
</dependency> <dependency>
</dependency> <dependency>



import; /**
* @author: hanchunyu
* @since 2022/11/2 下午5:54
* <p>
* Description:
public class FilePermissionUtil {
* 判断文件是否有读权限
* @param file
* 文件
* @return
public static Boolean canRead(File file) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
try {
File[] listFiles = file.listFiles();
if (listFiles == null) { // 返回null表示无法读取或访问,如果为空目录返回的是一个空数组
return false;
} else {
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
} else if (!file.exists()) { // 文件不存在
return false;
return checkRead(file);
} /**
* 检测文件是否有读权限
* @param file
* 文件
* @return
private static boolean checkRead(File file) {
FileReader fd = null;
try {
fd = new FileReader(file);
while (( != -1) {
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
} /**
* 判断文件是否有写权限
* @param file
* 文件
* @return
public static Boolean canWrite(File file) {
if (file.isDirectory()) {
try {
file = new File(file, "canWriteTestDeleteOnExit.temp");
if (file.exists()) {
boolean checkWrite = checkWrite(file);
if (!deleteFile(file)) {
return checkWrite;
} else if (file.createNewFile()) {
if (!deleteFile(file)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return checkWrite(file);
} /**
* 检测文件是否有写权限
* @param file
* 文件
* @return
private static boolean checkWrite(File file) {
FileWriter fw = null;
boolean delete = !file.exists();
boolean result = false;
try {
fw = new FileWriter(file, true);
result = true;
return result;
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
} finally {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
if (delete && result) {
} /**
* 删除文件,如果要删除的对象是文件夹,先删除所有子文件(夹),再删除该文件
* @param file
* 要删除的文件对象
* @return 删除是否成功
public static boolean deleteFile(File file) {
return deleteFile(file, true);
} /**
* 删除文件,如果要删除的对象是文件夹,则根据delDir判断是否同时删除文件夹
* @param file
* 要删除的文件对象
* @param delDir
* 是否删除目录
* @return 删除是否成功
public static boolean deleteFile(File file, boolean delDir) {
if (!file.exists()) { // 文件不存在
return true;
if (file.isFile()) {
return file.delete();
} else {
boolean result = true;
File[] children = file.listFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { // 删除所有子文件和子文件夹
result = deleteFile(children[i], delDir);// 递归删除文件
if (!result) {
return false;
if (delDir) {
result = file.delete(); // 删除当前文件夹
return result;


import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List; import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import;
import cn.hutool.core.util.RuntimeUtil; public class HttpdUtils { public void modHttpdPort(String port) {
List<String> lines = FileUtil.readLines(new File("/etc/apache2/httpd.conf"), Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
List<String> reLines = new ArrayList<String>();
for (String line : lines) {
if (line.startsWith("Listen ")) {
line = "Listen " + port;
FileUtil.writeLines(reLines, new File("/etc/apache2/httpd.conf"), Charset.forName("UTF-8")); } public void releaseFile() {
ClassPathResource resource = new ClassPathResource("file/dav_svn.conf");
FileUtil.writeFromStream(resource.getStream(), "/etc/apache2/conf.d/dav_svn.conf");
} public void start() {
RuntimeUtil.exec("httpd -k start");
} public void stop() {
RuntimeUtil.exec("pkill httpd");
} }


import cn.hutool.core.util.ZipUtil;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.*;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.auth.ISVNAuthenticationManager;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.internal.wc.DefaultSVNOptions;
import org.tmatesoft.svn.core.wc.*; import*;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.util.*; /**
* @author: hanchunyu
* @since 2022/11/2 下午5:54
* <p>
* Description: SVN仓库操作工具类
public class RepositoryUtil { public static Boolean DoUpdateStatus = true;
// 声明SVN客户端管理类
private static SVNClientManager ourClientManager; static {
// 初始化库。 必须先执行此操作。具体操作封装在setupLibrary方法中。
// For using over http:// and https://
DAVRepositoryFactory.setup(); // For using over svn:// and svn+xxx://
SVNRepositoryFactoryImpl.setup(); // For using over file://
} /**
* 创建镜像(默认携带admin用户)
* @param path
* 路径
* @param name
* 仓库名
public static void createRepository(String path, String name) { // 创建仓库
String dir = path + "repo" + File.separator + name;
if (!FileUtil.exist(dir + File.separator + "db")) {
ClassPathResource resource = new ClassPathResource("file/");
InputStream inputStream = resource.getStream();
File temp = new File(path + "temp" + File.separator + "file/");
FileUtil.writeFromStream(inputStream, temp);
ZipUtil.unzip(temp, new File(dir));
} /**
* 创建仓库(最初形式)
* @param path
* 仓库路径
* @return
public static Boolean initRepository(String path) {
try {
SVNRepositoryFactory.createLocalRepository(new File(path), true, false);
return true;
} catch (SVNException e) {
return false;
} /**
* 检出仓库
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @param targetPath
* 本地仓库路径
* @return
public static Long checkOut(String svnPath, String targetPath) {
return checkOut(svnPath, targetPath, "admin", "admin");
} /**
* 拉取镜像
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @param targetPath
* 本地仓库路径
* @param svnUserName
* 用户名
* @param svnPassWord
* 密码
* @return -1L发生错误 -- 版本号
public static Long checkOut(String svnPath, String targetPath, String svnUserName, String svnPassWord) { // 相关变量赋值
SVNURL repositoryURL = null;
try {
repositoryURL = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(svnPath);
} catch (SVNException e) {
return -1L;
DefaultSVNOptions options = new DefaultSVNOptions();
// 实例化客户端管理类
SVNClientManager ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance(options, svnUserName, svnPassWord);
// 要把版本库的内容check out到的目录
File wcDir = new File(targetPath);
// 通过客户端管理类获得updateClient类的实例。
SVNUpdateClient updateClient = ourClientManager.getUpdateClient();
// 执行check out 操作,返回工作副本的版本号。
long workingVersion = -1;
try {
if (wcDir.exists()) {
workingVersion = updateClient.doCheckout(repositoryURL, wcDir, SVNRevision.HEAD, SVNRevision.HEAD,
SVNDepth.INFINITY, false); } catch (Exception e) {
return -1L;
} System.out.println("把版本:" + workingVersion + " check out 到目录:" + wcDir + "中。");
try {
} catch (SVNException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return workingVersion;
} /**
* 更新仓库
* @param targetPath
* 本地仓库路径
* @return
public static Integer doUpdate(String targetPath) {
return doUpdate(targetPath, "admin", "admin");
} /**
* 更新svn
* @param targetPath
* 本地仓库路径
* @param svnUserName
* 用户名
* @param svnPassWord
* 密码
* @return int(- 1更新失败 , 1成功 , 0有程序在占用更新)
public static Integer doUpdate(String targetPath, String svnUserName, String svnPassWord) {
if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(RepositoryUtil.DoUpdateStatus)) {
return 0;
RepositoryUtil.DoUpdateStatus = false; /* * For using over http:// and https:// */
try {
ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
// 实例化客户端管理类
SVNClientManager ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance((DefaultSVNOptions) options, svnUserName,
// 要更新的文件
File updateFile = new File(targetPath);
// 获得updateClient的实例
SVNUpdateClient updateClient = ourClientManager.getUpdateClient();
// 执行更新操作
long versionNum = updateClient.doUpdate(updateFile, SVNRevision.HEAD, SVNDepth.INFINITY, false, false);
System.out.println("工作副本更新后的版本:" + versionNum);
DoUpdateStatus = true;
return 1;
} catch (SVNException e) {
DoUpdateStatus = true;
return -1;
} /**
* Svn提交 list.add("a.txt")可直接添加单个文件;
* list.add("aaa")添加文件夹将添加夹子内所有的文件到svn,预添加文件必须先添加其所在的文件夹;
* @param fileRelativePathList
* 文件相对路径
* @param targetPath
* 本地仓库
* @param username
* 用户名
* @param passWord
* 密码
* @return Boolean
public static Boolean doCommit(List<String> fileRelativePathList, String targetPath, String username,
String passWord) { ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
// 实例化客户端管理类
ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance((DefaultSVNOptions) options, username, passWord);
// 要提交的文件夹子
File commitFile = new File(targetPath);
// 获取此文件的状态(是文件做了修改还是新添加的文件?)
SVNStatus status = null;
File addFile = null;
String strPath = null;
try {
if (fileRelativePathList != null && fileRelativePathList.size() > 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < fileRelativePathList.size(); i++) {
strPath = fileRelativePathList.get(i);
addFile = new File(targetPath + "/" + strPath);
status = ourClientManager.getStatusClient().doStatus(addFile, true);
// 如果此文件是新增加的则先把此文件添加到版本库,然后提交。
if (null == status || status.getContentsStatus() == SVNStatusType.STATUS_UNVERSIONED) {
// 把此文件增加到版本库中
ourClientManager.getWCClient().doAdd(addFile, false, false, false, SVNDepth.INFINITY, false,
// 提交此文件
} // 如果此文件不是新增加的,直接提交。
ourClientManager.getCommitClient().doCommit(new File[] { commitFile }, true, "", null, null, true, false,
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return true;
} /**
* 提交代码
* @param fileRelativePath
* 相对于仓库路径
* @param targetPath
* 仓库路径
* @return
public static Boolean doCommit(String fileRelativePath, String targetPath) {
return doCommit(fileRelativePath, targetPath, "admin", "admin");
} /**
* Svn提交
* @param fileRelativePath
* 文件相对仓库路径
* @param targetPath
* 本地仓库
* @param username
* 用户名
* @param passWord
* 密码
* @return Boolean
public static Boolean doCommit(String fileRelativePath, String targetPath, String username, String passWord) {
ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
// 实例化客户端管理类
ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance((DefaultSVNOptions) options, username, passWord);
// 要提交的文件夹子
File commitFile = new File(targetPath);
// 获取此文件的状态(是文件做了修改还是新添加的文件?)
SVNStatus status = null;
File addFile = null;
try {
if (fileRelativePath != null && fileRelativePath.trim().length() > 0) {
addFile = new File(ToolUtils.endDir(targetPath) + fileRelativePath);
status = ourClientManager.getStatusClient().doStatus(addFile, true);
// 如果此文件是新增加的则先把此文件添加到版本库,然后提交。
if (null == status || status.getContentsStatus() == SVNStatusType.STATUS_UNVERSIONED) {
// 把此文件增加到版本库中
ourClientManager.getWCClient().doAdd(addFile, false, false, false, SVNDepth.INFINITY, false, false);
// 提交此文件
} else if ("".equals(fileRelativePath)) {
File[] files =;
for (File f : files) {
if (!f.getPath().equals(ToolUtils.endDir(targetPath) + ".svn")) {
status = ourClientManager.getStatusClient().doStatus(f, true);
// 如果此文件是新增加的则先把此文件添加到版本库,然后提交。
if (null == status || status.getContentsStatus() == SVNStatusType.STATUS_UNVERSIONED) {
// 把此文件增加到版本库中
ourClientManager.getWCClient().doAdd(f, false, false, false, SVNDepth.INFINITY, false,
} }
// 如果此文件不是新增加的,直接提交。
ourClientManager.getCommitClient().doCommit(new File[] { commitFile }, true, "commit all", null, null, true,
false, SVNDepth.INFINITY);
} catch (Exception e) {
return false;
return true;
} /**
* 导入文件
* @param dirPath
* 文件加路径
* @param svnPath
* SVN仓库路径
* @return
public static Boolean doImport(String dirPath, String svnPath) {
return doImport(dirPath, svnPath, "admin", "admin");
} /**
* 将文件导入并提交到svn 同路径文件要是已经存在将会报错
* @param dirPath
* 文件夹路径
* @param svnPath
* 仓库路径
* @param username
* 用户名
* @param passWord
* 密码
* @return Boolean
public static Boolean doImport(String dirPath, String svnPath, String username, String passWord) {
// 相关变量赋值
SVNURL repositoryURL = null;
try {
repositoryURL = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(svnPath);
} catch (SVNException e) {
ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
// 实例化客户端管理类
ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance((DefaultSVNOptions) options, username, passWord);
// 要把此目录中的内容导入到版本库
File impDir = new File(dirPath);
// 执行导入操作
SVNCommitInfo commitInfo = null;
try {
commitInfo = ourClientManager.getCommitClient().doImport(impDir, repositoryURL, "import operation!", null,
false, false, SVNDepth.INFINITY);
} catch (SVNException e) {
return false;
return true;
} /**
* 删除本地仓库文件夹
* @param dirPath
* 本地路径
* @return
public static Boolean doDeleteLocalDir(String dirPath) {
return doDeleteLocalDir(dirPath, "admin", "admin");
} /**
* 删除本地仓库文件夹
* @param dirPath
* 本地路径
* @param username
* 用户名
* @param passWord
* 密码
* @return
public static Boolean doDeleteLocalDir(String dirPath, String username, String passWord) {
ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
// 实例化客户端管理类
ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance((DefaultSVNOptions) options, username, passWord);
// 要把此目录中的内容导入到版本库
File impDir = new File(dirPath); try {
ourClientManager.getWCClient().doDelete(impDir, false, false);
} catch (SVNException e) {
return false;
return true;
} /**
* @param path
* 文件夹路径
* @return
public static Boolean doMkDir(String path) {
return doMkDir(new String[] { path });
} /**
* @param path
* 文件夹路径
* @return
public static Boolean doMkDir(String[] path) {
return doMkDir(path, "admin", "admin");
} /**
* @param path
* 文件夹路径
* @param username
* 用户名
* @param passWord
* 密码
* @return
public static Boolean doMkDir(String[] path, String username, String passWord) { // 相关变量赋值
SVNURL[] repositoryURL = new SVNURL[path.length];
try {
for (int i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
SVNURL svnurl = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(path[i]);
repositoryURL[i] = svnurl;
} catch (SVNException e) {
return false;
} ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
// 实例化客户端管理类
ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance((DefaultSVNOptions) options, username, passWord);
SVNCommitInfo commitInfo = null;
try {
commitInfo = ourClientManager.getCommitClient().doMkDir(repositoryURL, "mkdir");
} catch (SVNException e) {
return false;
return true;
} /**
* 删除仓库
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @return
public static Boolean doDelete(String svnPath) {
String[] path = { svnPath };
return doDelete(path);
} /**
* 删除文件夹
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @return
public static Boolean doDelete(String[] svnPath) {
return doDelete(svnPath, "admin", "admin");
} /**
* 删除文件夹
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @param username
* 用户名
* @param passWord
* 密码
* @return
public static Boolean doDelete(String[] svnPath, String username, String passWord) { ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
// 实例化客户端管理类
ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance((DefaultSVNOptions) options, username, passWord); // 相关变量赋值
SVNURL[] repositoryURL = new SVNURL[svnPath.length];
try {
for (int i = 0; i < svnPath.length; i++) {
SVNURL svnurl = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(svnPath[i]);
repositoryURL[i] = svnurl;
} catch (SVNException e) {
return false;
} // 执行导入操作
SVNCommitInfo commitInfo = null;
try {
commitInfo = ourClientManager.getCommitClient().doDelete(repositoryURL, "delete file");
} catch (SVNException e) {
return false;
return true;
} /**
* 清除仓库中的锁,以及未完成的操作
* @param targetPath
* 本地仓库路径
* @param username
* 用户名
* @param passWord
* 密码
* @return Boolean
public static Boolean doCleanup(String targetPath, String username, String passWord) {
ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
// 实例化客户端管理类
ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance((DefaultSVNOptions) options, username, passWord);
File wcDir = new File(targetPath);
if (wcDir.exists()) {
try {
} catch (SVNException e) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
} /**
* 下载压缩包
* @param path
* 仓库路径
public static void checkoutZip(String path) {
checkoutZip(path, "/data/repo");
} /**
* 下载压缩包
* @param path
* 仓库路径
* @param targetPath
* 本地路径
public static void checkoutZip(String path, String targetPath) {
checkoutZip(path, targetPath, "admin", "admin");
} /**
* 下载压缩包
* @param path
* 仓库路径
* @param targetPath
* 本地路径
* @param userName
* 用户名
* @param passWord
* 密码
public static void checkoutZip(String path, String targetPath, String userName, String passWord) {
Long isSuccess = RepositoryUtil.checkOut(path, targetPath, userName, passWord); String[] split = path.split(File.separator);
String fileName = split[split.length - 1]; String zipFilePath = targetPath + fileName + ".zip";, zipFilePath);
if (isSuccess != -1L) {
try (FileInputStream is = new FileInputStream(zipFilePath)) { DownloadFileEvent(fileName + ".zip", DataConvert.inputStreamToByte(is)));
} catch (Exception ex) {
} finally { Path tempPath = Paths.get(zipFilePath);
FileUtil.del(tempPath); }
} /**
* 获取文件,判断是否是.svn文件夹
* @param f
* 文件
public static void getFile(File f) {
File[] files = f.listFiles();
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
if (".svn".equals(files[i].getName())) {
if (files[i].isDirectory()) {
} /**
* 获取SVN文件夹
* @param path
* 仓库路径
* @param revision
* 版本号
* @param properties
* SVN配置
* @param dirEntries
* 文件夹集合
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @param username
* 用户
* @param password
* 密码
* @return
* @throws SVNException
public static List<DirNodeDTO> getSvnDir(String path, long revision, SVNProperties properties,
Collection dirEntries, String svnPath, String username, String password) throws SVNException { /*
* 创建SVNRepository来管理repository. SVNURL 是url的包装对象
SVNRepository repository = SVNRepositoryFactory.create(SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(svnPath)); // 登录
ISVNAuthenticationManager authManager = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultAuthenticationManager(username, password);
repository.setAuthenticationManager(authManager); ArrayList<DirNodeDTO> dirNodes = new ArrayList<>();
return getDirPath(dirNodes, null, repository, path, revision, properties, dirEntries);
} /**
* 获取SVN文件夹
* @param path
* 仓库路径
* @param revision
* 版本号
* @param properties
* SVN配置
* @param dirEntries
* 文件夹集合
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @return
* @throws SVNException
public static List<DirNodeDTO> getSvnDir(String path, long revision, SVNProperties properties,
Collection dirEntries, String svnPath) throws SVNException {
return getSvnDir(path, revision, properties, dirEntries, svnPath, "admin", "admin");
} /**
* 获取SVN文件夹
* @param path
* 仓库路径
* @param revision
* 版本号
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @return
* @throws SVNException
public static List<DirNodeDTO> getSvnDir(String path, long revision, String svnPath) throws SVNException {
return getSvnDir(path, revision, null, null, svnPath);
} /**
* 获取SVN文件夹
* @param path
* 仓库路径
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @return
* @throws SVNException
public static List<DirNodeDTO> getSvnDir(String path, String svnPath) throws SVNException {
return getSvnDir(path, -1, svnPath);
} /**
* 获取SVN文件夹
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @return
* @throws SVNException
public static List<DirNodeDTO> getSvnDir(String svnPath) throws SVNException {
return getSvnDir("", svnPath);
} /**
* 获取文件路径
* @param list
* 文件实体集合
* @param dir
* 文件实体
* @param repository
* SVN仓库
* @param path
* 路径
* @param revision
* 版本号
* @param properties
* 配置
* @param dirEntries
* 实体集合
* @return
* @throws SVNException
public static List<DirNodeDTO> getDirPath(List<DirNodeDTO> list, DirNodeDTO dir, SVNRepository repository,
String path, long revision, SVNProperties properties, Collection dirEntries) throws SVNException {
Collection entries = repository.getDir(path, revision, null, (Collection) null);
Iterator iterator = entries.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
SVNDirEntry entry = (SVNDirEntry);
* SVNNodeKind.NONE :无此目录或文件 SVNNodeKind.FILE :该地址是个文件 SVNNodeKind.DIR :该地址是个目录
SVNNodeKind nodeKind = repository.checkPath(entry.getName(), -1); DirNodeDTO dirNode = new DirNodeDTO();
dirNode.setPath(path.equals("") ? entry.getName() : path + "/" + entry.getName());
if (entry.getKind().toString().equals("file")) {
} else {
} System.out.println(dirNode); list.add(dirNode);
if (entry.getKind().toString().equals("dir")) {
getDirPath(list, dirNode, repository, dirNode.getPath(), revision, null, (Collection) null);
return list;
} /**
* 获取仓库文件
* @param path
* 路径
* @param revision
* 版本
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @param username
* 用户名
* @param password
* 密码
* @return
* @throws SVNException
public static RepositoryFileContentDTO getSvnFile(String path, long revision, String svnPath, String username,
String password) throws SVNException { /*
* 创建SVNRepository来管理repository. SVNURL 是url的包装对象
SVNRepository repository = SVNRepositoryFactory.create(SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(svnPath)); // 登录
ISVNAuthenticationManager authManager = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultAuthenticationManager(username, password);
repository.setAuthenticationManager(authManager); return getFileContext(repository, path, revision);
} /**
* 获取仓库文件
* @param path
* 路径
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @param username
* 用户名
* @param password
* 密码
* @return
* @throws SVNException
public static RepositoryFileContentDTO getSvnFile(String path, String svnPath, String username, String password)
throws SVNException {
return getSvnFile(path, -1, svnPath, username, password);
} /**
* 获取仓库文件
* @param path
* 路径
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @return
* @throws SVNException
public static RepositoryFileContentDTO getSvnFile(String path, String svnPath) throws SVNException {
return getSvnFile(path, -1, svnPath, "admin", "admin");
} /**
* 获取仓库文件
* @param repository
* 仓库
* @param path
* 路径
* @param revision
* 版本
* @return
* @throws SVNException
public static RepositoryFileContentDTO getFileContext(SVNRepository repository, String path, long revision)
throws SVNException { /*
* SVNNodeKind.NONE :无此目录或文件 SVNNodeKind.FILE :该地址是个文件 SVNNodeKind.DIR :该地址是个目录
SVNNodeKind nodeKind = repository.checkPath(path, revision); if (nodeKind.toString().equals("file")) {
SVNProperties fileProperties = new SVNProperties();
ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
* 获取文件内容和属性。-1:最后版本。
repository.getFile(path, -1, fileProperties, baos);
String mimeType = fileProperties.getStringValue(SVNProperty.MIME_TYPE);
boolean isTextType = SVNProperty.isTextMimeType(mimeType); if (isTextType) {
try {
System.out.println("@" + new String(baos.toString("UTF-8")));
} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
RepositoryFileContentDTO repositoryFileContent = new RepositoryFileContentDTO();
return repositoryFileContent;
return null;
} /**
* 对比文件
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @param path
* 文件路径
* @param rivision1
* 版本号
* @param rivision2
* 版本号
* @return
* @throws SVNException
* @throws Exception
public static String diff(String svnPath, String path, Long rivision1, Long rivision2)
throws SVNException, Exception {
return diff(svnPath, path, rivision1, path, rivision2);
} /**
* 对比文件
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @param path1
* 文件路径
* @param rivision1
* 版本号
* @param path2
* 文件路径
* @param rivision2
* 版本号
* @return
* @throws SVNException
* @throws Exception
public static String diff(String svnPath, String path1, Long rivision1, String path2, Long rivision2)
throws SVNException, Exception {
return diff(svnPath, "admin", "admin", path1, rivision1, path2, rivision2);
} /**
* 对比文件内容
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @param userName
* 用户名
* @param passWord
* 面
* @param path1
* 路径
* @param rivision1
* 版本
* @param path2
* 路径
* @param rivision2
* 版本
* @return
* @throws SVNException
* @throws Exception
public static String diff(String svnPath, String userName, String passWord, String path1, Long rivision1,
String path2, Long rivision2) throws SVNException, Exception {
return diff(svnPath, userName, passWord, path1, SVNRevision.create(rivision1), path2,
} /**
* 对比文件内容
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @param userName
* 用户名
* @param passWord
* 面
* @param path1
* 路径
* @param rivision1
* 版本
* @param path2
* 路径
* @param rivision2
* 版本
* @return
* @throws SVNException
* @throws Exception
public static String diff(String svnPath, String userName, String passWord, String path1, SVNRevision rivision1,
String path2, SVNRevision rivision2) throws SVNException, Exception {
return diff(svnPath, userName, passWord, path1, rivision1, path2, rivision2, (String) null);
} /**
* 对比文件内容
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @param userName
* 用户名
* @param passWord
* 面
* @param path1
* 路径
* @param rivision1
* 版本
* @param path2
* 路径
* @param rivision2
* 版本
* @param targetPath
* 内容输出文件路径
* @return
* @throws SVNException
* @throws Exception
public static String diff(String svnPath, String userName, String passWord, String path1, SVNRevision rivision1,
String path2, SVNRevision rivision2, String targetPath) throws SVNException, Exception { ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
// 实例化客户端管理类
ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance((DefaultSVNOptions) options, userName, passWord); SVNDiffClient diffClient = ourClientManager.getDiffClient();
// StringOutputStream result = new StringOutputStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); SVNURL svnUrl1 = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(ToolUtils.endDir(svnPath) + path1);
SVNURL svnUrl2 = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(ToolUtils.endDir(svnPath) + path2); diffClient.doDiff(svnUrl1, rivision1, svnUrl2, rivision2, SVNDepth.INFINITY, true, out); if (targetPath != null && "".equals(targetPath)) {
FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = null;
try {
fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(targetPath);
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {
} System.out.println(out.toString("UTF-8"));
return out.toString("UTF-8");
} /**
* 获得指定版本提交日志信息
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @return 日志实体集合
* @throws SVNException
public static List<SVNCommitLogDTO> getCommitLog(String svnPath) throws SVNException {
ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
// 实例化客户端管理类
ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance((DefaultSVNOptions) options, "admin", "admin");
SVNRepository repository = ourClientManager.createRepository(SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(svnPath), true);
SVNDirEntry entry =".", -1);
return getCommitLog(svnPath, (int) entry.getRevision());
} /**
* 获得指定版本提交日志信息
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @param limit
* 展示数
* @return 日志实体集合
* @throws SVNException
public static List<SVNCommitLogDTO> getCommitLog(String svnPath, int limit) throws SVNException {
ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
// 实例化客户端管理类
ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance((DefaultSVNOptions) options, "admin", "admin");
SVNRepository repository = ourClientManager.createRepository(SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(svnPath), true);
SVNDirEntry entry =".", -1);
return getCommitLog(svnPath, (int) entry.getRevision(), 1, limit);
} /**
* 获得指定版本提交日志信息
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @param revision
* 版本
* @param limit
* 展示数
* @return 日志实体集合
* @throws SVNException
public static List<SVNCommitLogDTO> getCommitLog(String svnPath, int revision, int limit) throws SVNException {
ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
// 实例化客户端管理类
ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance((DefaultSVNOptions) options, "admin", "admin");
SVNRepository repository = ourClientManager.createRepository(SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(svnPath), true);
SVNDirEntry entry =".", -1);
return getCommitLog(svnPath, (int) entry.getRevision(), revision, limit);
} /**
* 获得指定版本提交日志信息
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @param startRevision
* 开始版本号
* @param endRevision
* 结束版本号
* @param limit
* 展示数
* @return 日志实体集合
* @throws SVNException
public static List<SVNCommitLogDTO> getCommitLog(String svnPath, int startRevision, int endRevision, int limit)
throws SVNException {
return getCommitLog(svnPath, new String[] {}, -1, startRevision, endRevision, limit);
} /**
* 获得指定版本提交日志信息
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @param paths
* 文件路径
* @param pegRevision
* 文件版本号
* @param startRevision
* 开始版本号
* @param endRevision
* 结束版本号
* @param limit
* 展示数
* @return 日志实体集合
* @throws SVNException
public static List<SVNCommitLogDTO> getCommitLog(String svnPath, String[] paths, int pegRevision, int startRevision,
int endRevision, int limit) throws SVNException {
return getCommitLog(svnPath, "admin", "admin", paths, pegRevision, startRevision, endRevision, limit);
} /**
* 获得指定版本提交日志信息
* @param svnPath
* SVN路径
* @param userName
* 用户名
* @param passWord
* 密码
* @param paths
* 文件路径
* @param pegRevision
* 文件版本号
* @param startRevision
* 开始版本号
* @param endRevision
* 结束版本号
* @param limit
* 展示数
* @return 日志实体集合
* @throws SVNException
public static List<SVNCommitLogDTO> getCommitLog(String svnPath, String userName, String passWord, String[] paths,
int pegRevision, int startRevision, int endRevision, int limit) throws SVNException { // 3.初始化权限
ISVNAuthenticationManager isvnAuthenticationManager = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultAuthenticationManager(userName,
// 4.创建SVNClientManager的实例
ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
// 实例化客户端管理类
SVNClientManager svnClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance((DefaultSVNOptions) options, "admin", "admin");
SVNLogClient svnLogClient = svnClientManager.getLogClient();
ArrayList<SVNCommitLogDTO> logList = new ArrayList<>();
try {
svnLogClient.doLog(SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(svnPath), paths, SVNRevision.create(pegRevision),
SVNRevision.create(startRevision), SVNRevision.create(endRevision), false, true, false, limit, null,
svnLogEntry -> {
SVNCommitLogDTO svnCommitLogDTO = new SVNCommitLogDTO();
svnCommitLogDTO.setCommitDate(svnLogEntry.getDate()); Collection<SVNLogEntryPath> svnLogEntryPathCollection = svnLogEntry.getChangedPaths().values();
List<SVNFileEntryDTO> fileEntryDTOList = new ArrayList<>();
for (SVNLogEntryPath svnLogEntryPath : svnLogEntryPathCollection) {
int i = svnLogEntryPath.getPath().lastIndexOf("/");
String substring = svnLogEntryPath.getPath().substring(0, i);
SVNClientManager svnClientManager2 = SVNClientManager.newInstance(options,
SVNRepository repository = svnClientManager2
.createRepository(SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(svnPath), true);
List<SVNFileEntryDTO> svnFileEntryDTOList = new ArrayList<>();
listEntries(repository, substring, svnLogEntry.getRevision(), svnFileEntryDTOList);
for (SVNFileEntryDTO svnFileEntryDTO : svnFileEntryDTOList) {
if (svnFileEntryDTO.getPath().equals(svnLogEntryPath.getPath())) {
} catch (Exception e) {
return logList;
} /**
* 获取文件详情信息
* @param repository
* 镜像
* @param path
* 路径
* @param revision
* 版本
* @param svnFileEntryDTOList
* 文件实体集合
* @throws SVNException
private static void listEntries(SVNRepository repository, String path, Long revision,
List<SVNFileEntryDTO> svnFileEntryDTOList) throws SVNException {
// 获取版本库的path目录下的所有条目。参数-1表示是最新版本。
Collection entries = null;
try {
entries = repository.getDir(path, revision, null, (Collection) null);
} catch (Exception e) {
Iterator iterator = entries.iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
SVNDirEntry entry = (SVNDirEntry);
// 创建文件对象
SVNFileEntryDTO svnFileEntryDTO = new SVNFileEntryDTO();
svnFileEntryDTO.setPath("/" + ("".equals(path) ? "" : path + "/") + entry.getName());
svnFileEntryDTO.setPath(svnFileEntryDTO.getPath().replace("//", "/"));
if (entry.getKind() == SVNNodeKind.DIR) {
listEntries(repository, (path.equals("")) ? entry.getName() : ToolUtils.endDir(path) + entry.getName(),
revision, svnFileEntryDTOList);
} /**
* 获取指定版本的文件并转换为字符串
* @param url
* SVN路径
* @param version
* 版本
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static String getRevisionFileContent(String url, int version) throws Exception {
return getRevisionFileContent(url, "admin", "admin", version);
} /**
* 获取指定版本的文件并转换为字符串
* @param url
* SVN路径
* @param userName
* 用户名
* @param passWord
* 密码
* @param version
* 版本
* @return
* @throws Exception
public static String getRevisionFileContent(String url, String userName, String passWord, int version)
throws Exception { // create clientManager
ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance((DefaultSVNOptions) options, userName, passWord); // generate client
SVNWCClient wcClient = ourClientManager.getWCClient(); SVNURL repositoryUrl = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(url);
OutputStream contentStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
wcClient.doGetFileContents(repositoryUrl, SVNRevision.HEAD, SVNRevision.create(version), false, contentStream);
return contentStream.toString();
} /**
* 获取指定版本的文件并转换为字符串
* @param url
* SVN路径
* @param userName
* 用户名
* @param passWord
* 密码
* @param version
* 版本
* @return 文件
* @throws Exception
public File getRevisionFile(String url, String userName, String passWord, String version) throws Exception { // create clientManager
ISVNOptions options = SVNWCUtil.createDefaultOptions(true);
ourClientManager = SVNClientManager.newInstance((DefaultSVNOptions) options, userName, passWord); // generate client
SVNWCClient wcClient = ourClientManager.getWCClient(); SVNURL repositoryUrl = SVNURL.parseURIEncoded(url); SVNRevision revision = SVNRevision.create(Long.parseLong(version));
File file = File.createTempFile("patch-", ".tmp");
OutputStream contentStream = new FileOutputStream(file);
wcClient.doGetFileContents(repositoryUrl, SVNRevision.HEAD, revision, false, contentStream);
return file;
} /**
* 扫描仓库
* @param path
* 扫描的地址
* @return
public static HashMap<String, String> scanRepository(String path) {
HashMap<String, String> paths = new HashMap<>();
File dir = new File(path + "repo" + File.separator);
for (File file : dir.listFiles()) {
if (FileUtil.isDirectory(file) //
&& FileUtil.exist(file.getPath() + File.separator + "conf") //
&& FileUtil.exist(file.getPath() + File.separator + "db") //
&& FileUtil.exist(file.getPath() + File.separator + "hooks") //
&& FileUtil.exist(file.getPath() + File.separator + "locks")) {
paths.put(file.getName(), path);
return paths;
} }


import cn.hutool.core.util.RuntimeUtil; import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List; /**
* @author: hanchunyu
* @since 2022/11/2 上午10:58
* <p>
* Description: SVN服务器服务
public class SvnServiceUtil { /**
* 创建SVN目录
* @param path
* 服务器路径
public static void createSvnDir(String path) {
// 创建仓库目录
FileUtil.mkdir(path + "repo");
} /**
* 停止服务器
public static void stopSvnServer() {
if (SystemUtil.isWindows()) {
RuntimeUtil.execForStr("taskkill /f /im svnserve.exe");
} else {
RuntimeUtil.execForStr("killall svnserve");
} /**
* 开启服务器
* @param path
* 服务器路径
* @param port
* 端口号
* @return
public static String startSvnServer(String path, String port) {
String rs = null;
if (SystemUtil.isWindows()) {
// 使用vbs后台运行
String cmd = "svnserve.exe -d -r " + (path + "repo").replace("/", "\\") + " --listen-port " + port;
List<String> vbs = new ArrayList<>();
vbs.add("set ws=WScript.CreateObject(\"WScript.Shell\")");
vbs.add("ws.Run \"" + cmd + " \",0");
FileUtil.writeLines(vbs, path + "run.vbs", Charset.forName("UTF-8")); rs = RuntimeUtil.execForStr("wscript " + path + "run.vbs");
} else {
rs = RuntimeUtil.execForStr("svnserve -d -r " + path + "repo --listen-port " + port);
return rs;
} public static Boolean getStatus(SvnServerBean svnServerBean) {
Boolean isRun = false;
String status = ""; SvnProtocolEnum serverProtocol = svnServerBean.getServerProtocol();
if (SvnProtocolEnum.HTTP.equals(serverProtocol) || SvnProtocolEnum.HTTPS.equals(serverProtocol)) {
String[] command = { "/bin/sh", "-c", "ps -ef|grep httpd" };
String rs = RuntimeUtil.execForStr(command);
isRun = rs.contains("httpd -k start");
} else {
if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(SystemUtil.isWindows())) {
String[] command = { "tasklist" };
String rs = RuntimeUtil.execForStr(command);
isRun = rs.toLowerCase().contains("svnserve");
} else {
String[] command = { "/bin/sh", "-c", "ps -ef|grep svnserve" };
String rs = RuntimeUtil.execForStr(command);
isRun = rs.contains("svnserve -d -r");
return isRun;


import org.ini4j.Ini;
import org.ini4j.Profile; import;
import java.util.*;
import; /**
* @author: hanchunyu
* @since 2022/11/9 下午3:20
* <p>
* Description: SVN用户权限操作类
public class SvnUserUtil { /**
* 文件删除用户
* @param repositoryBean
* SVN仓库实体
* @param svnUserAuthBeans
* 用户权限实体集合
* @throws IOException
public static void deleteUserToFile()
throws IOException {
String passwdPath = getPasswdPath(getServerPath(),getRepositoryName());
File file = new File(passwdPath);
Ini ini = new Ini();
ini.load(file); Profile.Section users = ini.get("users"); users.remove(getUserName());
} /**
* 从文件删除用户组
* @param repositoryBean
* SVN仓库实体
* @param svnGroupAuthBeans
* 用户组权限实体集合
* @throws IOException
public static void deleteGroupToFile()
throws IOException {
String authPath = getAuthzPath(getServerPath(),getRepositoryName());
File file = new File(authPath);
Ini ini = new Ini();
ini.load(file); Profile.Section groups = ini.get("groups");
} /**
* 删除权限
* @param repositoryBean
* SVN仓库实体
* @param svnUserAuthBeans
* 用户权限实体集合
* @param svnGroupAuthBeans
* 用户组权限实体集合
* @throws IOException
public static void deleteAuth() throws IOException {
String authPath = getAuthzPath(getServerPath(),getRepositoryName());
File file = new File(authPath);
Ini ini = new Ini();
ini.load(file); Profile.Section users = ini.get(repositoryBean.getSvnAddress()); users.remove("@" + getGroupName());;
} /**
* 创建用户(刷新) 将数据库中的全部用户进行刷新写入
* @param repositoryBean
* SVN仓库实体
* @throws IOException
public static void createUser() throws IOException { String passwdPath = getPasswdPath(getServerPath(),getRepositoryName());
File file = new File(passwdPath);
Ini ini = new Ini();
Map<String, Map<String, String>> updateData = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> userMap = new HashMap<>(); userMap.put(getUserName(),getPassword()); updateData.put("users", userMap); Profile.Section section = null;
Map<String, String> dataMap = null;
for (String sect : updateData.keySet()) {
section = ini.get(sect);
dataMap = updateData.get(sect);
if (section == null) {
for (String key : dataMap.keySet()) {
ini.add(sect, key, dataMap.get(key) == null ? "" : dataMap.get(key));
} else {
for (String key : dataMap.keySet()) {
section.put(key, dataMap.get(key) == null ? "" : dataMap.get(key));
}; } /**
* 更新用户
* @param svnUserAuthBean
* 用户权限实体
* @param repositoryBean
* SVN仓库镜像
* @throws IOException
public static void updateUser() throws IOException { String passwdPath = getPasswdPath(getServerPath(),getRepositoryName());
File file = new File(passwdPath);
Ini ini = new Ini();
ini.load(file); Profile.Section section = ini.get("users");
if (section != null) {
section.put(getUserName(),getPassword() == null ? "":getPassword());
} else {
ini.add("users", getUserName(),getPassword() == null ? "":getPassword());
} /**
* 更新用户权限
* @param svnUserAuthBean
* 用户权限实体
* @param repositoryBean
* SVN仓库镜像
* @throws IOException
public static void updateUserAuth()
throws IOException { String authPath = getAuthzPath(getServerPath(),getRepositoryName());
File file = new File(authPath);
Ini ini = new Ini();
ini.load(file); Profile.Section section = ini.get(getSvnAddress());
if (section != null) {
} else {
ini.add(getSvnAddress() != null ? getSvnAddress() : "/",
} /**
* 更新用户组权限
* @param svnGroupAuthBean
* 用户组权限实体
* @param repositoryBean
* SVN仓库镜像
* @throws IOException
public static void updateGroupAuth()
throws IOException { String authPath = getAuthzPath(getServerPath(),getRepositoryName());
File file = new File(authPath);
Ini ini = new Ini();
ini.load(file); Map<String, String> userGroupMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> authMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, Map<String, String>> updateData = new HashMap<>(); userGroupMap.put(getGroupName(), userName);
authMap.put("@" + getName(), typeName()); updateData.put("groups", userGroupMap); updateData.put(
repositoryBean.getSvnAddress() == null ? "/" : ToolUtils.startDir(repositoryBean.getSvnAddress()),
authMap); Profile.Section section = null;
Map<String, String> dataMap = null;
for (String sect : updateData.keySet()) {
section = ini.get(sect);
dataMap = updateData.get(sect);
if (section != null) {
for (String key : dataMap.keySet()) {
section.put(key, dataMap.get(key) == null ? "" : dataMap.get(key));
} else {
for (String key : dataMap.keySet()) {
ini.add(sect, key, dataMap.get(key) == null ? "" : dataMap.get(key));
} };
} /**
* 更新用户组
* @param svnGroupAuthBean
* 用户组权限实体
* @param repositoryBean
* SVN仓库镜像
* @throws IOException
public static void updateGroup()
throws IOException { String passwdPath = getPasswdPath(getServerPath(),getRepositoryName());
File file = new File(passwdPath);
Ini ini = new Ini();
Map<String, Map<String, String>> updateData = new HashMap<>(); Map<String, String> userMap = new HashMap<>(); userMap.put(userName,password); updateData.put("users", userMap); Profile.Section section = null;
Map<String, String> dataMap = null;
for (String sect : updateData.keySet()) {
section = ini.get(sect);
dataMap = updateData.get(sect);
if (section != null) {
for (String key : dataMap.keySet()) {
section.put(key, dataMap.get(key) == null ? "" : dataMap.get(key));
} else {
for (String key : dataMap.keySet()) {
ini.add(sect, key, dataMap.get(key) == null ? "" : dataMap.get(key));
} /**
* 创建权限以及用户组(刷新) 将数据库中的全部进行刷新写入
* @param repositoryBean
* SVN仓库实体
* @throws IOException
public static void createAuth() throws IOException {
String authPath = getAuthzPath(getServerPath(),getRepositoryName());
File file = new File(authPath);
Ini ini = new Ini();
Map<String, Map<String, String>> updateData = new HashMap<>(); DBUtils t = DBUtils.t(WebContext.getTenantIdentifier());
Map<String, String> userGroupMap = new HashMap<>();
Map<String, String> authMap = new HashMap<>(); authMap.put("@" + groupName,typeName); updateData.put("groups", userGroupMap); updateData.put(
repositoryBean.getSvnAddress() == null ? "/" : ToolUtils.startDir(repositoryBean.getSvnAddress()),
authMap); Profile.Section section = null;
Map<String, String> dataMap = null;
for (String sect : updateData.keySet()) {
section = ini.get(sect);
dataMap = updateData.get(sect);
if (section != null) {
for (String key : dataMap.keySet()) {
section.put(key, dataMap.get(key) == null ? "" : dataMap.get(key));
} else {
for (String key : dataMap.keySet()) {
ini.add(sect, key, dataMap.get(key) == null ? "" : dataMap.get(key));
} }; } /**
* 创建全部人权限
* @param repositoryBean
* 仓库实体
* @param svnAuthEnum
* 权限枚举
* @throws IOException
public static void updateAdminAuth() throws IOException { String authPath = getAuthzPath(getServerPath(),getRepositoryName());
File file = new File(authPath);
Ini ini = new Ini();
ini.load(file); Profile.Section section = ini.get(getSvnAddress());
if (section != null) {
section.put("*", svnAuthEnum);
} else {
ini.add(repositoryBean.getSvnAddress(), "*", svnAuthEnum);
}; } /**
* 获取用户名密码文件路径
* @param path
* SVN仓库路径
* @param name
* 仓库文件路径
* @return
private static String getPasswdPath(String path, String name) {
return ToolUtils.handlePath(
ToolUtils.endDir(path) + "repo/" + ToolUtils.endDir(ToolUtils.startDir(name)) + "/conf/passwd");
} /**
* 获取权限文件路径
* @param path
* SVN仓库路径
* @param name
* 仓库文件路径
* @return
private static String getAuthzPath(String path, String name) {
return ToolUtils.handlePath(
ToolUtils.endDir(path) + "repo/" + ToolUtils.endDir(ToolUtils.startDir(name)) + "/conf/authz");
} }



* @author: hanchunyu
* @since 2022/11/2 上午11:02
* <p>
* Description: 系统工具类
public class SystemUtil { /**
* 判断系统
* @return 字符串
public static String getSystem() { if (cn.hutool.system.SystemUtil.get(cn.hutool.system.SystemUtil.OS_NAME).toLowerCase().contains("windows")) {
return "Windows";
} else if (cn.hutool.system.SystemUtil.get(cn.hutool.system.SystemUtil.OS_NAME).toLowerCase()
.contains("mac os")) {
return "Mac OS";
} else {
return "Linux";
} } /**
* 判断是否是Windows系统
* @return
public static Boolean isWindows() {
return getSystem().equals("Windows");
} /**
* 判断是否是Mac系统
* @return
public static Boolean isMacOS() {
return getSystem().equals("Mac OS");
} /**
* 判断是否是Linux系统
* @return
public static Boolean isLinux() {
return getSystem().equals("Linux");
} /**
* 判断是否是root、用户
* @return
public static boolean hasRoot() {
if (SystemUtil.isLinux()) {
String user = System.getProperties().getProperty(cn.hutool.system.SystemUtil.USER_NAME);
if ("root".equals(user)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
return true;
} }


public class ToolUtils {

* 处理路径的斜杠
* @param path
* 路径
* @return
public static String handlePath(String path) {
return path.replace("\\", "/").replace("//", "/");
} /**
* 处理目录最后的斜杠
* @param path
* 路径
* @return
public static String endDir(String path) {
if (!path.endsWith("/")) {
path += "/";
} return path;
} /**
* 处理目录开始的斜杠
* @param path
* 路径
* @return
public static String startDir(String path) {
if (!path.startsWith("/")) {
path += "/";
} return path;



public class DirNodeDTO {
private String path;
private String name; private Long size; private Long revision; private String author; private Date updateDate; private String message; private boolean isDir; private DirNodeDTO parent;


public class RepositoryFileContentDTO implements Serializable {
private boolean isText;
private ByteArrayOutputStream baos;


public class SVNCommitLogDTO {

* 版本号
private Long revision;
* 提交人信息
private String author;
* 提交时间
private Date commitDate;
* 提交信息
private String message;
* 仓库前缀
private String repoPrefix;
* 文件列表
private List<SVNFileEntryDTO> fileList;


public class SVNFileEntryDTO {
* 文件名
private String name; /**
* 文件类别,文件file,文件夹dir
private String kind;
* 版本号
private Long revision;
* 操作文件类型:A添加,D删除,U更新
private String submitType;
* 文件路径 :如 /测试项目/112/中文.ppt
private String path;


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