

  这一篇介绍一下源代码 ./src/uvw/emitter.hpp 里的东东。由于代码量实在比较大,我就折叠起来了,不然各位看官手指头滚上滚下的,太累了。之后我就写到哪儿贴哪儿的代码,注个大概源代码的位置,有兴趣自己打开源代码对照看看,是不是看的就比较舒服点了。

#pragma once

#include <type_traits>
#include <functional>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <cstddef>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <list>
#include <uv.h> namespace uvw { /**
* @brief The ErrorEvent event.
* Custom wrapper around error constants of `libuv`.
struct ErrorEvent {
template<typename U, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_integral<U>::value>>
explicit ErrorEvent(U val) noexcept
: ec{static_cast<int>(val)}
{} /**
* @brief Returns the `libuv` error code equivalent to the given platform dependent error code.
* It returns:
* * POSIX error codes on Unix (the ones stored in errno).
* * Win32 error codes on Windows (those returned by GetLastError() or WSAGetLastError()).
* If `sys` is already a `libuv` error code, it is simply returned.
* @param sys A platform dependent error code.
* @return The `libuv` error code equivalent to the given platform dependent error code.
static int translate(int sys) noexcept {
return uv_translate_sys_error(sys);
} /**
* @brief Returns the error message for the given error code.
* Leaks a few bytes of memory when you call it with an unknown error code.
* @return The error message for the given error code.
const char * what() const noexcept { return uv_strerror(ec); } /**
* @brief Returns the error name for the given error code.
* Leaks a few bytes of memory when you call it with an unknown error code.
* @return The error name for the given error code.
const char * name() const noexcept { return uv_err_name(ec); } /**
* @brief Gets the underlying error code, that is an error constant of `libuv`.
* @return The underlying error code.
int code() const noexcept { return ec; } /**
* @brief Checks if the event contains a valid error code.
* @return True in case of success, false otherwise.
explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return ec < ; } private:
const int ec;
}; /**
* @brief Event emitter base class.
* Almost everything in `uvw` is an event emitter.<br/>
* This is the base class from which resources and loops inherit.
template<typename T>
class Emitter {
struct BaseHandler {
virtual ~BaseHandler() noexcept = default;
virtual bool empty() const noexcept = ;
virtual void clear() noexcept = ;
}; template<typename E>
struct Handler final: BaseHandler {
using Listener = std::function<void(E &, T &)>;
using Element = std::pair<bool, Listener>;
using ListenerList = std::list<Element>;
using Connection = typename ListenerList::iterator; bool empty() const noexcept override {
auto pred = [](auto &&element){ return element.first; }; return std::all_of(onceL.cbegin(), onceL.cend(), pred) &&
std::all_of(onL.cbegin(), onL.cend(), pred);
} void clear() noexcept override {
if(publishing) {
auto func = [](auto &&element){ element.first = true; };
std::for_each(onceL.begin(), onceL.end(), func);
std::for_each(onL.begin(), onL.end(), func);
} else {
} Connection once(Listener f) {
return onceL.emplace(onceL.cend(), false, std::move(f));
} Connection on(Listener f) {
return onL.emplace(onL.cend(), false, std::move(f));
} void erase(Connection conn) noexcept {
conn->first = true; if(!publishing) {
auto pred = [](auto &&element){ return element.first; };
} void publish(E event, T &ref) {
ListenerList currentL;
onceL.swap(currentL); auto func = [&event, &ref](auto &&element) {
return element.first ? void() : element.second(event, ref);
}; publishing = true; std::for_each(onL.rbegin(), onL.rend(), func);
std::for_each(currentL.rbegin(), currentL.rend(), func); publishing = false; onL.remove_if([](auto &&element){ return element.first; });
} private:
bool publishing{false};
ListenerList onceL{};
ListenerList onL{};
}; static std::size_t next_type() noexcept {
static std::size_t counter = ;
return counter++;
} template<typename>
static std::size_t event_type() noexcept {
static std::size_t value = next_type();
return value;
} template<typename E>
Handler<E> & handler() noexcept {
std::size_t type = event_type<E>(); if(!(type < handlers.size())) {
} if(!handlers[type]) {
handlers[type] = std::make_unique<Handler<E>>();
} return static_cast<Handler<E>&>(*handlers[type]);
} protected:
template<typename E>
void publish(E event) {
handler<E>().publish(std::move(event), *static_cast<T*>(this));
} public:
template<typename E>
using Listener = typename Handler<E>::Listener; /**
* @brief Connection type for a given event type.
* Given an event type `E`, `Connection<E>` is the type of the connection
* object returned by the event emitter whenever a listener for the given
* type is registered.
template<typename E>
struct Connection: private Handler<E>::Connection {
template<typename> friend class Emitter; Connection() = default;
Connection(const Connection &) = default;
Connection(Connection &&) = default; Connection(typename Handler<E>::Connection conn)
: Handler<E>::Connection{std::move(conn)}
{} Connection & operator=(const Connection &) = default;
Connection & operator=(Connection &&) = default;
}; virtual ~Emitter() noexcept {
static_assert(std::is_base_of<Emitter<T>, T>::value, "!");
} /**
* @brief Registers a long-lived listener with the event emitter.
* This method can be used to register a listener that is meant to be
* invoked more than once for the given event type.<br/>
* The Connection object returned by the method can be freely discarded. It
* can be used later to disconnect the listener, if needed.
* Listener is usually defined as a callable object assignable to a
* `std::function<void(const E &, T &)`, where `E` is the type of the event
* and `T` is the type of the resource.
* @param f A valid listener to be registered.
* @return Connection object to be used later to disconnect the listener.
template<typename E>
Connection<E> on(Listener<E> f) {
return handler<E>().on(std::move(f));
} /**
* @brief Registers a short-lived listener with the event emitter.
* This method can be used to register a listener that is meant to be
* invoked only once for the given event type.<br/>
* The Connection object returned by the method can be freely discarded. It
* can be used later to disconnect the listener, if needed.
* Listener is usually defined as a callable object assignable to a
* `std::function<void(const E &, T &)`, where `E` is the type of the event
* and `T` is the type of the resource.
* @param f Avalid listener to be registered.
* @return Connection object to be used later to disconnect the listener.
template<typename E>
Connection<E> once(Listener<E> f) {
return handler<E>().once(std::move(f));
} /**
* @brief Disconnects a listener from the event emitter.
* @param conn A valid Connection object
template<typename E>
void erase(Connection<E> conn) noexcept {
} /**
* @brief Disconnects all the listeners for the given event type.
template<typename E>
void clear() noexcept {
} /**
* @brief Disconnects all the listeners.
void clear() noexcept {
std::for_each(handlers.begin(), handlers.end(),
[](auto &&hdlr){ if(hdlr) { hdlr->clear(); } });
} /**
* @brief Checks if there are listeners registered for the specific event.
* @return True if there are no listeners registered for the specific event,
* false otherwise.
template<typename E>
bool empty() const noexcept {
std::size_t type = event_type<E>(); return (!(type < handlers.size()) ||
!handlers[type] ||
} /**
* @brief Checks if there are listeners registered with the event emitter.
* @return True if there are no listeners registered with the event emitter,
* false otherwise.
bool empty() const noexcept {
return std::all_of(handlers.cbegin(), handlers.cend(),
[](auto &&hdlr){ return !hdlr || hdlr->empty(); });
} private:
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<BaseHandler>> handlers{};
}; }



  1、(源文件大概 第161行 —— 第185行)

     static std::size_t next_type() noexcept {
static std::size_t counter = ;
return counter++;
} template<typename>
static std::size_t event_type() noexcept {
static std::size_t value = next_type();
return value;
} template<typename E>
Handler<E> & handler() noexcept {
std::size_t type = event_type<E>(); if(!(type < handlers.size())) {
} if(!handlers[type]) {
handlers[type] = std::make_unique<Handler<E>>();
} return static_cast<Handler<E>&>(*handlers[type]);




static std::size_t event_type() noexcept {
static std::size_t value = ;
return value++;
} int mian(int argc, char* argv[])
std::cout << event_type<int>() << std::endl;    //0
std::cout << event_type<int>() << std::endl;   //1
std::cout << event_type<int>() << std::endl;    //2 std::cout << event_type<double>() << std::endl;  //0
std::cout << event_type<double>() << std::endl; //1
std::cout << event_type<double>() << std::endl;  //2









 tcp->on<uvw::ErrorEvent>([](const uvw::ErrorEvent &, uvw::TcpHandle &) {
std::cout << "error " << std::endl;



  2、std::move() 和 std::forward()





         using Listener = std::function<void(E &, T &)>;
using Element = std::pair<bool, Listener>;
using ListenerList = std::list<Element>;
using Connection = typename ListenerList::iterator;


1 typedef int MT1;    //和下面一行等价
using MT1 = int; template<typename T>
typedef std::vector<T> MT3; //错误 template<typename T>
using MT4 = std::vector<T>; //正确

    再看刚刚第4行:using Connection = typename ListenerList::iterator;  这里怎么会有一个typename? 以往在我们在写模板时会用到typename 和 class,比如上面的例子,typename是可以换成class的。而这里是用来告诉编译器,ListenerList::iterator 是一个类型。





     #pragma once :很明显,在windows编程中,处理头文件相互包含时,就用这个,而在C标准中则是用 #ifndef ... #define ... #endif 。其实C++标准是支持这个东西的,但在Linux环境下很少有人用,大家都比较推崇那种预编译指令。还有一些原因就是有些编译器不支持,大家可以查看 http://zh.cppreference.com/w/cpp/preprocessor/impl 的说明和编译器支持列表,现在大部分编译器都会支持,所以大胆用就是了,如果恰巧不能用那就换过来呗,也不麻烦。

    noexcept:指定该函数不抛出异常,比如 int* p = new (std::nothrow) int;  则指定new失败后不抛出异常,而是返回NULL。(这貌似和noexcept不相干,想到什么写什么喽)







     template<typename E>
struct Handler final: BaseHandler {
using Listener = std::function<void(E &, T &)>;    //上面已经说过
using Element = std::pair<bool, Listener>;        //这里的pair中的bool是用来标记,该Element是否要删除,false为不删除
using ListenerList = std::list<Element>;
using Connection = typename ListenerList::iterator; bool empty() const noexcept override {
auto pred = [](auto &&element){ return element.first; }; return std::all_of(onceL.cbegin(), onceL.cend(), pred) &&
std::all_of(onL.cbegin(), onL.cend(), pred);
} void clear() noexcept override {             //清空注册列表,publishing用来标志,是否正在处理事件,如果正在处理,则将Element的first标为true
if(publishing) {
auto func = [](auto &&element){ element.first = true; }; 
std::for_each(onceL.begin(), onceL.end(), func);
std::for_each(onL.begin(), onL.end(), func);
} else {
} Connection once(Listener f) {        //注册一次性事件
return onceL.emplace(onceL.cend(), false, std::move(f));
} Connection on(Listener f) {          //注册长期事件
return onL.emplace(onL.cend(), false, std::move(f));
} void erase(Connection conn) noexcept {
conn->first = true; if(!publishing) {
auto pred = [](auto &&element){ return element.first; };
} void publish(E event, T &ref) {
ListenerList currentL;  
onceL.swap(currentL);    //这里讲onceL和currentL的数据交换,所以onceL在交换之后实际已经没有数据了,从而实现一次性的事件 auto func = [&event, &ref](auto &&element) {
return element.first ? void() : element.second(event, ref);
}; publishing = true;      //标记正在处理事件 std::for_each(onL.rbegin(), onL.rend(), func);
std::for_each(currentL.rbegin(), currentL.rend(), func); publishing = false;      //标记处理事件结束 onL.remove_if([](auto &&element){ return element.first; });  //清除onL中first被标记为true的项,与第4行和第15行对应
} private:
bool publishing{false};
ListenerList onceL{};    //保存一次性事件函数列表
ListenerList onL{};      //保存长期事件函数列表







  下一篇目前暂定说一下UnderlyingType 和 Resource,如果篇幅短的话再加点其他的东西。




  1. django表单验证和跨站伪造csrf
  2. 使用ASP.NET Web API 2创建OData v4 终结点
  3. C++ 单元测试 Cpputest
  4. mysql--1130ERROR
  5. IEEE浮点数表示法之出小数
  6. ASP.NET连接Oracle数据库的步骤详解(转)
  7. (转)jQuery禁止右键菜单,全选
  8. 转:靠谱的代码和DRY
  9. 【HDOJ】3459 Rubik 2&#215;2&#215;2
  10. 【转】JQuery.Ajax之错误调试帮助信息
  11. JavaScript(五):函数(闭包,eval)
  12. [转]ZooKeeper的学习与应用
  13. iOS12系统应用发送邮件中的附件
  14. P2774 方格取数问题(网络流)
  15. SpringBoot之通过yaml绑定注入数据
  16. Introducing stapbpf – SystemTap’s new BPF backend
  17. Word 2017 快捷键
  18. startup.bat闪退问题
  19. Java之.jdk安装-Linux
  20. Md5混淆因子


  1. 质量体系 CMMI
  2. 使用proxool连接池配置教程
  3. 【Java学习笔记之二十八】深入了解Java8新特性
  4. 【Ubuntu16]】ufw
  5. HTML特殊符号对照表 常用字符实体
  6. css中滚动条样式的设置
  7. JS针对pc页面固定宽度在手机展示问题 &lt;meta ...&gt;
  8. Java入门(7)——循环和debug 调试
  9. c++ new 的相关
  10. Weave 网络结构分析 - 每天5分钟玩转 Docker 容器技术(64)