// Hearthbuddy.Windows.MainWindow
// Token: 0x06000245 RID: 581 RVA: 0x0008C318 File Offset: 0x0008A518
private void method_27()
List<IRoutine> routines = RoutineManager.Routines;
this.comboBox_1.ItemsSource = routines;
if (CommandLine.Arguments.Exists("routine"))
MainWindow.Class28 @class = new MainWindow.Class28();
@class.string_0 = CommandLine.Arguments.Single("routine");
IRoutine routine = routines.FirstOrDefault(new Func<IRoutine, bool>(@class.method_0));
if (routine != null)
this.comboBox_1.SelectedItem = routine;
else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(MainSettings.Instance.LastRoutine))
MainWindow.Class29 class2 = new MainWindow.Class29();
class2.string_0 = MainSettings.Instance.LastRoutine;
IRoutine routine2 = routines.FirstOrDefault(new Func<IRoutine, bool>(class2.method_0));
if (routine2 != null)
this.comboBox_1.SelectedItem = routine2;
if (this.comboBox_1.SelectedItem == null)
this.comboBox_1.SelectedItem = routines.FirstOrDefault<IRoutine>();
// Triton.Bot.RoutineManager
// Token: 0x060011D3 RID: 4563 RVA: 0x000B7424 File Offset: 0x000B5624
public static bool Load()
string routinesPath = RoutineManager.RoutinesPath;
if (RoutineManager.Routines != null)
RoutineManager.ilog_0.ErrorFormat("[Load] This function can only be called once.", Array.Empty<object>());
return false;
if (!Directory.Exists(routinesPath))
AssemblyLoader<IRoutine> assemblyLoader = new AssemblyLoader<IRoutine>(routinesPath, false);
RoutineManager.Routines = new List<IRoutine>();
foreach (IRoutine routine in assemblyLoader.Instances.AsReadOnly())
catch (Exception exception)
RoutineManager.ilog_0.Debug("[Load] Exception thrown when initializing " + routine.Name + ". Routine will not be loaded.", exception);
return true;
catch (Exception arg)
RoutineManager.ilog_0.ErrorFormat("[Load] An exception occurred: {0}.", arg);
return false;


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