
alter table StuInfo --修改列属性
alter column isdelete bit null alter table StuInfo --删除列
drop column isdelete alter table StuInfo --增加列
add isdelete bit not null default(0) select * from StuInfo as si
inner join Classinfo as ci on si.classId=ci.classId
where isdelete=0 --创建视图,用于二次查询
create view StuInfo_Class
select si.*,ci.className from StuInfo as si
inner join Classinfo as ci on si.classId=ci.classId
where isdelete=0 --视图中存储的是select语句,而不是结果集合
select * from StuInfo_Class drop view StuInfo_Class -- 删除 select * from StuInfo
select * from ScoreInfo --查询参与了考试的学生信息,子查询exists,in
select * from StuInfo
where stuId in(select distinct stuId from ScoreInfo) select * from StuInfo as si
where exists
(select * from ScoreInfo as sco where si.stuId=sco.StuId) --分页 已知:页大小(一页显示多少数据),页索引
-- 3 1,2,3,4
select * from
select *,
ROW_NUMBER()over(order by stuPhone asc) as rowIndex
from StuInfo
) as t1
where rowIndex between 1 and 3 --先排序后再查询在一个区间的列 --当前学生的科目成绩
create view S_S_C
select si.*,ci.cName,sco.score from StuInfo as si
inner join ScoreInfo as sco on si.stuId=sco.StuId
inner join CourseInfo as ci on ci.cId=sco.cId select * from S_S_C --数据透视
--要求按格式:姓名 数据库 算法设计
select stuName as 姓名,
max(case cName when '数据库' then score end) as 数据库, --case..when..then语句的两种写法
max(case when cName='算法设计' then score end) as 算法设计
from S_S_C
group by stuName


select * from course
select * from score
select * from student
select * from teacher --[20,25]岁男同学的姓名,性别,年龄
create view student_view
select stuName,stuAge,stuSexy from student
where stuAge between 20 and 25 select * from student_view --每位同学姓名,课程名称和成绩
create view score_view
select si.stuName,ci.cName,sco.score from student as si
inner join score as sco on si.stuId=sco.stuId
inner join course as ci on sco.cId=ci.cId select * from score_view


select * from class
insert into class
values('','大数据') select * from course
select * from student
select * from teacher
select * from score --透视练习:按课程名字 男生 女生
create view Cou_Stu
select si.stuId,ci.cName,si.stuSexy from student as si
inner join score as sco on si.stuId=sco.stuId
inner join course as ci on sco.cId=ci.cId drop view Cou_Stu
select * from Cou_Stu create view TMP
select cName,stuSexy,COUNT(*)as num from Cou_Stu
group by stuSexy,cName select * from TMP select cName,
(case when stuSexy=1 then num end)as '男生',
(case when stuSexy=0 then num end)as '女生'
from TMP --再通过分组+聚合函数把null给去了
select cName,
max(case when stuSexy=1 then num end)as '男生',
max(case when stuSexy=0 then num end)as '女生'
from TMP
group by cName


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