External Snapshot management


As of at least libvirt 1.1.1, external snapshot support is incomplete. For example, with 1.0.5 or later, an external snapshot can be created of an offline domain:

# virsh snapshot-create-as mydom snap --disk-only
Domain snapshot snap created

but cannot be directly reverted to or deleted

# virsh snapshot-revert mydom snap
error: internal error: Child process (/usr/bin/qemu-img snapshot -a snap2 /mnt/backup/opt/libvirt/images/nested.snap) unexpected exit status 1: qemu-img: Could not apply snapshot 'snap2': -2 (No such file or directory)
# virsh snapshot-delete fedora_13 snap2
error: Failed to delete snapshot snap2
error: unsupported configuration: deletion of 1 external disk snapshots not supported yet

One solution would be to upgrade to a version of libvirt that supports these fundamental operations - but as that could be an indefinite wait, we'll have to do it by hand.



There are two classes of snapshots for qemu guests. Internal snapshots (libvirt's default, if you used no option when creating the snapshot) are contained completely within a qcow2 file, and fully supported by libvirt (creation, revert, and deletion); but have the drawback of slow creation times, less maintenance by upstream qemu, and the requirement to use qcow2 disks.

External snapshots are nicer, because they work with any type of original disk image, can be taken with no guest downtime, and are receiving active improvements in upstream qemu development. In libvirt, they are created when using the --disk-only or --memspec option to snapshot-create-as (or when specifying an explicit XML file to snapshot-create that does the same). But until libvirt improves, snapshots are a one-way operation - libvirt can create them but can't do anything further with them.

对于qemu虚拟机,有两种snapshot,一种是internal snapshot,所有的数据都在qcow2文件里,libvirt全面支持,但是不够灵活。

一种是external snapshot,通过snapshot-create-as创建,支持多种image格式,虚拟机不停顿,然而一旦创建,libvirt就不再管理了。

root:/home/cliu8/images# virsh list --all

Id    Name                           State


-     Instance02                     shut off

# virsh snapshot-list Instance02

Name                 Creation Time             State


snap1-Instance02     2014-07-01 17:10:04 +0800 disk-snapshot

snap2-Instance02     2014-07-01 17:13:23 +0800 disk-snapshot

# virsh snapshot-info Instance02 snap1-Instance02

Name:           snap1-Instance02

Domain:         Instance02

Current:        no

State:          disk-snapshot

Location:       external

Parent:         -

Children:       1

Descendants:    1

Metadata:       yes

# virsh snapshot-dumpxml Instance02 snap1-Instance02



  <description>Instance02 snapshot description</description>



  <memory snapshot='no'/>


    <disk name='vda' snapshot='external' type='file'>

      <driver type='qcow2'/>

      <source file='/home/cliu8/images/instance02-snapshot.img'/>



  <domain type='kvm'>



    <memory unit='KiB'>2097152</memory>

    <currentMemory unit='KiB'>2097152</currentMemory>

    <vcpu placement='static'>1</vcpu>





      <type arch='x86_64' machine='pc-i440fx-trusty'>hvm</type>

      <boot dev='hd'/>







    <clock offset='utc'/>






      <disk type='file' device='disk'>

        <driver name='qemu' type='qcow2'/>

        <source file='/home/cliu8/images/instance02.img'/>

        <target dev='vda' bus='virtio'/>

        <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x04' function='0x0'/>


      <controller type='ide' index='0'>

        <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x01' function='0x1'/>


      <controller type='usb' index='0'/>

      <controller type='pci' index='0' model='pci-root'/>

      <interface type='bridge'>

        <mac address='52:54:00:9b:d5:bd'/>

        <source bridge='hello'/>

        <virtualport type='openvswitch'>

          <parameters interfaceid='8b93de13-5c4c-4f8d-b8c0-ad36792155e4'/>


        <model type='virtio'/>

        <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x03' function='0x0'/>


      <serial type='pty'>

        <target port='0'/>


      <console type='pty'>

        <target type='serial' port='0'/>


      <input type='mouse' bus='ps2'/>

      <input type='keyboard' bus='ps2'/>

      <graphics type='vnc' port='-1' autoport='yes' listen=''>

        <listen type='address' address=''/>



        <model type='cirrus' vram='9216' heads='1'/>

        <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x02' function='0x0'/>


      <memballoon model='virtio'>

        <address type='pci' domain='0x0000' bus='0x00' slot='0x05' function='0x0'/>



    <seclabel type='none'/>



# qemu-img info instance02-snapshot.img

image: instance02-snapshot.img

file format: qcow2

virtual size: 5.0G (5368709120 bytes)

disk size: 2.2M

cluster_size: 65536

backing file: /home/cliu8/images/instance02.img

backing file format: qcow2

Format specific information:

    compat: 1.1

    lazy refcounts: false

When taking an external snapshot, libvirt does so by creating a qcow2 backing chain.

external snapshot是通过创建backing链来做的。

In the examples below, I show the active image with '^', an image with modified contents with '*', an image where backing file metadata was modified by '+', and the backing relationship by '<-'. The act of creating a snapshot creates a longer chain, as follows:


Originally, the guest is operating with a single file disk image, which is where writes take place:


当创建snapshot后,创建一个新的snap*文件,backing file为原来的original,原来的original成为了只读。

after a snapshot is created, a new qcow2 file is created with original as its backing file, where original is now frozen as a read-only file at the point where the snapshot was taken, and where the new snap file contains writes that occur beyond there:

original <- snap*


Taking several snapshots in a row, without any cleanup, can result in less efficient operation as qemu has to trawl through ever more open file descriptors for contents that have not changed since the original file:

original <- snap1 <- snap2 <- snap3*


Therefore, it is important to be able to reduce the length of a backing chain. Qemu exposes at least three options for shortening a backing chain; also, be aware that the options for manipulating a chain while a guest is running differ from the options for manipulating a chain when no guest is using the disk. When shortening a backing chain, the idea is that the guest must continue to see the same information, but that it takes fewer files to represent the information. Qemu's 3 options are:

  • virsh blockpull: Remove one (or more) backing files, by pulling the content from the backing file into the active file. Limitation: as of qemu 1.6, you can only pull into the active image of an online guest (for offline images, qemu-img you can pull into any image with a rebase command). With this, it is possible to go from:

方法一:使用blockpull,将backing file的内容拷贝到active file,但是必须在虚拟机运行的情况下,如果不运行,则需要使用qemu-img的rebase方法。

base <- snap1 <- snap2*


base <- snap2*+^

where the contents of snap1 are now contained in snap2, and where snap2 had metadata rewritten to point to base.


  • virsh blockcommit: Modify a deep backing file so that one (or more) intermediate backing files are committed into the base. Limitation: as of qemu 1.6, you cannot commit from the active image of an online guest (for offline images, the qemu-img commit operation can commit, but only through one base file at a time). Also, if you commit into a backing file, you invalidate any other qcow2 file that has been based off the same backing file. With this, it is possible to go from:

base <- snap1 <- snap2*


base^ <- snap2*+

where the contents of snap1 are now contained in base, and where snap2 had metadata rewritten to point to base.


  • virsh blockcopy: Create a copy of the contents into any other format, and optionally pivot into the copy rather than the original. Limitation: as of qemu 1.6, this operation cannot be restarted, so libvirt 1.1.1 refuses to support this operation for anything except transient domains. With this, it is possible to go from:

base <- snap1 <- snap2*



where the contents of the entire old chain is now in new. Other destination configurations are also possible, and with a sequence of several operations combined, a user can get back to the original file name with a minimum of data movement between temporary snapshot qcow2 files.

Note that which of the options is fastest will depend on how much the live image has diverged from the point in time where the snapshot was taken. Also note that the resulting file name of w (although qemu is still working on ways to decently expose that information to the user, so your best guess may be based on file sizes or relative length of time between a snapshot creation and your merge operation).


Notes below here are ramblings collected from various emails; I hope to organize it into a more coherent fashion. Some of this information has also been sent on the libvirt-users mailing list; searching the archives of that list may turn up a treasure trove of ideas (again, which need to be consolidated into this page...)

Given a chain:

base <- a <- b <- top

the following operations are possible while live (with the * marking the image that was modified in contents, and the + marking the image where metadata was updated to point to a new backing file):

virDomainBlockCommit(dom, "vda", NULL, "a", 0, 0) == virDomainBlockCommit(dom, "vda", "base", "a", 0, 0): base* <- b+ <- top


virDomainBlockCommit(dom, "vda", NULL, "b", 0, 0) == virDomainBlockCommit(dom, "vda", "a", "b", 0, 0) base <- a* <- top+


virDomainBlockCommit(dom, "vda", "base", "b", 0, 0) base* <- top+

将b, a合并到base

virDomainBlockRebase(dom, "vda", NULL, 0, 0): top*+

将base, a, b合并到top

virDomainBlockRebase(dom, "vda", "base", 0, 0): base <- top*+

将a, b合并到top

virDomainBlockRebase(dom, "vda", "a", 0, 0): base <- a <- top*+


Not possible is to commit top into any of its backing files (but again, there are patches being hammered out on the upstream qemu list to add that) or to pull into anything but the top (I don't think patches have been proposed for that yet).

This tells me that I might get all of the operations I want by:

1. Using blockpull if merging the top-most snap into the top active disk when deleting the top-most snapshot


2. Using blockcommit to merge a snapshot into a different (adjacent) snapshot when deleting any other snapshot

Correct, doesn't even have to be adjacent (although deleting only one snapshot at a time implies that adjacent will be most common).

2b. Maybe you can't merge/delete the lowest-level snapshot, since there isn't a lower one to commit into -- unless the chain is only that snap and the top image (enabling blockpull).

As currently limited, block commit is only useful for reducing a chain of 3 or more elements down to a smaller chain of at least 2 elements. Live commit is required before it can reduce down to 1 element. Block pull can reduce a chain of any size down to 1 element.

And while you mentioned not wanting to use it yet, it is the idea of a shallow block copy that can be used to rebase the top of a chain onto any other arbitrary backing chain that has the same guest-visible contents, where you are then free to use qemu-img for creating that backing chain prior to completing the block copy.

Right now, libvirt snapshots and backing chains are independent concepts. I'd _really_ love for them to be integrated (where deleting a snapshot does the right commit/pull actions, and where doing a blockpull automatically adjusts or invalidates any snapshots that referred to the name being eliminated, or else errors out to warn the user that snapshots would be invalidated). But since they are fairly independent at the moment, you are often stuck doing the equivalent of 'virsh snapshot-delete --metadata' to tell libvirt to forget about the snapshot that you just invalidated with a pull or commit, and/or using 'virsh snapshot-create --no-metadata' in the first place for the side effects of chain manipulation without any snapshot tracking.

The only SAFE way to have a new qcow2 file with the same active name as the old one is the rather long sequence of:

- create a snapshot that uses 'snap' as a new file, pointing to old_active as its backing, as in 'old_active <- snap' - blockpull old_active into snap - delete old_active, and recreate it as desired - do another snapshot that uses 'old_active' as the desired destination, as in 'snap <- old_snapshot'

or to use block-copy to take your copy for backup purposes without impacting the live chain in the first place.

It sounds like you want to have a sequence of commands that will take you from:

base <- a <- live


base <- a <- b <- live

while still allowing libvirt to know about the existence of 'b' in the backing chain.

About the best I can come up with, for minimal block transfers (due to the minimal time between the snapshot creation and the completion of the mirroring), and while still keeping libvirt in the loop, is:

starting with: | base <- a <- live

create a snapshot: | base <- a <- live <- tmp1

use 'ln' to create another name for live: | base <- a <- live <- tmp1 | \- b

create tmp2 wrapping b: | base <- a <- live <- tmp1 | \- b <- tmp2

do a drive-mirror/pivot (block-copy) from tmp1 to tmp2: | base <- a <- b <- tmp2 | \- live <- tmp1

now that live is no longer in use, rm it, and recreate it to point to tmp2 as its backing file (and discard tmp1): | base <- a <- b <- tmp2 | \- live

create another snapshot, reusing live: | base <- a <- b <- tmp2 <- live

block-commit tmp2 into b, or blockpull tmp2 into live: | base <- a <- b <- live

But that still has the issue that you have a window of time where 'live' is not the name of the live image, and an ill-timed crash could catch your recovery off-guard.

> > > Deleting snapshots offline: > - We're deleting volume-<uuid>.<snap_id> > - If volume-<uuid>.<snap_id> is the active (top) image: > - backing_file = qemu-img info volume-<uuid>.<snap_id> | grep > backing_file

qemu-img recently added a --output=json argument that makes the output unambiguous and thus more suited for machine parsing; but whether you use that or stick to scraping human output is just an implementation detail; the concept of using qemu-img info (in whatever format) for determining the backing file name is sane. (It helps that your design places a restriction on creation of snapshots to stick to canned volume-<uuid>.<snap_id> filenames; it is only when there is a possibility of arbitrary backing file names that could include newlines and other sequences, where grepping the human output potentially becomes ambiguous.)

> - qemu-img commit volume-<uuid>.<snap_id> > - rm volume-<uuid>.<snap_id> > - Update our info to record that active disk image = backing_file

This is a commit direction (changes in top are folded into the backing file); while it will always work, there is the question of whether it is always the most efficient, or whether it may be more efficient to do the pull direction (changes in the backing file are pulled into the top, then the top is renamed to the backing file name) - but that optimization can be saved for later. Also, we're still waiting for upstream qemu to give us better visibility into how much of a qcow2 file is allocated (Paolo Bonzini has proposed patches upstream, but I don't know if they'll make qemu 1.6); knowing that will help decide whether a pull or a commit is more efficient. Either way, you are correct that the new active image exposes the same contents to the guest, and that the snap has been removed from the chain.

deleting .2 from: volume-uuid <- volume-uuid.1 <- volume-uuid.2 <- volume-uuid.3^ becomes: volume-uuid <- volume-uuid.1 <- volume-uuid.3^*+

> - Else: > - new_backing_file = qemu-img info volume-<uuid>.<snap_id> | grep > backing_file > - Find file with volume-<uuid>.<snap_id> as its backing_file (top) > - Perform a qemu-img rebase -b <new_backing_file> <top>

This is a pull direction (changes in snap are pulled into top). Again, it might be more efficient to instead commit the changes from top into the snapshot being deleted, then rename the snapshot being deleted into top, but again an optimization that could be done later. Either way, you are correct that the goal is to move the contents from the snapshot being deleted into the top image that was previously using that snapshot, and updating the top image to point to what used to be the snapshot's backing file.

deleting .1 from: volume-uuid <- volume-uuid.1 <- volume-uuid.2 <- volume-uuid.3^ becomes: volume-uuid <- volume-uuid.2*+ <- volume-uuid.3^

> > > Creating snapshots online: > - qemu-img create volume-<uuid>.<snap_id> -> new_file > ^ There was a safety concern around reading the old snap (active) > file here... still applies? If I don't create w/ -obacking_file=, then > I need to provide a size here. Can I determine size by running > "qemu-img info" on the backing file?

Determining the size can be done safely via libvirt; for example 'virsh domblkinfo $dom $disk' (basically, whatever the python binding is for the C virDomainBlockInfo); that's safer than using qemu-img, because libvirt is at least coordinating with the running qemu (and you will get the right answers even if someone did an online block resize, which is not necessarily true for a parallel qemu-img info). Also, libvirt should be able to report current block size even for offline domains (although I'm not sure that you are using persistent domains to worry about that aspect).

> > - qemu-img rebase -u -b volume-<uuid>[.<old_snap>] <new_file> > ^ Need to preserve relative path -- libvirt won't rewrite it w/ an > absolute path, right?

Libvirt won't rewrite the backing file name; when reusing an existing file, it should honor whatever you put in, whether absolute or relative. Again, use -F qcow2/raw so that the metadata records what format the backing image will have.

> > - Determine old_file for the disk we are interested in by scanning > libvirt domain XML > > - Call libvirt createSnapshotXML w/ > <disk name='<old_file>' snapshot='external'> > <source file='<new_file>' > </disk> > using args DISK_ONLY | NO_METADATA | REUSE_EXT | QUIESCE > > - Now we have volume-<uuid>.<snap_id> as the active image > - which has volume-<uuid>[.<old_snap>] as its backing file.

Correct. Going from volume-uuid^ to volume-uuid <- volume-uuid.1^ to volume-uuid <- volume-uuid.1 <- volume-uuid.2^

> > > Deleting snapshots online: > - Find the file we want to remove from the qcow2 chain by scanning > libvirt domain XML (<snap_file> is the absolute path) > > - If <snap_file> is the active image for the VM:

<snap_file> will never be the active image for the VM - remember, you created snapshots by renaming the active image, because the active image is the one file in the chain that is not tied to a point in time, but all snapshots are tied to a point in time. Rather, this condition is "If <snap_file> is the backing file for the active image"

> - Call dom.blockPull(snap_file, bandwidth=0, flags=0)

dom.blockRebase(active_name, base=parent_of_snap_file, bandwidth=0, flags=0)

> - I think we have to watch the above w/ blockJobInfo()

Yes, blockRebase starts a long-running job, you then have to poll or register for an event to determine when it is complete.

> - Then rm the file that was pulled from?

Yes, after the event completes, you can safely delete the .snap file that is no longer referenced. Thus, for deleting the most recent snapshot .2 with an active file of .3, you are changing from:

volume-uuid <- volume-uuid.1 <- volume-uuid.2 <- volume-uuid.3^ to: volume-uuid <- volume-uuid.1 <- volume-uuid.3^*+

> - Else: > - Get backing_file for snap_file > - Call dom.blockCommit('vdb', backing_file, snap_file, bandwidth=0, > flags=...) > - ^ With BLOCK_COMMIT_DELETE? Seems to fit our use case.

It would fit, except I haven't wired it up for qemu yet (another case of deleting being harder than planned, so we have documented API but not yet implementation).

> - Or we might want blockCommit('vdb', None, snap_file, > flags=BLOCK_COMMIT_SHALLOW) which also seems to fit here and saves a > little work.

Yes, BLOCK_COMMIT_SHALLOW is rather convenient.

Hmm, I'm a bit worried that this doesn't do what you want. blockCommit changes the contents of the file below the snapshot - but if the file below the snapshot is another snapshot, then changing its contents means it is no longer the point in time that you had originally done a snapshot of. That is, if you commit .1 from: volume-uuid <- volume-uuid.1 <- volume-uuid.2 <- volume-uuid.3^ then you have modified volume-uuid, which means snapshot 0 was corrupted: volume-uuid* <- volume-uuid.2+ <- volume-uuid.3^

Do you have a notion of which volume-<uuid>.<snap> was associated with a particular snapshot? And do you have a way to update that pairing, if filenames in the chain change based on where the content was moved? That is, you would track:

chain: "volume-uuid"; active: "volume-uuid", snapshots: [] to chain: "volume-uuid <- volume-uuid.1"; active: "volume-uuid.1", snapshots: ["volume-uuid"] to chain: "volume-uuid <- volume-uuid.1 <- volume-uuid.2"; active: "volume-uuid.2", snapshots: ["volume-uuid", "volume-uuid.1"]

In particular, note that the first snapshot created (snapshots[0]) is tied to volume-uuid without suffix, and that the second snapshot (snapshots[1]) is initially tied to volume-uuid.1.

Then, when it is time to delete the FIRST snapshot (snapshots[0]), you issue a dom.blockCommit(disk, top="volume-uuid.1", flags=BLOCK_COMMIT_SHALLOW), and update your metadata:

chain: "volume-uuid* <- volume-uuid.2+"; active: "volume-uuid.2", snapshots: [deleted, "volume-uuid"]

Note that the SECOND snapshot (snapshots[1]) is now tied to a new filename (volume-uuid rather than volume-uuid.1), because you commit the wrapping file of the snapshot being deleted, and not the snapshot file itself.

Reiterating with a longer chain, if you want to delete the second snapshot, while leaving the first and third snapshots intact, starting from:

chain: "volume-uuid <- volume-uuid.1 <- volume-uuid.2 <- volume-uuid.3"; active: "volume-uuid.3", snapshots: ["volume-uuid", "volume-uuid.1", "volume-uuid.2"]

then you do a shallow block-commit of volume-uuid.2 onto volume-uuid.1, leaving you with:

chain: "volume-uuid <- volume-uuid.1* <- volume-uuid.3+"; active: "volume-uuid.3", snapshots: ["volume-uuid", deleted, "volume-uuid.1"]

so even though the point in time of the second snapshot is deleted, the filename from the third snapshot is what disappeared because we committed the third snapshot into the filename originally used by the second snapshot.

I guess this means you have to track a bit more than just the active filename, but you also have to track which files are tied to each snapshot, as a deletion operation may change those file names.

Retrieved from "http://wiki.libvirt.org/page/I_created_an_external_snapshot%2C_but_libvirt_won%27t_let_me_delete_or_revert_to_it"


我的base chain

instance02.img < instance02-snapshot.img < instance02-snapshot2.img


virsh blockpull --domain Instance02 --path=/home/cliu8/images/instance02-snapshot2.img --wait –verbose

这个时候已经没有back chain了

# qemu-img info instance02-snapshot2.img
image: instance02-snapshot2.img
file format: qcow2
virtual size: 5.0G (5368709120 bytes)
disk size: 1.6G
cluster_size: 65536
Format specific information:
    compat: 1.1
    lazy refcounts: false


接下来delete metadata

# virsh snapshot-delete --metadata Instance02 snap1-Instance02
Domain snapshot snap1-Instance02 deleted

# virsh snapshot-delete --metadata Instance02 snap2-Instance02
Domain snapshot snap2-Instance02 deleted

# virsh undefine Instance02
Domain Instance02 has been undefined


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