

python  protobuf 的函数在message中定义



protoc -I=./ --python_out=./ people.proto

1  GidChannelInfo.proto

package bfd.gidchannelinfo;

//定义 gid的来源,是dsp还是电商或者媒体等

message Channel


required string name = 1; //来源,例如dsp_Cbehe

required int64 timestamp = 2; //时间戳


//key为 G:Channel:gid

message GidChannelInfo


required Channel init_channel = 1; //gid初次产生的channel来源

repeated Channel channel = 2; //包含的所有channel渠道


2  例子

gidchannelinfo_tmp = GidChannelInfo_pb2.GidChannelInfo()

channel_tmp = GidChannelInfo_pb2.Channel()

DB_SERVER = 'app-2'

db = "DMP_GDMP_Cbehe"

conn = mdb.Connect(DB_SERVER,'bfdroot','qianfendian',db)

cur = conn.cursor()

#cur.execute("select gid,update_time from Mapping_gid where id >0 and id<20000000")

cur.execute("select gid,update_time from Mapping_gid limit 1")

results = cur.fetchall()

for result in results:

    print "result :",str(result)

    gid = result[0]

date_tmp = result[1]

    key = "G:GidChannelInfo:"+gid

    #d = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_tmp,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

    timestamp_tmp = int(time.mktime(date_tmp.timetuple()))

    channel_tmp.name = "dsp_baifendian"

    channel_tmp.timestamp = timestamp_tmp

    print "timestamp_tmp :",timestamp_tmp


    channel_tmp = gidchannelinfo_tmp.channel.add()

    channel_tmp.name = "dsp_baifendian"

    channel_tmp.timestamp = timestamp_tmp

    channel_tmp = gidchannelinfo_tmp.channel.add()

    channel_tmp.name = "dsp_behe"

    channel_tmp.timestamp = timestamp_tmp

    print "gidchannelinfo_tmp: ",gidchannelinfo_tmp

    mystr = gidchannelinfo_tmp.SerializeToString()

3 注意 :

对于 Singular fields  可以使用 gci.init_channel.MergeFrom赋值


对于repeated fileds可以使用

CopyFrom    MergeFrom

4 api 说明

MergeFrom(self, other_msg)

source code 
Merges the contents of the specified message into current message.

This method merges the contents of the specified message into the current
message. Singular fields that are set in the specified message overwrite
the corresponding fields in the current message. Repeated fields are
appended. Singular sub-messages and groups are recursively merged. Args:
other_msg: Message to merge into the current message.

CopyFrom(self, other_msg)

source code 
Copies the content of the specified message into the current message.

The method clears the current message and then merges the specified
message using MergeFrom. Args:
other_msg: Message to copy into the current one.




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