1.Motivation | 起因

A requirement from the product department requires download image from AWS S3 bucket, for achieving this requirement, I should set the image content MIME header as Content-Disposition:Attachment.


2.Attemption | 尝试

I tried pre-handling before upload the image file to S3 with the metadata by the following method:


var request = new Amazon.S3.Model.PutObjectRequest()
FilePath = @"D:\SourceFile.jpg",
BucketName = @"MyBucket",
Key = @"Folder/NewFileName.jpg",
ContentType= "images/jpg",
request.Metadata.Add("Cache-Control", "no-store");

But the result shows that the uploaded file is attached a strange metadata as x-amz-meta-Content-Disposition:Attachment, it's not suitable for my propose.


3.Resolved | 解决

Finally I found that the request has a property named Header and it has the typical http header keys such as CacheControl and ContentEncoding, certainly the ContentDisposition is in it too. So I modified the assignment as follow and the requirement can be done.


request.Headers.ContentDisposition = "attachment";


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