/* Useful celery config.

app = Celery('tasks',
backend='redis://localhost:6379') app.conf.update(
Queue('default', routing_key='tasks.#'),
Queue('hipri', routing_key='tasks.#'),
'tasks.tasks.add': {'queue': 'hipri'},
) */ celery -A tasks worker --loglevel=info # run the worker celery worker --help # list command-line options available celery multi start w1 -A proj -l info # start one or more workers in the background celery multi restart w1 -A proj -l info # restart workers celery multi stop w1 -A proj -l info # stop workers aynchronously celery multi stopwait w1 -A proj -l info # stop after executing tasks are completed celery multi start w1 -A proj -l info --pidfile=/var/run/celery/%n.pid --logfile=/var/log/celery/%n%I.log # create pid and log files in the current directory celery -A proj inspect active # control and inspect workers at runtime
celery -A proj inspect active --destination=celery@w1.computer celery -A proj inspect scheduled # list scheduled ETA tasks. celery -A proj control cancel_consumer # Force all worker to cancel consuming from a queue
celery -A proj control cancel_consumer foo -d worker1.local # Force an specified worker to cancel consuming from a queue celery -A proj inspect active_queues # Get a list of queues that workers consume
celery -A proj inspect active_queues -d celery@worker1 # Get a list of queues that a worker consumes celery -A proj inspect stats # show worker statistics. celery shell -I # Drop into IPython console. celery -A tasks result -t tasks.add dbc53a54-bd97-4d72-908c-937827009736 # See the result of a task. # Control workers
i = app.control.inspect()
i = app.control.inspect(['worker1.example.com', 'worker2.example.com'])
i.registered() // Show registred tasks for specified workers
i.active() // Get a list of active tasks
i.scheduled // Get a list of tasks waiting to be scheduled
i.reserved() # Get a list of tasks that has been received, but are still waiting to be executed
i.active_queue() # get active queues
app.control.broadcast('shutdown') # shutdown all workers
app.control.broadcast('shutdown', destination=['celer@worker']) app.control.ping()
app.control.ping(['celer@worker']) # Inspecting queues in Redis
LRANGE queue_name 0 10 # Redis client


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