

public class App { public static void main(String[] args){
SpringApplication.run(App.class, args);
} }


public class SchedulingTask1 { private int count = 0; @Scheduled(cron = "*/5 * * * * ?")//每5s执行一次
public void process(){
System.out.println("SchedulingTask1 is "+ count+"times run");
public class SchedulingTask2 { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat ("yyyyMMdd hh:mm:ss"); @Scheduled(fixedRate = 5000)//每5s执行一次
public void process(){
System.out.println("process->This time is "+ sdf.format(new Date()) +"times run");
} @Scheduled(fixedDelay = 10000)//上一次执行完毕时间点之后10秒再执行
public void process2(){
System.out.println("process2->This time is "+ sdf.format(new Date()) +"times run");
} @Scheduled(initialDelay=10000, fixedRate=5000) //第一次延迟10秒后执行,之后按fixedRate的规则每5秒执行一次
public void process3(){
System.out.println("process3->This time is "+ sdf.format(new Date()) +"times run");


process->This time  is  20200510 11:43:37times run
process2->This time is 20200510 11:43:37times run
SchedulingTask1 is 0times run
process->This time is 20200510 11:43:42times run
SchedulingTask1 is 1times run
process->This time is 20200510 11:43:47times run
process3->This time is 20200510 11:43:47times run
process2->This time is 20200510 11:43:47times run
SchedulingTask1 is 2times run
process->This time is 20200510 11:43:52times run
process3->This time is 20200510 11:43:52times run
SchedulingTask1 is 3times run
process->This time is 20200510 11:43:57times run
process3->This time is 20200510 11:43:57times run
process2->This time is 20200510 11:43:57times run
SchedulingTask1 is 4times run
process->This time is 20200510 11:44:02times run
process3->This time is 20200510 11:44:02times run
SchedulingTask1 is 5times run
process->This time is 20200510 11:44:07times run
process3->This time is 20200510 11:44:07times run
process2->This time is 20200510 11:44:07times run
SchedulingTask1 is 6times run
process->This time is 20200510 11:44:12times run
process3->This time is 20200510 11:44:12times run
SchedulingTask1 is 7times run
process->This time is 20200510 11:44:17times run
process3->This time is 20200510 11:44:17times run
process2->This time is 20200510 11:44:17times run
SchedulingTask1 is 8times run


0 * * * * ? 每1分钟执行一次
0 0 * * * ? 每天每1小时执行一次
0 0 10 * * ? 每天10点执行一次
0 * 14 * * ? 在每天下午14点到下午14:59期间的每1分钟执行一次
0 30 10 1 * ? 每月1号上午10点30执行一次
0 10 10 10 * ? 每月10日上午10:10执行一次 */5 * * * * ? 每隔5秒执行一次
0 */1 * * * ? 每隔1分钟执行一次
0 0 12-15 * * ? 每天12-15点整点执行一次
0 0/5 * * * ? 每5分钟执行一次
0 0-5 15 * * ? 在每天下午15点到下午15:05期间的每1分钟执行一次
0 0/10 15 * * ? 在每天下午15点到下午15:50期间的每10分钟执行一次
0 0/10 15,18 * * ? 在每天下午15点到15:50期间和下午18点到18:50期间的每10分钟执行一次
0 0/30 10-15 * * ? 在每天上午10点到下午15:30每半小时执行一次
0 0 10,12,14 * * ? 每天上午10点,下午12点,14点执行一次

表达式生成、解析、反解析地址https://cron.qqe2.com/  https://qqe2.com/cron 示例如下


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