Judge Info

  • Memory Limit: 32768KB
  • Case Time Limit: 10000MS
  • Time Limit: 10000MS
  • Judger: Number Only Judger


In the kingdom of frog, the most popular sport is jumping up and down. Frog likes to jump up(go higher) or jump down(go lower) but jump at the same height(not go higher,and not go lower). The frog king wants to have a sport path for jumping. The Sport path is made by same size blocks which may have different height,when the frog on the path, he can only jumps from one block to the next adjacent block. For frog, perfect path for jumping are those same-height-jumps can be avoided. The Sport path can be represented by an integer sequence which denotes the height of blocks.The length of the sport path is the numbers of integer in the sequence.


Now, it is your turn. You will have a integer sequence represent a sport path, please output the longest perfect path we can find in the given sport path without cutting off.


The first line of input contains , the number of test cases. There are two lines for each test case. The first line contains an integer number denoting how many blocks in the sport path. The second line contains N integer numbers (the height of blocks in the range [ − 100,100]).


For each test case, print a line contains the solution.

Sample Input

1 1 3 5 5 7 9 8
1 2 3 4 5

Sample Output

5 解题思路:刚开始读不懂题意,以为是消除相同数和其本身,经过朋友说下才明白,原来是找最长的子串,但是遇到重复数字就开始新的字符串序列。
 #include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int A[]; int main() {
int t,i,n,pre,max,count,min;
while (t--) {
max = ;
for (i=;i<n;i++) {
scanf("%d", &A[i]);
pre = ;
count =;
for (i=;i<n;++i) { if(A[i]==A[pre]){
max = count;
count =;
min = count;
if (min > max)
max = min;


 #include <stdio.h>
int process(int n);
int main()
int testcase;
scanf("%d", &testcase);
while (testcase--) {
int n;
scanf("%d", &n);
printf("%d\n", process(n));
int process(int n)
int i, pre, cur;;
scanf("%d", &pre);
int cnt = , cur_max = ;
for (i = ; i != n; i++) {
scanf("%d", &cur);
if (cur == pre) {
if (cur_max < cnt)
cur_max = cnt;
cnt = ;
else {
pre = cur;
if (cur_max < cnt)
cur_max = cnt;
return cur_max;


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