@Published 标记对象定义的属性变更可以被监听,当对应字段变化时会触发对象 objectWillChange 通知,订阅了该属性的View也会收到值改变的通知

/// A type that publishes a property marked with an attribute.
/// Publishing a property with the `@Published` attribute creates a publisher of this type. You access the publisher with the `$` operator, as shown here:
/// class Weather {
/// @Published var temperature: Double
/// init(temperature: Double) {
/// self.temperature = temperature
/// }
/// }
/// let weather = Weather(temperature: 20)
/// cancellable = weather.$temperature
/// .sink() {
/// print ("Temperature now: \($0)")
/// }
/// weather.temperature = 25
/// // Prints:
/// // Temperature now: 20.0
/// // Temperature now: 25.0

@ObservedObject 和 @State 类似,需要修饰的属性需要实现了 ObservableObject

父View 以 @State 声明的属性 @State var param: DataType,可以在子View初始化的时候以 $param 给到子View,子View 通过 @Banding 关键字取得 param 数据关联,在值变化时进行相应的改变


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