夹了,一切都是那么的方便。



  如果是[warning] [guestinfo]recordrountinginfo:unable to collect IPv4 routing table;则通过如下方式解决:

一. Cause(出现的原因)

This issue occurs when the Linux iputils package causes a delay in the boot process. A warning message appears when the guestinfo plug-in tool fails to parse the content from the /proc/net/route file. The guest operating system's clock is ahead of the host on which it is running, causing the arping process to become unresponsive during boot. This results in the delayed boot times.

When a virtual machine is affected this issue occurs every time it boots, but it does not happen on every Linux virtual machine.


To resolve this issue, see the RedHat Advisory RHBA-2013:1290.

Note: The preceding link was correct as of December 11, 2013. If you find the link is broken, provide feedback and a VMware employee will update the link.

二.Resolve (解决的方法1:已采用)

To work around this issue, add rtc.diffFromUTC=0 to the .vmx file of the affected virtual machine. This forces a time sync, which enables the arping process to complete as expected leading to normal boot times.

To add rtc.diffFromUTC=0 to the .vmx file:

1.Power off the virtual machine.

2.Log in to the ESXi/ESX host on which the virtual machine is located with a secure shell session.

3.Change to the virtual machine's .vmx file location (located at /vmfs/volumes/datastore_name/vm_name).

4.Create a backup of the .vmx file.

5.Open and edit the original .vmx file with a text editor.

6.Add this entry to the end of the .vmx file:


7.Close and save the .vmx file.

8.Power on the virtual machine.

三. Resolve (解决的方法2:该方法未验证)

1 # locate libtimeSync.so

2 /root/vmware-tools-distrib/lib/plugins32/vmsvc/libtimeSync.so

3 /root/vmware-tools-distrib/lib/plugins64/vmsvc/libtimeSync.so

4 /usr/lib/vmware-tools/plugins32/vmsvc/libtimeSync.so

5 /usr/lib/vmware-tools/plugins64/vmsvc/libtimeSync.so

重命名 /usr/lib/ 下的 libtimeSync.so 为libtimeSync.so.bak


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