Smith's house is full of mosquitos. Every night they bite him. He can not sleep because the mosquitos constantly bite him.

He calls his friend Daid. He says, "Dave,I need your help". I need to come up with a way to kill mosquitos. Do you have any ideas?

David says. Well, you could spray them or you could burn them. I would go with spraying, I were you.

Smith goes to a Hardware store and buys a powerful mosquito spray. He returns home and sprays the chemical everywhere.

Unforunately, he breaths the chemical. He coughs and coughs and coughs. Even worse, the mosquitos don't die.

He calls his friend Chris. Chris says, "In order to kill mosquitos, you must eat garlic. When the mosquitos bite you, they will be killed by the garlic". Smith buys a huge bag of garlic at the Grocery store. He eats 49 pounds of garlic.

Then he goes to sleep. During the night, thousands of mosquitos bite him. But they all die because of the garlic.

When Smith wakes up, there are thousands of dead mosquitos on the bed.


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