












使用python2.7 的BaseHTTPServer模块实现一个模拟加密的过程


#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding:utf-8
from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer,BaseHTTPRequestHandler
import io,shutil,urllib
import urlparse
class RequestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
#def do_Head(self):
def _writeheaders(self):
self.send_header('Content-type', 'text/html')
def do_GET(self):
parsed_path = urlparse.urlparse(self.path);
self.wfile.write("""<!doctype html>
<html class="no-js" lang="">
<meta charset="utf-8">
* RSA, a suite of routines for performing RSA public-key computations in JavaScript.
* Copyright 1998-2005 David Shapiro.
* Dave Shapiro
* dave@ohdave.com
* changed by Fuchun, 2010-05-06
* fcrpg2005@gmail.com
(function($w) {
if(typeof $w.RSAUtils === 'undefined')
var RSAUtils = $w.RSAUtils = {}; var biRadixBase = 2;
var biRadixBits = 16;
var bitsPerDigit = biRadixBits;
var biRadix = 1 << 16; // = 2^16 = 65536
var biHalfRadix = biRadix >>> 1;
var biRadixSquared = biRadix * biRadix;
var maxDigitVal = biRadix - 1;
var maxInteger = 9999999999999998; //maxDigits:
//Change this to accommodate your largest number size. Use setMaxDigits()
//to change it!
//In general, if you're working with numbers of size N bits, you'll need 2*N
//bits of storage. Each digit holds 16 bits. So, a 1024-bit key will need
//1024 * 2 / 16 = 128 digits of storage.
var maxDigits;
var bigZero, bigOne; var BigInt = $w.BigInt = function(flag) {
if (typeof flag == "boolean" && flag == true) {
this.digits = null;
} else {
this.digits = ZERO_ARRAY.slice(0);
this.isNeg = false;
}; RSAUtils.setMaxDigits = function(value) {
maxDigits = value;
ZERO_ARRAY = new Array(maxDigits);
for (var iza = 0; iza < ZERO_ARRAY.length; iza++) ZERO_ARRAY[iza] = 0;
bigZero = new BigInt();
bigOne = new BigInt();
bigOne.digits[0] = 1;
RSAUtils.setMaxDigits(20); //The maximum number of digits in base 10 you can convert to an
//integer without JavaScript throwing up on you.
var dpl10 = 15; RSAUtils.biFromNumber = function(i) {
var result = new BigInt();
result.isNeg = i < 0;
i = Math.abs(i);
var j = 0;
while (i > 0) {
result.digits[j++] = i & maxDigitVal;
i = Math.floor(i / biRadix);
return result;
}; //lr10 = 10 ^ dpl10
var lr10 = RSAUtils.biFromNumber(1000000000000000); RSAUtils.biFromDecimal = function(s) {
var isNeg = s.charAt(0) == '-';
var i = isNeg ? 1 : 0;
var result;
// Skip leading zeros.
while (i < s.length && s.charAt(i) == '0') ++i;
if (i == s.length) {
result = new BigInt();
else {
var digitCount = s.length - i;
var fgl = digitCount % dpl10;
if (fgl == 0) fgl = dpl10;
result = RSAUtils.biFromNumber(Number(s.substr(i, fgl)));
i += fgl;
while (i < s.length) {
result = RSAUtils.biAdd(RSAUtils.biMultiply(result, lr10),
RSAUtils.biFromNumber(Number(s.substr(i, dpl10))));
i += dpl10;
result.isNeg = isNeg;
return result;
}; RSAUtils.biCopy = function(bi) {
var result = new BigInt(true);
result.digits = bi.digits.slice(0);
result.isNeg = bi.isNeg;
return result;
}; RSAUtils.reverseStr = function(s) {
var result = "";
for (var i = s.length - 1; i > -1; --i) {
result += s.charAt(i);
return result;
}; var hexatrigesimalToChar = [
'0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j',
'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't',
'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z'
]; RSAUtils.biToString = function(x, radix) { // 2 <= radix <= 36
var b = new BigInt();
b.digits[0] = radix;
var qr = RSAUtils.biDivideModulo(x, b);
var result = hexatrigesimalToChar[qr[1].digits[0]];
while (RSAUtils.biCompare(qr[0], bigZero) == 1) {
qr = RSAUtils.biDivideModulo(qr[0], b);
digit = qr[1].digits[0];
result += hexatrigesimalToChar[qr[1].digits[0]];
return (x.isNeg ? "-" : "") + RSAUtils.reverseStr(result);
}; RSAUtils.biToDecimal = function(x) {
var b = new BigInt();
b.digits[0] = 10;
var qr = RSAUtils.biDivideModulo(x, b);
var result = String(qr[1].digits[0]);
while (RSAUtils.biCompare(qr[0], bigZero) == 1) {
qr = RSAUtils.biDivideModulo(qr[0], b);
result += String(qr[1].digits[0]);
return (x.isNeg ? "-" : "") + RSAUtils.reverseStr(result);
}; var hexToChar = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f']; RSAUtils.digitToHex = function(n) {
var mask = 0xf;
var result = "";
for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
result += hexToChar[n & mask];
n >>>= 4;
return RSAUtils.reverseStr(result);
}; RSAUtils.biToHex = function(x) {
var result = "";
var n = RSAUtils.biHighIndex(x);
for (var i = RSAUtils.biHighIndex(x); i > -1; --i) {
result += RSAUtils.digitToHex(x.digits[i]);
return result;
}; RSAUtils.charToHex = function(c) {
var ZERO = 48;
var NINE = ZERO + 9;
var littleA = 97;
var littleZ = littleA + 25;
var bigA = 65;
var bigZ = 65 + 25;
var result; if (c >= ZERO && c <= NINE) {
result = c - ZERO;
} else if (c >= bigA && c <= bigZ) {
result = 10 + c - bigA;
} else if (c >= littleA && c <= littleZ) {
result = 10 + c - littleA;
} else {
result = 0;
return result;
}; RSAUtils.hexToDigit = function(s) {
var result = 0;
var sl = Math.min(s.length, 4);
for (var i = 0; i < sl; ++i) {
result <<= 4;
result |= RSAUtils.charToHex(s.charCodeAt(i));
return result;
}; RSAUtils.biFromHex = function(s) {
var result = new BigInt();
var sl = s.length;
for (var i = sl, j = 0; i > 0; i -= 4, ++j) {
result.digits[j] = RSAUtils.hexToDigit(s.substr(Math.max(i - 4, 0), Math.min(i, 4)));
return result;
}; RSAUtils.biFromString = function(s, radix) {
var isNeg = s.charAt(0) == '-';
var istop = isNeg ? 1 : 0;
var result = new BigInt();
var place = new BigInt();
place.digits[0] = 1; // radix^0
for (var i = s.length - 1; i >= istop; i--) {
var c = s.charCodeAt(i);
var digit = RSAUtils.charToHex(c);
var biDigit = RSAUtils.biMultiplyDigit(place, digit);
result = RSAUtils.biAdd(result, biDigit);
place = RSAUtils.biMultiplyDigit(place, radix);
result.isNeg = isNeg;
return result;
}; RSAUtils.biDump = function(b) {
return (b.isNeg ? "-" : "") + b.digits.join(" ");
}; RSAUtils.biAdd = function(x, y) {
var result; if (x.isNeg != y.isNeg) {
y.isNeg = !y.isNeg;
result = RSAUtils.biSubtract(x, y);
y.isNeg = !y.isNeg;
else {
result = new BigInt();
var c = 0;
var n;
for (var i = 0; i < x.digits.length; ++i) {
n = x.digits[i] + y.digits[i] + c;
result.digits[i] = n % biRadix;
c = Number(n >= biRadix);
result.isNeg = x.isNeg;
return result;
}; RSAUtils.biSubtract = function(x, y) {
var result;
if (x.isNeg != y.isNeg) {
y.isNeg = !y.isNeg;
result = RSAUtils.biAdd(x, y);
y.isNeg = !y.isNeg;
} else {
result = new BigInt();
var n, c;
c = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < x.digits.length; ++i) {
n = x.digits[i] - y.digits[i] + c;
result.digits[i] = n % biRadix;
// Stupid non-conforming modulus operation.
if (result.digits[i] < 0) result.digits[i] += biRadix;
c = 0 - Number(n < 0);
// Fix up the negative sign, if any.
if (c == -1) {
c = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < x.digits.length; ++i) {
n = 0 - result.digits[i] + c;
result.digits[i] = n % biRadix;
// Stupid non-conforming modulus operation.
if (result.digits[i] < 0) result.digits[i] += biRadix;
c = 0 - Number(n < 0);
// Result is opposite sign of arguments.
result.isNeg = !x.isNeg;
} else {
// Result is same sign.
result.isNeg = x.isNeg;
return result;
}; RSAUtils.biHighIndex = function(x) {
var result = x.digits.length - 1;
while (result > 0 && x.digits[result] == 0) --result;
return result;
}; RSAUtils.biNumBits = function(x) {
var n = RSAUtils.biHighIndex(x);
var d = x.digits[n];
var m = (n + 1) * bitsPerDigit;
var result;
for (result = m; result > m - bitsPerDigit; --result) {
if ((d & 0x8000) != 0) break;
d <<= 1;
return result;
}; RSAUtils.biMultiply = function(x, y) {
var result = new BigInt();
var c;
var n = RSAUtils.biHighIndex(x);
var t = RSAUtils.biHighIndex(y);
var u, uv, k; for (var i = 0; i <= t; ++i) {
c = 0;
k = i;
for (j = 0; j <= n; ++j, ++k) {
uv = result.digits[k] + x.digits[j] * y.digits[i] + c;
result.digits[k] = uv & maxDigitVal;
c = uv >>> biRadixBits;
//c = Math.floor(uv / biRadix);
result.digits[i + n + 1] = c;
// Someone give me a logical xor, please.
result.isNeg = x.isNeg != y.isNeg;
return result;
}; RSAUtils.biMultiplyDigit = function(x, y) {
var n, c, uv; result = new BigInt();
n = RSAUtils.biHighIndex(x);
c = 0;
for (var j = 0; j <= n; ++j) {
uv = result.digits[j] + x.digits[j] * y + c;
result.digits[j] = uv & maxDigitVal;
c = uv >>> biRadixBits;
//c = Math.floor(uv / biRadix);
result.digits[1 + n] = c;
return result;
}; RSAUtils.arrayCopy = function(src, srcStart, dest, destStart, n) {
var m = Math.min(srcStart + n, src.length);
for (var i = srcStart, j = destStart; i < m; ++i, ++j) {
dest[j] = src[i];
}; var highBitMasks = [0x0000, 0x8000, 0xC000, 0xE000, 0xF000, 0xF800,
0xFC00, 0xFE00, 0xFF00, 0xFF80, 0xFFC0, 0xFFE0,
0xFFF0, 0xFFF8, 0xFFFC, 0xFFFE, 0xFFFF]; RSAUtils.biShiftLeft = function(x, n) {
var digitCount = Math.floor(n / bitsPerDigit);
var result = new BigInt();
RSAUtils.arrayCopy(x.digits, 0, result.digits, digitCount,
result.digits.length - digitCount);
var bits = n % bitsPerDigit;
var rightBits = bitsPerDigit - bits;
for (var i = result.digits.length - 1, i1 = i - 1; i > 0; --i, --i1) {
result.digits[i] = ((result.digits[i] << bits) & maxDigitVal) |
((result.digits[i1] & highBitMasks[bits]) >>>
result.digits[0] = ((result.digits[i] << bits) & maxDigitVal);
result.isNeg = x.isNeg;
return result;
}; var lowBitMasks = [0x0000, 0x0001, 0x0003, 0x0007, 0x000F, 0x001F,
0x003F, 0x007F, 0x00FF, 0x01FF, 0x03FF, 0x07FF,
0x0FFF, 0x1FFF, 0x3FFF, 0x7FFF, 0xFFFF]; RSAUtils.biShiftRight = function(x, n) {
var digitCount = Math.floor(n / bitsPerDigit);
var result = new BigInt();
RSAUtils.arrayCopy(x.digits, digitCount, result.digits, 0,
x.digits.length - digitCount);
var bits = n % bitsPerDigit;
var leftBits = bitsPerDigit - bits;
for (var i = 0, i1 = i + 1; i < result.digits.length - 1; ++i, ++i1) {
result.digits[i] = (result.digits[i] >>> bits) |
((result.digits[i1] & lowBitMasks[bits]) << leftBits);
result.digits[result.digits.length - 1] >>>= bits;
result.isNeg = x.isNeg;
return result;
}; RSAUtils.biMultiplyByRadixPower = function(x, n) {
var result = new BigInt();
RSAUtils.arrayCopy(x.digits, 0, result.digits, n, result.digits.length - n);
return result;
}; RSAUtils.biDivideByRadixPower = function(x, n) {
var result = new BigInt();
RSAUtils.arrayCopy(x.digits, n, result.digits, 0, result.digits.length - n);
return result;
}; RSAUtils.biModuloByRadixPower = function(x, n) {
var result = new BigInt();
RSAUtils.arrayCopy(x.digits, 0, result.digits, 0, n);
return result;
}; RSAUtils.biCompare = function(x, y) {
if (x.isNeg != y.isNeg) {
return 1 - 2 * Number(x.isNeg);
for (var i = x.digits.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
if (x.digits[i] != y.digits[i]) {
if (x.isNeg) {
return 1 - 2 * Number(x.digits[i] > y.digits[i]);
} else {
return 1 - 2 * Number(x.digits[i] < y.digits[i]);
return 0;
}; RSAUtils.biDivideModulo = function(x, y) {
var nb = RSAUtils.biNumBits(x);
var tb = RSAUtils.biNumBits(y);
var origYIsNeg = y.isNeg;
var q, r;
if (nb < tb) {
// |x| < |y|
if (x.isNeg) {
q = RSAUtils.biCopy(bigOne);
q.isNeg = !y.isNeg;
x.isNeg = false;
y.isNeg = false;
r = biSubtract(y, x);
// Restore signs, 'cause they're references.
x.isNeg = true;
y.isNeg = origYIsNeg;
} else {
q = new BigInt();
r = RSAUtils.biCopy(x);
return [q, r];
} q = new BigInt();
r = x; // Normalize Y.
var t = Math.ceil(tb / bitsPerDigit) - 1;
var lambda = 0;
while (y.digits[t] < biHalfRadix) {
y = RSAUtils.biShiftLeft(y, 1);
t = Math.ceil(tb / bitsPerDigit) - 1;
// Shift r over to keep the quotient constant. We'll shift the
// remainder back at the end.
r = RSAUtils.biShiftLeft(r, lambda);
nb += lambda; // Update the bit count for x.
var n = Math.ceil(nb / bitsPerDigit) - 1; var b = RSAUtils.biMultiplyByRadixPower(y, n - t);
while (RSAUtils.biCompare(r, b) != -1) {
++q.digits[n - t];
r = RSAUtils.biSubtract(r, b);
for (var i = n; i > t; --i) {
var ri = (i >= r.digits.length) ? 0 : r.digits[i];
var ri1 = (i - 1 >= r.digits.length) ? 0 : r.digits[i - 1];
var ri2 = (i - 2 >= r.digits.length) ? 0 : r.digits[i - 2];
var yt = (t >= y.digits.length) ? 0 : y.digits[t];
var yt1 = (t - 1 >= y.digits.length) ? 0 : y.digits[t - 1];
if (ri == yt) {
q.digits[i - t - 1] = maxDigitVal;
} else {
q.digits[i - t - 1] = Math.floor((ri * biRadix + ri1) / yt);
} var c1 = q.digits[i - t - 1] * ((yt * biRadix) + yt1);
var c2 = (ri * biRadixSquared) + ((ri1 * biRadix) + ri2);
while (c1 > c2) {
--q.digits[i - t - 1];
c1 = q.digits[i - t - 1] * ((yt * biRadix) | yt1);
c2 = (ri * biRadix * biRadix) + ((ri1 * biRadix) + ri2);
} b = RSAUtils.biMultiplyByRadixPower(y, i - t - 1);
r = RSAUtils.biSubtract(r, RSAUtils.biMultiplyDigit(b, q.digits[i - t - 1]));
if (r.isNeg) {
r = RSAUtils.biAdd(r, b);
--q.digits[i - t - 1];
r = RSAUtils.biShiftRight(r, lambda);
// Fiddle with the signs and stuff to make sure that 0 <= r < y.
q.isNeg = x.isNeg != origYIsNeg;
if (x.isNeg) {
if (origYIsNeg) {
q = RSAUtils.biAdd(q, bigOne);
} else {
q = RSAUtils.biSubtract(q, bigOne);
y = RSAUtils.biShiftRight(y, lambda);
r = RSAUtils.biSubtract(y, r);
// Check for the unbelievably stupid degenerate case of r == -0.
if (r.digits[0] == 0 && RSAUtils.biHighIndex(r) == 0) r.isNeg = false; return [q, r];
}; RSAUtils.biDivide = function(x, y) {
return RSAUtils.biDivideModulo(x, y)[0];
}; RSAUtils.biModulo = function(x, y) {
return RSAUtils.biDivideModulo(x, y)[1];
}; RSAUtils.biMultiplyMod = function(x, y, m) {
return RSAUtils.biModulo(RSAUtils.biMultiply(x, y), m);
}; RSAUtils.biPow = function(x, y) {
var result = bigOne;
var a = x;
while (true) {
if ((y & 1) != 0) result = RSAUtils.biMultiply(result, a);
y >>= 1;
if (y == 0) break;
a = RSAUtils.biMultiply(a, a);
return result;
}; RSAUtils.biPowMod = function(x, y, m) {
var result = bigOne;
var a = x;
var k = y;
while (true) {
if ((k.digits[0] & 1) != 0) result = RSAUtils.biMultiplyMod(result, a, m);
k = RSAUtils.biShiftRight(k, 1);
if (k.digits[0] == 0 && RSAUtils.biHighIndex(k) == 0) break;
a = RSAUtils.biMultiplyMod(a, a, m);
return result;
}; $w.BarrettMu = function(m) {
this.modulus = RSAUtils.biCopy(m);
this.k = RSAUtils.biHighIndex(this.modulus) + 1;
var b2k = new BigInt();
b2k.digits[2 * this.k] = 1; // b2k = b^(2k)
this.mu = RSAUtils.biDivide(b2k, this.modulus);
this.bkplus1 = new BigInt();
this.bkplus1.digits[this.k + 1] = 1; // bkplus1 = b^(k+1)
this.modulo = BarrettMu_modulo;
this.multiplyMod = BarrettMu_multiplyMod;
this.powMod = BarrettMu_powMod;
}; function BarrettMu_modulo(x) {
var $dmath = RSAUtils;
var q1 = $dmath.biDivideByRadixPower(x, this.k - 1);
var q2 = $dmath.biMultiply(q1, this.mu);
var q3 = $dmath.biDivideByRadixPower(q2, this.k + 1);
var r1 = $dmath.biModuloByRadixPower(x, this.k + 1);
var r2term = $dmath.biMultiply(q3, this.modulus);
var r2 = $dmath.biModuloByRadixPower(r2term, this.k + 1);
var r = $dmath.biSubtract(r1, r2);
if (r.isNeg) {
r = $dmath.biAdd(r, this.bkplus1);
var rgtem = $dmath.biCompare(r, this.modulus) >= 0;
while (rgtem) {
r = $dmath.biSubtract(r, this.modulus);
rgtem = $dmath.biCompare(r, this.modulus) >= 0;
return r;
} function BarrettMu_multiplyMod(x, y) {
x = this.modulo(x);
y = this.modulo(y);
var xy = RSAUtils.biMultiply(x, y);
return this.modulo(xy);
} function BarrettMu_powMod(x, y) {
var result = new BigInt();
result.digits[0] = 1;
var a = x;
var k = y;
while (true) {
if ((k.digits[0] & 1) != 0) result = this.multiplyMod(result, a);
k = RSAUtils.biShiftRight(k, 1);
if (k.digits[0] == 0 && RSAUtils.biHighIndex(k) == 0) break;
a = this.multiplyMod(a, a);
return result;
} var RSAKeyPair = function(encryptionExponent, decryptionExponent, modulus) {
var $dmath = RSAUtils;
this.e = $dmath.biFromHex(encryptionExponent);
this.d = $dmath.biFromHex(decryptionExponent);
this.m = $dmath.biFromHex(modulus);
// We can do two bytes per digit, so
// chunkSize = 2 * (number of digits in modulus - 1).
// Since biHighIndex returns the high index, not the number of digits, 1 has
// already been subtracted.
this.chunkSize = 2 * $dmath.biHighIndex(this.m);
this.radix = 16;
this.barrett = new $w.BarrettMu(this.m);
}; RSAUtils.getKeyPair = function(encryptionExponent, decryptionExponent, modulus) {
return new RSAKeyPair(encryptionExponent, decryptionExponent, modulus);
}; if(typeof $w.twoDigit === 'undefined') {
$w.twoDigit = function(n) {
return (n < 10 ? "0" : "") + String(n);
} // Altered by Rob Saunders (rob@robsaunders.net). New routine pads the
// string after it has been converted to an array. This fixes an
// incompatibility with Flash MX's ActionScript.
RSAUtils.encryptedString = function(key, s) {
var a = [];
var sl = s.length;
var i = 0;
while (i < sl) {
a[i] = s.charCodeAt(i);
} while (a.length % key.chunkSize != 0) {
a[i++] = 0;
} var al = a.length;
var result = "";
var j, k, block;
for (i = 0; i < al; i += key.chunkSize) {
block = new BigInt();
j = 0;
for (k = i; k < i + key.chunkSize; ++j) {
block.digits[j] = a[k++];
block.digits[j] += a[k++] << 8;
var crypt = key.barrett.powMod(block, key.e);
var text = key.radix == 16 ? RSAUtils.biToHex(crypt) : RSAUtils.biToString(crypt, key.radix);
result += text + " ";
return result.substring(0, result.length - 1); // Remove last space.
}; RSAUtils.decryptedString = function(key, s) {
var blocks = s.split(" ");
var result = "";
var i, j, block;
for (i = 0; i < blocks.length; ++i) {
var bi;
if (key.radix == 16) {
bi = RSAUtils.biFromHex(blocks[i]);
else {
bi = RSAUtils.biFromString(blocks[i], key.radix);
block = key.barrett.powMod(bi, key.d);
for (j = 0; j <= RSAUtils.biHighIndex(block); ++j) {
result += String.fromCharCode(block.digits[j] & 255,
block.digits[j] >> 8);
// Remove trailing null, if any.
if (result.charCodeAt(result.length - 1) == 0) {
result = result.substring(0, result.length - 1);
return result;
}; RSAUtils.setMaxDigits(130); })(window);
</head> <body>
<p id="user">Hello World!</p>
<p id="exponent">Hello World!</p>
<p id="modulus">Hello World!</p>
<p id="result">Hello World!</p>
function GetRequest(){
var url = location.search; //获取url中"?"符后的字串
var theRequest = new Object();
if (url.indexOf("?") != -1){
var str = url.substr(1);
strs = str.split("&");
for(var i = 0; i < strs.length; i ++){
return theRequest;
var Request = new Object();
Request = GetRequest();
var user;
user= Request['user'];
document.getElementById("user").innerHTML = user; function sleep(numberMillis) {
var now = new Date();
var exitTime = now.getTime() + numberMillis;
while (true) {
now = new Date();
if (now.getTime() > exitTime)
} var exponent = '010001'
var modulus = '***********************************************'
document.getElementById("exponent").innerHTML = exponent;
document.getElementById("modulus").innerHTML = modulus; RSAPUB_KEY = RSAUtils.getKeyPair(exponent,'',modulus);
enpassword = RSAUtils.encryptedString(RSAPUB_KEY,user);
document.getElementById("result").innerHTML = enpassword;
return if __name__ == "__main__":
server = HTTPServer(('', 9999), RequestHandler);
print "Starting server, use <Ctrl-C> to stop";


(ps. js代码本来想通过文件路径的方式调用,但是调试时出现报错,于是直接将代码拷到head里面了。直接调js文件路径的方式,不知道是否可行,待研究。。。)


2 使用python的rsa第三方库实现rsa加密:



发现PyCrypto和rsa有这种功能,M2Crypto 没有找到,加上M2Crypto 安装比较麻烦,就没有试。


import Crypto.PublicKey.RSA
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
#from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_OAEP
from Crypto.Cipher import PKCS1_v1_5 as Cipher_pkcs1_v1_5
from Crypto.Signature import PKCS1_v1_5 as Signature_pkcs1_v1_5
from Crypto.Hash import SHA
import binascii def rsaEncrypt1(str):
timespan = 1411093327735 - int(time.time())*1000;
rsakey = Crypto.PublicKey.RSA.construct((long(n,16),long(e,16))) #根据e,n生成publicKey
public_key = rsakey.publickey().exportKey()
with open('master-public.pem', 'w') as f:
f.write(public_key) with open('master-public.pem') as f:
key = f.read()
rsakey = RSA.importKey(key)
cipher = Cipher_pkcs1_v1_5.new(rsakey)
crypto = cipher.encrypt(str)
en= binascii.b2a_hex(crypto)
print en
return en




import rsa

def useRsaEn(str):
rsaPublickey = long(n, 16) #n为modulus
key = rsa.PublicKey(rsaPublickey, 65537) #65537 为e,一般等于010001 passwd = rsa.encrypt(str, key)
passwd = binascii.b2a_hex(passwd)
print passwd
return passwd useRsaEn('12345566')


相同字符串每次加密结果不一样,看网上的解释是填充方式采用的随机方式,如果结果每次一样,应该是使用的no padding模式。

至于js中相同字符串每次结果一样,应该使用的是no padding填充方式,手动在末尾做填充,而不是随机填充。




3 python调用js函数实现rsa加密


import PyV8

def usePyV8(message):
ctxt = PyV8.JSContext()
js_file = open('security.js') #security.js在当前目录下
js_data = js_file.read()
rsaEn = ctxt.locals.rsaEn #rsaEn 为security.js中的function
ret=rsaEn(message) #message为rsaEn函数的入参
print ret usePyV8('12345678')

  经实验,发现确实可行!就是js代码需要稍做修改,比如: (function($w) {  })(window); 这种貌似不能识别,我把$w 这种都直接删掉了。



2、熟悉了python webserver的实现

3、熟悉了python  rsa库的使用方法





  1. c/c++优化结构控制
  2. asp.net LINQ防止SQL注入式攻击
  3. 程序设计: 猫大叫一声,所有的老鼠都开始逃跑,主人被惊醒。(C#语言)
  4. Java 中的二维数组
  5. RR模式下利用区间锁防止幻读,RC模式没有区间锁会出现幻读
  6. Python下载漫画
  7. Java基础知识强化63:Arrays工具类之方法源码解析
  8. AndroidUI 视图动画-透明动画效果 (AlphaAnimation)
  9. WCF技术剖析之二十七: 如何将一个服务发布成WSDL[编程篇]
  10. Iconfinder 如何杜绝盗版,哈希算法检测图像重复
  11. 使用gSoap规避和改动ONVIF标准类型结构的解析
  12. [转]cmd-bat批处理命令延时方法
  13. do循环的100米自由落体
  14. memcached使用文档
  15. html5知识点:DOM编程
  16. My97DatePicker日历控制按日、按周和按月选择
  17. Django--cookie(登录用)
  18. idea相关
  19. sql注入--基于报错的注入
  20. LeetCode Pow(x, n) (快速幂)


  1. linux网卡
  2. 关于button在td中时,zclip复制不能的问题
  3. SpringBoot与动态多数据源切换
  4. PHP 可选参数
  5. Spark 中 GroupByKey 相对于 combineByKey, reduceByKey, foldByKey 的优缺点
  6. OPGL+VS2017+GLFW+GLEW配置详细步骤
  7. Python记之薄暮笔记
  8. 离线安装requests库
  9. 快速上手leetcode动态规划题
  10. Python开发中国象棋实战(附源码)