We are playing the Guess Game. The game is as follows:

I pick a number from 1 to n. You have to guess which number I picked.

Every time you guess wrong, I'll tell you whether the number I picked is higher or lower.

However, when you guess a particular number x, and you guess wrong, you pay $x. You win the game when you guess the number I picked.


n = 10, I pick 8.

First round:  You guess 5, I tell you that it's higher. You pay $5.
Second round: You guess 7, I tell you that it's higher. You pay $7.
Third round: You guess 9, I tell you that it's lower. You pay $9. Game over. 8 is the number I picked. You end up paying $5 + $7 + $9 = $21.

Given a particular n ≥ 1, find out how much money you need to have to guarantee a win.

Runtime: 56 ms, faster than 38.71% of C++ online submissions for Guess Number Higher or Lower II.
Memory Usage: 5.4 MB, less than 0.56% of C++ online submissions for Guess Number Higher or Lower II.
class Solution {
int getMoneyAmount(int n) {
dp.resize(n+, vector<int>(n+,));
return DP(,n);
} int DP(int s, int e) {
if(s >= e) return ;
if(dp[s][e] != ) return dp[s][e];
int res = INT32_MAX;
for(int x=s; x<=e; x++) {
int tmp = x + max(DP(s,x-),DP(x+,e));
res = min(res, tmp);
dp[s][e] = res;
return res;


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