#include <stdio.h>

int dowhile(int n){
int i = 1;
int s = 0;
s += i;
}while(i++ < n);
return s;
} int whiledo(int n){
int i = 1;
int s = 0;
while(i <= n){
s += i++;
return s;
} int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
printf("dowhile:%d\n", dowhile(100));
printf("while:%d\n", whiledo(100));
return 0;

.text:00008570 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:00008570 doWhile ; CODE XREF: main+8↓p
.text:00008570 ; __unwind {
.text:00008570 MOV R2, #0
.text:00008574 MOV R3, #1 ; i = 1 s=0
.text:00008578 loc_8578 ; CODE XREF: doWhile+18↓j
.text:00008578 ADD R2, R2, R3 ; s = s + i
.text:0000857C ADD R3, R3, #1 ; i++
.text:00008580 SUB R1, R3, #1 ; tmp = i -1
.text:00008584 CMP R0, R1
.text:00008588 BGT loc_8578 ; if arg0(n) > tmp continue继续循环
.text:0000858C MOV R0, R2 ; r0 为return值 r0 = s
.text:00008590 BX LR ; 使用LR的值跳转出函数
.text:00008590 ; } // starts at 8570
.text:00008590 ; End of function doWhile
.text:00008594 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:00008594 whileDo ; CODE XREF: main+20↓p
.text:00008594 ; __unwind {
.text:00008594 SUBS R2, R0, #0
.text:00008598 MOVLE R0, #0
.text:0000859C BXLE LR ; if n <= 0 跳出函数
.text:000085A0 MOV R0, #0 ; s = 0
.text:000085A4 MOV R3, #1 ; i = 1
.text:000085A8 loc_85A8 ; CODE XREF: whileDo+20↓j
.text:000085A8 ADD R0, R0, R3 ; s += i
.text:000085AC ADD R3, R3, #1 ; i++
.text:000085B0 CMP R2, R3
.text:000085B4 BGE loc_85A8 ; if n >= i contiue
.text:000085B8 BX LR
.text:000085B8 ; } // starts at 8594
.text:000085B8 ; End of function whileDo
.text:000085BC ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
.text:000085BC ;
.text:000085BC ; int __cdecl main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
.text:000085BC main ; CODE XREF: j_main↑j
.text:000085BC ; __unwind {
.text:000085BC PUSH {R4,LR} ; 栈上保存R4 和 LR 的值
.text:000085C0 MOV R0, #0x64 ; 'd' ; 为RO 赋值100
.text:000085C4 BL doWhile ; 跳转到doWhile。同时给LR赋值为0x85C8
.text:000085C8 MOV R1, R0
.text:000085CC LDR R0, =(aDowhileD - 0x85D8) ; 获取字符串在GOT的偏移
.text:000085D0 ADD R0, PC, R0 ; 获取字符串实际首地址
.text:000085D4 BL printf
.text:000085D8 MOV R0, #0x64 ; 'd' ; 为R0 赋值100
.text:000085DC BL whileDo ; 跳转到doWhile。同时给LR赋值为0x85E0
.text:000085E0 MOV R1, R0
.text:000085E4 LDR R0, =(aWhileD - 0x85F0) ; "while:%d\n"
.text:000085E8 ADD R0, PC, R0 ; "while:%d\n"
.text:000085EC BL printf
.text:000085F0 MOV R0, #0
.text:000085F4 POP {R4,PC}
.text:000085F4 ; End of function main
.text:000085F4 ; -----


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