


 除了整数以外,还要支持真分数的四则运算,真分数的运算,例如:/ + / = /
运算符为 +, −, ×, ÷
要求能处理用户输入的真分数, 如 /, / 等
使用 -n 参数控制生成题目的个数,例如执行下面命令将生成10个题目
Myapp.exe -n



  1. 真分数的四则运算
  2. 按照用户输入的题数出题
  3. 能得出用户的正确率



public static int commonDivisor(int x, int y) // 计算2个数的最大公约数。按绝对值计算。
if (x == 0 || y == 0) {
return 1;
int x1;
int y1; x1 = (Math.abs(x) > Math.abs(y)) ? Math.abs(x) : Math.abs(y); // 使x1>y1.
y1 = (Math.abs(x) > Math.abs(y)) ? Math.abs(y) : Math.abs(x);
int z = 1;
while (z != 0) {
z = x1 % y1;
x1 = y1;
y1 = z;
return x1;


    Calculator add(Calculator r) { // 加法运算
int a = r.getNumerator();
int b = r.getDenominator();
int newNumerator = numerator * b + denominator * a;
int newDenominator = denominator * b; int maxCommon = commonDivisor(newNumerator, newDenominator);
Calculator result = new Calculator(newNumerator/ maxCommon, newDenominator/ maxCommon);
return result;
} Calculator sub(Calculator r) { // 减法运算
int a = r.getNumerator();
int b = r.getDenominator();
int newNumerator = numerator * b - denominator * a;
int newDenominator = denominator * b; int maxCommon = commonDivisor(newNumerator, newDenominator);
Calculator result = new Calculator(newNumerator/ maxCommon, newDenominator/ maxCommon);
return result;
} Calculator muti(Calculator r) { // 乘法运算
int a = r.getNumerator();
int b = r.getDenominator();
int newNumerator = numerator * a;
int newDenominator = denominator * b; int maxCommon = commonDivisor(newNumerator, newDenominator);
Calculator result = new Calculator(newNumerator/ maxCommon, newDenominator/ maxCommon);
return result;
} Calculator div(Calculator r) { // 除法运算
int a = r.getNumerator();
int b = r.getDenominator();
int newNumerator = numerator * b;
int newDenominator = denominator * a; int maxCommon = commonDivisor(newNumerator, newDenominator);
Calculator result = new Calculator(newNumerator/ maxCommon, newDenominator/ maxCommon);
return result;





PSP2.1 Personal Software Process Stages Time (%) Senior Student Time (%)
Planning 计划 8 15
· Estimate 估计这个任务需要多少时间 8 15
Development 开发 20 15
· Analysis 需求分析 (包括学习新技术) 1 1
· Design Spec 生成设计文档 1 1
· Design Review 设计复审 0 0
· Coding Standard 代码规范 10 7
· Design 具体设计 8 9
· Coding 具体编码 6 6
· Code Review 代码复审 1 1
· Test 测试(自我测试,修改代码,提交修改) 3 3
Reporting 报告 10 10
·Test Report 测试报告 8 7
· Size Measurement 计算工作量 2 2
·Postmortem & Process Improvement Plan 并提出过程改进计划 0 0


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