
1 什么是ArUco标记?


Automatic generation and detection of highly reliable fiducial markers under occlusion



2 在OpenCV中生成ArUco标记



// Import the aruco module in OpenCV
#include <opencv2/aruco.hpp> Mat markerImage;
// Load the predefined dictionary
Ptr<cv::aruco::Dictionary> dictionary = aruco::getPredefinedDictionary(cv::aruco::DICT_6X6_250); // Generate the marker
aruco::drawMarker(dictionary, 33, 200, markerImage, 1);


import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np # Load the predefined dictionary
dictionary = cv.aruco.Dictionary_get(cv.aruco.DICT_6X6_250) # Generate the marker
markerImage = np.zeros((200, 200), dtype=np.uint8)
markerImage = cv.aruco.drawMarker(dictionary, 33, 200, markerImage, 1); cv.imwrite("marker33.png", markerImage);


void cv::aruco::drawMarker(
const Ptr<Dictionary> &dictionary,
int id,
int sidePixels,
OutputArray img,
int borderBits = 1


参数 说明
dictionary 指示标记类型的标记词典
id 将返回的标记的标识符,它必须是指定字典中的有效id
sidePixels 图像的像素大小
img 用标记器输出图像
borderBits 标记边框的宽度


3 检测Aruco标记



// Load the dictionary that was used to generate the markers.
Ptr<Dictionary> dictionary = getPredefinedDictionary(DICT_6X6_250); // Initialize the detector parameters using default values
Ptr<DetectorParameters> parameters = DetectorParameters::create(); // Declare the vectors that would contain the detected marker corners and the rejected marker candidates
vector<vector<Point2f>> markerCorners, rejectedCandidates; // The ids of the detected markers are stored in a vector
vector<int> markerIds; // Detect the markers in the image
detectMarkers(frame, dictionary, markerCorners, markerIds, parameters, rejectedCandidates);


#Load the dictionary that was used to generate the markers.
dictionary = cv.aruco.Dictionary_get(cv.aruco.DICT_6X6_250) # Initialize the detector parameters using default values
parameters = cv.aruco.DetectorParameters_create() # Detect the markers in the image
markerCorners, markerIds, rejectedCandidates = cv.aruco.detectMarkers(frame, dictionary, parameters=parameters)

对于每次成功的标记检测,将按从左上,右上,右下和左下的顺序检测标记的四个角点。在C ++中,将这4个检测到的角点存储为点矢量,并将图像中的多个标记一起存储在点矢量中。在Python中,它们存储为Numpy数组数组。

4 增强现实应用








// Compute homography from source and destination points
Mat h = cv::findHomography(pts_src, pts_dst); // Warped image
Mat warpedImage; // Warp source image to destination based on homography
warpPerspective(im_src, warpedImage, h, frame.size(), INTER_CUBIC); // Prepare a mask representing region to copy from the warped image into the original frame.
Mat mask = Mat::zeros(frame.rows, frame.cols, CV_8UC1);
fillConvexPoly(mask, pts_dst, Scalar(255, 255, 255)); // Erode the mask to not copy the boundary effects from the warping
Mat element = getStructuringElement( MORPH_RECT, Size(3,3) );
erode(mask, mask, element); // Copy the masked warped image into the original frame in the mask region.
Mat imOut = frame.clone();
warpedImage.copyTo(imOut, mask);


# Calculate Homography
h, status = cv.findHomography(pts_src, pts_dst) # Warp source image to destination based on homography
warped_image = cv.warpPerspective(im_src, h, (frame.shape[1],frame.shape[0])) # Prepare a mask representing region to copy from the warped image into the original frame.
mask = np.zeros([frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1]], dtype=np.uint8);
cv.fillConvexPoly(mask, np.int32([pts_dst_m]), (255, 255, 255), cv.LINE_AA); # Erode the mask to not copy the boundary effects from the warping
element = cv.getStructuringElement(cv.MORPH_RECT, (3,3));
mask = cv.erode(mask, element, iterations=3); # Copy the mask into 3 channels.
warped_image = warped_image.astype(float)
mask3 = np.zeros_like(warped_image)
for i in range(0, 3):
mask3[:,:,i] = mask/255 # Copy the masked warped image into the original frame in the mask region.
warped_image_masked = cv.multiply(warped_image, mask3)
frame_masked = cv.multiply(frame.astype(float), 1-mask3)
im_out = cv.add(warped_image_masked, frame_masked)


5 总结和代码






5.1 生成aruco标记


// 生成aruco标志
#include "pch.h"
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/aruco.hpp> using namespace cv; // 用于生成aruco图标
int main()
Mat markerImage;
// 生成字典
Ptr<cv::aruco::Dictionary> dictionary = aruco::getPredefinedDictionary(cv::aruco::DICT_6X6_250);
// 生成图像
// 参数分别为字典,第几个标识,图像输出大小为200X200,输出图像,标记边框的宽度
aruco::drawMarker(dictionary, 33, 200, markerImage, 1); imwrite("marker33.png", markerImage); return 0;


# 生成aruco标记

import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np # Load the predefined dictionary
dictionary = cv.aruco.Dictionary_get(cv.aruco.DICT_6X6_250) # Generate the marker
markerImage = np.zeros((200, 200), dtype=np.uint8)
markerImage = cv.aruco.drawMarker(dictionary, 33, 200, markerImage, 1) cv.imwrite("marker33.png", markerImage)

5.2 使用aruco增强现实


// This code is written by Sunita Nayak at BigVision LLC. It is based on the OpenCV project. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html
// 虚拟现实 #include "pch.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream> #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/aruco.hpp> using namespace cv;
using namespace aruco;
using namespace std; int main()
// Open a video file or an image file or a camera stream.
string str, outputFile;
VideoCapture cap;
VideoWriter video;
Mat frame, blob; // 新场景图像
Mat im_src = imread("./image/new_scenery.jpg");
// 检测类型
String detectType = "video";
String detectPath = "./video/test.mp4"; try
// 输出文件名
outputFile = "ar_out_cpp.avi";
// 如果检测类型是图像
if (detectType == "image")
// Open the image file
str = detectPath;
// 判断文件是否存在
ifstream ifile(str);
if (!ifile)
// 重命名
str.replace(str.end() - 4, str.end(), "_ar_out_cpp.jpg");
// 输出文件
outputFile = str;
// 如果检测类型是视频
else if (detectType == "video")
// Open the video file
// 打开视频
str = detectPath;
ifstream ifile(str);
if (!ifile)
str.replace(str.end() - 4, str.end(), "_ar_out_cpp.avi");
outputFile = str;
// Open the webcaom
// 打开网络摄像头
// 错误解决办法
catch (...)
cout << "Could not open the input image/video stream" << endl;
return 0;
} // Get the video writer initialized to save the output video
// 如果检测类别不是图像,则生成输出视频
if (detectType != "image")
video.open(outputFile, VideoWriter::fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), 28, Size(2 * cap.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH), cap.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)));
} // Create a window
// 创建显示窗口
static const string kWinName = "Augmented Reality using Aruco markers in OpenCV";
namedWindow(kWinName, WINDOW_NORMAL); // Process frames.
// 逐帧处理
while (waitKey(1) < 0)
// get frame from the video
cap >> frame; try
// Stop the program if reached end of video
// 如果到了视频的结尾
if (frame.empty())
cout << "Done processing !!!" << endl;
cout << "Output file is stored as " << outputFile << endl;
} vector<int> markerIds; // Load the dictionary that was used to generate the markers.
// 加载用于标记的词典
Ptr<Dictionary> dictionary = getPredefinedDictionary(DICT_6X6_250); // Declare the vectors that would contain the detected marker corners and the rejected marker candidates
// 声明标记到的角点和没有被标记到的角点
vector<vector<Point2f>> markerCorners, rejectedCandidates; // Initialize the detector parameters using default values
// 使用默认值初始化检测器参数
Ptr<DetectorParameters> parameters = DetectorParameters::create(); // Detect the markers in the image
// 检测标记
* frame 待检测marker的图像
* dictionary 字典对象
* markerCorners 检测出的图像的角的列表,从左下角顺时针开始,返回角的各个顶点的坐标
* markerIds markerCorners检测出的maker的id列表
* parameters 检测器参数
* rejectedCandidates 返回不是有效的角相关信息
detectMarkers(frame, dictionary, markerCorners, markerIds, parameters, rejectedCandidates); // Using the detected markers, locate the quadrilateral on the target frame where the new scene is going to be displayed.、
// 使用检测到的标记,在目标帧上定位要显示新场景的四边形。
vector<Point> pts_dst;
// 0.015;
// 计算缩减距离
float scalingFac = 0.02; Point refPt1, refPt2, refPt3, refPt4; // finding top left corner point of the target quadrilateral
// 寻找目标四边形的左上角点 // 查找字典中id为25的标志,返回一个vector
std::vector<int>::iterator it = std::find(markerIds.begin(), markerIds.end(), 25);
// 返回markerIds中25的下标
int index = std::distance(markerIds.begin(), it);
// 返回markerIds中25的左上角坐标
refPt1 = markerCorners.at(index).at(1); // finding top right corner point of the target quadrilateral
// 求目标四边形的右上角点 // 查找字典中id为33的标志,返回一个vector
it = std::find(markerIds.begin(), markerIds.end(), 33);
// 返回markerIds中33的下标
index = std::distance(markerIds.begin(), it);
// 返回markerIds中33的右上角坐标
refPt2 = markerCorners.at(index).at(2); // 返回欧式距离
float distance = norm(refPt1 - refPt2);
// 将缩减后的坐标放入标记点容器
pts_dst.push_back(Point(refPt1.x - round(scalingFac * distance), refPt1.y - round(scalingFac * distance))); pts_dst.push_back(Point(refPt2.x + round(scalingFac * distance), refPt2.y - round(scalingFac * distance))); // finding bottom right corner point of the target quadrilateral
// 求目标四边形的右下角点
it = std::find(markerIds.begin(), markerIds.end(), 30);
index = std::distance(markerIds.begin(), it);
refPt3 = markerCorners.at(index).at(0);
pts_dst.push_back(Point(refPt3.x + round(scalingFac * distance), refPt3.y + round(scalingFac * distance))); // finding bottom left corner point of the target quadrilateral
// 寻找目标四边形的左下角点
it = std::find(markerIds.begin(), markerIds.end(), 23);
index = std::distance(markerIds.begin(), it);
refPt4 = markerCorners.at(index).at(0);
pts_dst.push_back(Point(refPt4.x - round(scalingFac * distance), refPt4.y + round(scalingFac * distance))); // Get the corner points of the new scene image.
// 全新图像的角点
vector<Point> pts_src;
// 从左上角开始顺时针存入pts_src中
pts_src.push_back(Point(0, 0));
pts_src.push_back(Point(im_src.cols, 0));
pts_src.push_back(Point(im_src.cols, im_src.rows));
pts_src.push_back(Point(0, im_src.rows)); // Compute homography from source and destination points
// 计算单应性矩阵
Mat h = cv::findHomography(pts_src, pts_dst); // Warped image
// 仿射变换后的图像
Mat warpedImage; // Warp source image to destination based on homography
// 基于单应性矩阵映射图像
warpPerspective(im_src, warpedImage, h, frame.size(), INTER_CUBIC); // Prepare a mask representing region to copy from the warped image into the original frame.
// 准备一个表示要从仿射图像图像复制到原始帧中的区域的遮罩。
Mat mask = Mat::zeros(frame.rows, frame.cols, CV_8UC1);
// 计算单应性矩阵
fillConvexPoly(mask, pts_dst, Scalar(255, 255, 255), LINE_AA); // Erode the mask to not copy the boundary effects from the warping
// 侵蚀mask以不复制仿射图像的边界效果
Mat element = getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size(5, 5));
// Mat element = getStructuringElement( MORPH_RECT, Size(3,3));
erode(mask, mask, element); // Copy the warped image into the original frame in the mask region.
// 将仿射的图像复制到遮罩区域中的原始帧中。
Mat imOut = frame.clone();
warpedImage.copyTo(imOut, mask); // Showing the original image and the new output image side by side
Mat concatenatedOutput;
// 并排显示原始图像和新输出图像
hconcat(frame, imOut, concatenatedOutput); // 保存图像
if (detectType == "image")
imwrite(outputFile, concatenatedOutput);
// 写视频
imshow(kWinName, concatenatedOutput);
// 输出错误
catch (const std::exception &e)
cout << endl
<< " e : " << e.what() << endl;
cout << "Could not do homography !! " << endl;
// return 0;
} cap.release();
video.release(); return 0;


# This code is written by Sunita Nayak at BigVision LLC. It is based on the OpenCV project. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in this distribution and at http://opencv.org/license.html
# 增强现实 import cv2 as cv
#from cv2 import aruco
import sys
import os.path
import numpy as np # image or video or other
detectType = 'video'
detectPath = 'video/test.mp4'
im_src = cv.imread("image/new_scenery.jpg") outputFile = "ar_out_py.avi"
if (detectType is "image"):
# Open the image file
if not os.path.isfile(detectPath):
print("Input image file ", detectPath, " doesn't exist")
cap = cv.VideoCapture(detectPath)
outputFile = detectPath[:-4]+'_ar_out_py.jpg'
elif (detectType is "video"):
# Open the video file
if not os.path.isfile(detectPath):
print("Input video file ", detectPath, " doesn't exist")
cap = cv.VideoCapture(detectPath)
outputFile = detectPath[:-4]+'_ar_out_py.avi'
print("Storing it as :", outputFile)
# Webcam input
cap = cv.VideoCapture(0) # Get the video writer initialized to save the output video
if (detectType is not "image"):
vid_writer = cv.VideoWriter(outputFile, cv.VideoWriter_fourcc('M', 'J', 'P', 'G'), 28, (round(
2*cap.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)), round(cap.get(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)))) winName = "Augmented Reality using Aruco markers in OpenCV" while cv.waitKey(1) < 0:
# get frame from the video
hasFrame, frame = cap.read() # Stop the program if reached end of video
if not hasFrame:
print("Done processing !!!")
print("Output file is stored as ", outputFile)
break # Load the dictionary that was used to generate the markers.
dictionary = cv.aruco.Dictionary_get(cv.aruco.DICT_6X6_250) # Initialize the detector parameters using default values
parameters = cv.aruco.DetectorParameters_create() # Detect the markers in the image
markerCorners, markerIds, rejectedCandidates = cv.aruco.detectMarkers(
frame, dictionary, parameters=parameters) index = np.squeeze(np.where(markerIds == 25))
refPt1 = np.squeeze(markerCorners[index[0]])[1] index = np.squeeze(np.where(markerIds == 33))
refPt2 = np.squeeze(markerCorners[index[0]])[2] distance = np.linalg.norm(refPt1-refPt2) scalingFac = 0.02
pts_dst = [
[refPt1[0] - round(scalingFac*distance), refPt1[1] - round(scalingFac*distance)]]
pts_dst = pts_dst + \
[[refPt2[0] + round(scalingFac*distance),
refPt2[1] - round(scalingFac*distance)]] index = np.squeeze(np.where(markerIds == 30))
refPt3 = np.squeeze(markerCorners[index[0]])[0]
pts_dst = pts_dst + \
[[refPt3[0] + round(scalingFac*distance),
refPt3[1] + round(scalingFac*distance)]] index = np.squeeze(np.where(markerIds == 23))
refPt4 = np.squeeze(markerCorners[index[0]])[0]
pts_dst = pts_dst + \
[[refPt4[0] - round(scalingFac*distance),
refPt4[1] + round(scalingFac*distance)]] pts_src = [[0, 0], [im_src.shape[1], 0], [
im_src.shape[1], im_src.shape[0]], [0, im_src.shape[0]]] pts_src_m = np.asarray(pts_src)
pts_dst_m = np.asarray(pts_dst) # Calculate Homography
h, status = cv.findHomography(pts_src_m, pts_dst_m) # Warp source image to destination based on homography
warped_image = cv.warpPerspective(
im_src, h, (frame.shape[1], frame.shape[0])) # Prepare a mask representing region to copy from the warped image into the original frame.
mask = np.zeros([frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1]], dtype=np.uint8)
cv.fillConvexPoly(mask, np.int32(
[pts_dst_m]), (255, 255, 255), cv.LINE_AA) # Erode the mask to not copy the boundary effects from the warping
element = cv.getStructuringElement(cv.MORPH_RECT, (3, 3))
mask = cv.erode(mask, element, iterations=3) # Copy the mask into 3 channels.
warped_image = warped_image.astype(float)
mask3 = np.zeros_like(warped_image)
for i in range(0, 3):
mask3[:, :, i] = mask/255 # Copy the warped image into the original frame in the mask region.
warped_image_masked = cv.multiply(warped_image, mask3)
frame_masked = cv.multiply(frame.astype(float), 1-mask3)
im_out = cv.add(warped_image_masked, frame_masked) # Showing the original image and the new output image side by side
concatenatedOutput = cv.hconcat([frame.astype(float), im_out])
cv.imshow("AR using Aruco markers",
concatenatedOutput.astype(np.uint8)) # Write the frame with the detection boxes
if (detectType is "image"):
cv.imwrite(outputFile, concatenatedOutput.astype(np.uint8))
vid_writer.write(concatenatedOutput.astype(np.uint8)) except Exception as inst:
print(inst) cv.destroyAllWindows()
if 'vid_writer' in locals():
print('Video writer released..')

6 参考



  1. javascript面向对象系列第一篇——构造函数和原型对象
  2. CentOS 6.5 安装 MySQL5.6 并用Navicat for MySQL 连接
  3. 解决IE6不支持position:fixed的bug
  4. Centos 用户登录失败N次后锁定用户禁止登陆
  5. windows在cmd执行svn 命令
  6. eclipse或adt-bundle创建的android项目没有自动生成MainActivity.java和activity_main.xml等文件解决办法
  7. PowerShell 批量导入/导出Active Directory
  8. WCF、Web API、WCF REST、Web Service的区别
  9. 黑马day16 jquery&amp;amp;内容过滤选择器&amp;amp;可见度选择器
  10. 文本离散表示(三):TF-IDF结合n-gram进行关键词提取和文本相似度分析
  11. 使用DatagramSocket和DatagramPacket进行简单的通信
  12. HTTP之referer
  13. Python常见初级错误
  14. [elk]停电日志离线恢复故障处理-elk环境极速搭建
  15. 移动HTML 5前端性能优化指南
  16. webpack报错no postcss config...
  17. HTML:一个form表单有两个按钮,分别提交到不同的页面
  18. password技术应用设计实践-安全信息传输系统(SITS)(用Java实现DES、RSA、MD5算法)
  19. 解析Linux内核的基本的模块管理与时间管理操作---超时处理【转】
  20. JAVA中最方便的Unicode转换方法


  1. 商品期货通用模型JF1
  2. Vue学习之--------Vue中自定义插件(2022/8/1)
  3. JUC(10)深入理解CAS和ABA
  4. 你给文字描述,AI艺术作画,精美无比!附源码,快来试试!
  5. rocky8删除/etc/fstab 和/boot/所有文件,通过光盘救援模式恢复
  6. Vue3的新特性
  7. Sql Server性能排查和优化懒人攻略
  8. Python学习之实例1
  9. Oracle数据库的导出和导入
  10. 【云原生 · Kubernetes】部署高可用kube-scheduler集群