

Parameter type


Default value



No --即修改需要重启实例

Range of values

0 to 255

OPEN_LINKS specifies the maximum number of concurrent open connections to remote databases in one session. These connections include database links, as well as external procedures and cartridges, each of which uses a separate process.

Oracle counts one open link for the following:

For each user that references a public or private database link

For each external procedure or cartridge connection when it is executed for the first time

Both types of connections close when the session ends. You can also close a database link connection explicitly by issuing an ALTER SESSION CLOSE DATABASE LINK statement.

You should set this parameter to allow for the external procedure and cartridge connections expected during the session plus the number of databases referred to in typical distributed transactions (that is, a single SQL statement that references multiple
databases), so that all the databases can be open to execute the statement.

For example, if queries alternately access databases A, B, and C, and OPEN_LINKS is set to 2, time will be lost waiting while one connection is broken and another made. Increase the value if many different databases are accessed over time.

This parameter refers only to connections used for distributed transactions. Direct connections to a remote database specified as an application connects are not counted.

If you set OPEN_LINKS to 0, then no distributed transactions are allowed.




Parameter type


Default value




Range of values

0 to 4294967295 (4 GB -1)

Oracle RAC

Multiple instances can have different values.

OPEN_LINKS_PER_INSTANCE specifies the maximum number of migratable open connections globally for each database instance. XA transactions use migratable open connections so that the connections are cached after a transaction is committed. Another transaction
can use the connection, provided the user who created the connection is the same as the user who owns the transaction.

OPEN_LINKS_PER_INSTANCE is different from OPEN_LINKS, which indicates the number of connections from a session. The OPEN_LINKS parameter is not applicable to XA applications.

二.  查看并修改

2.1 查看

SQL> show parameter open

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------

open_cursors                         integer     300

open_links                           integer     4

open_links_per_instance              integer     4

read_only_open_delayed               boolean     FALSE

session_max_open_files               integer     10

2.2 与这个参数有关的错误是ORA-02020

ORA-02020: too many database links in use

Cause: The current session has exceeded the INIT.ORA open_links maximum.

Action: Increase the open_links limit, or free up some open links by committing or rolling back the transaction and canceling open cursors that reference remote databases.

2.3 修改该参数

之前说过, 修改这个参数需要重启实例。可以只修改spfile里的值。 如:

SQL> alter system set open_links=10;

alter system set open_links=10


第 1 行出现错误:

ORA-02095: 无法修改指定的初始化参数

SQL> alter system set open_links=10 scope=spfile;



SQL> show parameter open_links

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE

------------------------------------ ----------- -------

open_links                           integer     4

open_links_per_instance              integer     4


修改时报错:ORA-32001: 已请求写入 SPFILE, 但是没有正在使用的 SPFILE



用show parameter spfile 查看如果values对应有值,表示是spfile启动的。否则就是pfile启动的。

SQL> show parameter spfile

NAME                                 TYPE        VALUE
------------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------
spfile                               string     


sqlplus "/ as sysdba"连接数据库

create spfile from pfile;


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