注意点 screenBrightness 取值范围0-1 不是0-255一定要注意

scanForActivity(context) 是根据上下文获取所在的activity
如果直接在activity 调用的话使用 this.window.attributes
* 获取当前屏幕亮度
fun getBrightness():Int {
val lp = scanForActivity(context)?.window?.attributes
if(lp != null){
//screenBrightness 默认为-1
if(lp.screenBrightness < 0) return 0
return (lp.screenBrightness * 255).toInt()
return 0
} /**
* 设置屏幕亮度
* @param brightness 取值范围 0-255
fun setBrightness(brightness:Int){
val lp = scanForActivity(context)?.window?.attributes
if(lp != null){
lp.screenBrightness = brightness.toFloat() / 255
ChaoUtil.scanForActivity(context)?.window?.attributes = lp


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