





public static class CacheHelper
private static readonly Object _locker = new object(); public static T GetCacheItem<T>(String key, Func<T> cachePopulate, TimeSpan? slidingExpiration = null, DateTime? absoluteExpiration = null)
if(String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(key)) throw new ArgumentException("Invalid cache key");
if(cachePopulate == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("cachePopulate");
if(slidingExpiration == null && absoluteExpiration == null) throw new ArgumentException("Either a sliding expiration or absolute must be provided"); if(MemoryCache.Default[key] == null)
if(MemoryCache.Default[key] == null)
var item = new CacheItem(key, cachePopulate());
var policy = CreatePolicy(slidingExpiration, absoluteExpiration); MemoryCache.Default.Add(item, policy);
} return (T)MemoryCache.Default[key];
} private static CacheItemPolicy CreatePolicy(TimeSpan? slidingExpiration, DateTime? absoluteExpiration)
var policy = new CacheItemPolicy(); if(absoluteExpiration.HasValue)
policy.AbsoluteExpiration = absoluteExpiration.Value;
else if(slidingExpiration.HasValue)
policy.SlidingExpiration = slidingExpiration.Value;
} policy.Priority = CacheItemPriority.Default; return policy;


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