使用git stash

git stash的使用场景是这样的: 当你正在你的分支下进行开发时,这时候你可能需要切换到你的另一个分支去,你可能要pull新的代码下来,但是你又不想添加无用的commit。这个时候你就要用到了git stash, 它的作用是保存当前正在进行的工作,它会将当前工作压入栈中。


git stash
// do other things
git pop // or you can do this
git stash save "I just want to save this work and fix my other bug" // list my stash stacks
git stash list // or maybe you will see this
stash@{0}: On master: I want to save my work and fix my bug
stash@{1}: On master: save 1 // 0 is the top of stack // and you will do this to get
git stash apply stash@{1} // or you will do this to get the top of stack
git pop // maybe you need this to clear stack
git stash clear // and last, you maybe need this
git stash --help


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