ubunbu系统下google protobuf的安装

说明: 使用protobuf时需要安装两部分:



1. 安装编译google protobuf源文件时需要的依赖文件

sudo apt-get install autoconf automake libtool curl make g++ unzip

2. 下载google protobuf 的c++对应的源码,并解压至当前目录中

wget https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases/download/v3.11.2/protobuf-cpp-3.11.2.tar.gz
tar -xf protobuf-cpp-3.11.2.tar.gz

3. 进入解压后的目录,并安装

make check
sudo make install
sudo make ldconfig

google protobuf的使用

1. 新建一个表示电话薄的addressbook.proto文件

touch addressbook.proto
echo 'syntax = "proto2";
package tutorial; message Person {
required string name = 1;
required int32 id = 2;
optional string email = 3; enum PhoneType {
HOME = 1;
WORK = 2;
} message PhoneNumber {
required string number = 1;
optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME];
} repeated PhoneNumber phones = 4;
} message Addressbook {
repeated Person people = 1;
' > addressbook.proto

2. 使用porotc编译器生成address.proto对应的*.cpp和*.h文件,运行以下命令生成了addressbook.pb.cc和addressbook.pb.h文件。

protoc addressbook.proto

3. 创建两个读与写电话薄的*.cpp文件,使用google protobuf完成写与读的功能。

  • 写文件:
touch write_message.cpp
echo '#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "addressbook.pb.h" using namespace std; void PromptForAddress(tutorial::Person* person) {
cout << "Enter person ID number: ";
int id;
cin >> id;
cin.ignore(256, '\n'); cout << "Enter name: ";
getline(cin, *person->mutable_name()); cout << "Enter email address (blank for none): ";
string email;
getline(cin, email);
if (!email.empty())
person->set_email(email); while (true) {
cout << "Enter a phone number (or leave blank for finish): ";
string number;
getline(cin, number);
if (number.empty())
break; tutorial::Person::PhoneNumber* phone_number = person->add_phones();
phone_number->set_number(number); cout << "Is this a mobile, home, or work phone? ";
string type;
getline(cin, type);
if (type == "mobile")
else if (type == "home")
else if (type == "work")
cout << "Unkown phone type. Using default. " << endl;
} int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "ADDRESS_BOOK_FILE " << endl;
return -1;
} tutorial::Addressbook address_book; fstream input(argv[1], ios::in | ios::binary);
if (!input)
cout << argv[1] << ": File not found. Creating a new file. " << endl;
else if (!address_book.ParseFromIstream(&input)) {
cerr << "Failed to parse address book. " << endl;
return -1;
} PromptForAddress(address_book.add_people()); fstream output(argv[1], ios::out | ios::trunc | ios::binary);
if (!address_book.SerializeToOstream(&output)) {
cerr << "Failed to write address book. " << endl;
return -1;
} google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
return 0;
' > write_message.cpp
  • 读文件:
touch read_message.cpp
echo '#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "addressbook.pb.h" using namespace std; void ListPeople(const tutorial::Addressbook& address_book) {
for (int i = 0; i < address_book.people_size(); ++i) {
const tutorial::Person& person = address_book.people(i); cout << "Person ID: " << person.id() << endl;
cout << "Name: " << person.name() << endl;
if (person.has_email()) {
cout << " E-mail address: " << person.email() << endl;
} for (int j = 0; j < person.phones_size(); ++j) {
const tutorial::Person::PhoneNumber& phone_number = person.phones(j);
switch (phone_number.type()) {
case tutorial::Person::MOBILE:
cout << " Mobile phone#: ";
case tutorial::Person::HOME:
cout << " Home phone#: ";
case tutorial::Person::WORK:
cout << " Work phone#: ";
cout << phone_number.number() << endl;
} int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc != 2) {
cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0] << "ADDRESS_BOOK_FILE " << endl;
return -1;
} tutorial::Addressbook address_book;
fstream input(argv[1], ios::in | ios::binary);
if (!address_book.ParseFromIstream(&input)) {
cerr << "Failed to parse address book. " << endl;
return -1;
} ListPeople(address_book); google::protobuf::ShutdownProtobufLibrary();
return 0;
' > read_message.cpp

4. 分别编译write_message.cpp文件和read_message.cpp文件(其中pkg-config命令可以输出关于protobuf动态库相关的编译时的参数)

g++ write_message.cpp addressbook.pb.cc -o write.out $(pkg-config --cflags --libs protobuf)
g++ read_message.cpp addressbook.pb.cc -o read.out $(pkg-config --cflags --libs protobuf)

5. 分别运行write.out和read.out文件进行写与读操作

./write.out result.protobuf
./read.out result.protobuf


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