GZIP(1)                                                                GZIP(1)
       gzip, gunzip, zcat - compress or expand files/压缩或展开文件
       gzip [ -acdfhlLnNrtvV19 ] [-S suffix] [ name ...  ]/后缀
       gunzip [ -acfhlLnNrtvV ] [-S suffix] [ name ...  ]
       zcat [ -fhLV ] [ name ...  ]
       Gzip reduces the size of the named files using Lempel-Ziv coding (LZ77).  Whenever possible, each file is replaced by one with the extension .gz, while keeping the
       same ownership modes, access and modification times.  (The default extension is -gz for VMS, z for MSDOS, OS/2 FAT, Windows NT FAT and Atari.)   If  no  files  are
       specified, or if a file name is "-", the standard input is compressed to the standard output.  Gzip will only attempt to compress regular files.  In particular, it
       will ignore symbolic links.
    (vms的默认扩展名是-gz,msdos的默认扩展名是z,os/2 fat,windows nt fat和atari。)如果没有指定文件,或者文件名是“-”,则标准输入被压缩为标准输出。
       If the compressed file name is too long for its file system, gzip truncates it.  Gzip attempts to truncate only the parts of the file name longer  than  3  charac-
       ters.  (A part is delimited by dots.) If the name consists of small parts only, the longest parts are truncated. For example, if file names are limited to 14 char-
       acters, gzip.msdos.exe is compressed to gzi.msd.exe.gz.  Names are not truncated on systems which do not have a limit on file name length.
       By default, gzip keeps the original file name and timestamp in the compressed file. These are used when decompressing the file with the -N option. This  is  useful
       when the compressed file name was truncated or when the time stamp was not preserved after a file transfer.
       Compressed files can be restored to their original form using gzip -d or gunzip or zcat.  If the original name saved in the compressed file is not suitable for its
       file system, a new name is constructed from the original one to make it legal.
       gunzip takes a list of files on its command line and replaces each file whose name ends with .gz, -gz, .z, -z, _z or .Z and which begins  with  the  correct  magic
       number  with an uncompressed file without the original extension.  gunzip also recognizes the special extensions .tgz and .taz as shorthands for .tar.gz and .tar.Z
       respectively.  When compressing, gzip uses the .tgz extension if necessary instead of truncating a file with a .tar extension.
       gunzip can currently decompress files created by gzip, zip, compress, compress -H or pack.  The detection of the input format is automatic.  When using  the  first
       two  formats,  gunzip  checks  a  32  bit  CRC. For pack, gunzip checks the uncompressed length. The standard compress format was not designed to allow consistency
       checks. However gunzip is sometimes able to detect a bad .Z file. If you get an error when uncompressing a .Z file, do not assume that the .Z file is correct  sim-
       ply  because  the  standard uncompress does not complain. This generally means that the standard uncompress does not check its input, and happily generates garbage
       output.  The SCO compress -H format (lzh compression method) does not include a CRC but also allows some consistency checks.
    sco compress-h格式(lzh compression method)不包括CRC,但也允许一些一致性检查。
       Files created by zip can be uncompressed by gzip only if they have a single member compressed with the ?.eflation?.method. This feature is only  intended  to  help
       conversion  of  tar.zip  files to the tar.gz format.  To extract a zip file with a single member, use a command like gunzip <foo.zip or gunzip -S .zip foo.zip.  To
       extract zip files with several members, use unzip instead of gunzip.
    请使用gunzip<foo.zip或gunzip-s.zip foo.zip等命令。要提取包含多个成员的zip文件,请使用unzip而不是gunzip。
       zcat is identical to gunzip -c.  (On some systems, zcat may be installed as gzcat to preserve the original link to compress.)  zcat uncompresses either a  list  of
       files on the command line or its standard input and writes the uncompressed data on standard output.  zcat will uncompress files that have the correct magic number
       whether they have a .gz suffix or not.
       Gzip uses the Lempel-Ziv algorithm used in zip and PKZIP.  The amount of compression obtained depends on the size of the input and the distribution of common  sub-
       strings.   Typically,  text  such  as source code or English is reduced by 60-70%.  Compression is generally much better than that achieved by LZW (as used in com-
       press), Huffman coding (as used in pack), or adaptive Huffman coding (compact).
       Compression is always performed, even if the compressed file is slightly larger than the original. The worst case expansion is  a  few  bytes  for  the  gzip  file
       header,  plus  5  bytes  every  32K block, or an expansion ratio of 0.015% for large files. Note that the actual number of used disk blocks almost never increases.
       gzip preserves the mode, ownership and timestamps of files when compressing or decompressing.
       The gzip file format is specified in P. Deutsch, GZIP file format specification version  4.3,  <ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc1952.txt>,  Internet  RFC  1952  (May
       1996).   The  zip  deflation format is specified in P. Deutsch, DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification version 1.3, <ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc1951.txt>,
       Internet RFC 1951 (May 1996).
    gzip文件格式在p.deutsch,gzip文件格式规范版本4.3中指定,<ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in notes/rfc1952.txt>,internet rfc 1952(1996年5月)。
    压缩压缩格式在p.deutsch,deflate compressed data format specification version 1.3中指定,<ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in notes/rfc1951.txt>,internet rfc 1951(1996年5月)。
       -a --ascii
              Ascii text mode: convert end-of-lines using local conventions. This option is supported only on some non-Unix systems. For MSDOS, CR LF is converted  to  LF
              when compressing, and LF is converted to CR LF when decompressing.
     ASCII文本模式:使用本地约定转换行尾。此选项仅在某些非UNIX系统上受支持。对于MSDOS,压缩时CR LF转换为LF,解压缩时LF转换为CR LF。
       -c --stdout --to-stdout
              Write  output  on standard output; keep original files unchanged.  If there are several input files, the output consists of a sequence of independently com-
              pressed members. To obtain better compression, concatenate all input files before compressing them.
       -d --decompress --uncompress
       -f --force
              Force compression or decompression even if the file has multiple links or the corresponding file already exists, or if the compressed data is read  from  or
              written to a terminal. If the input data is not in a format recognized by gzip, and if the option --stdout is also given, copy the input data without change
              to the standard ouput: let zcat behave as cat.  If -f is not given, and when not running in the background, gzip prompts to verify whether an existing  file
              should be overwritten.
     标准输出:让ZCAT作为CAT。If-F is not given,and when not running in the background,GZIP prompts to verify where an existing file             
       -h --help
              Display a help screen and quit./显示帮助屏幕并退出。
       -l --list
              For each compressed file, list the following fields:/对于每个压缩文件,列出以下字段:
                  compressed size: size of the compressed file
                  uncompressed size: size of the uncompressed file
                  ratio: compression ratio (0.0% if unknown)
                  uncompressed_name: name of the uncompressed file
              The uncompressed size is given as -1 for files not in gzip format, such as compressed .Z files. To get the uncompressed size for such a file, you can use:
                  zcat file.Z | wc -c
      zcat file.z_wc-c   
              In combination with the --verbose option, the following fields are also displayed:/结合--verbose选项,还将显示以下字段:
                  method: compression method
                  crc: the 32-bit CRC of the uncompressed data
                  date & time: time stamp for the uncompressed file
              The compression methods currently supported are deflate, compress, lzh (SCO compress -H) and pack.  The crc is given as ffffffff for a file not in gzip for-
     目前支持的压缩方法有deflate、compress、lzh(sco compress-h)和pack。对于不是gzip格式的文件,crc被指定为ffffffff。
              With --name, the uncompressed name,  date and time  are those stored within the compress file if present.
              With --verbose, the size totals and compression ratio for all files is also displayed, unless some sizes are unknown. With --quiet,  the  title  and  totals
              lines are not displayed.
       -L --license
              Display the gzip license and quit./显示GZIP许可证并退出。
       -n --no-name
              When  compressing,  do  not save the original file name and time stamp by default. (The original name is always saved if the name had to be truncated.) When
              decompressing, do not restore the original file name if present (remove only the gzip suffix from the compressed file name) and do not restore the  original
              time stamp if present (copy it from the compressed file). This option is the default when decompressing.
       -N --name
              When  compressing, always save the original file name and time stamp; this is the default. When decompressing, restore the original file name and time stamp
              if present. This option is useful on systems which have a limit on file name length or when the time stamp has been lost after a file transfer.
       -q --quiet
              Suppress all warnings./删除所有警告。
       -r --recursive
              Travel the directory structure recursively. If any of the file names specified on the command line are directories, gzip will descend into the directory and
              compress all the files it finds there (or decompress them in the case of gunzip ).
       -S .suf --suffix .suf
              Use  suffix .suf instead of .gz. Any suffix can be given, but suffixes other than .z and .gz should be avoided to avoid confusion when files are transferred
              to other systems.  A null suffix forces gunzip to  try decompression on all given files regardless of suffix, as in:
                  gunzip -S "" *       (*.* for MSDOS)
              Previous versions of gzip used the .z suffix. This was changed to avoid a conflict with pack(1).
       -t --test
              Test. Check the compressed file integrity./测试。检查压缩文件的完整性。
       -v --verbose/输出详细调试信息
              Verbose. Display the name and percentage reduction for each file compressed or decompressed./显示压缩或解压缩的每个文件的名称和减少百分比。
       -V --version/版本
              Version. Display the version number and compilation options then quit./显示版本号和编译选项,然后退出
       -# --fast --best/快,好的
              Regulate the speed of compression using the specified digit #, where -1 or --fast indicates the fastest compression method  (less  compression)  and  -9  or
              --best  indicates  the  slowest  compression  method  (best  compression).  The default compression level is -6 (that is, biased towards high compression at
              expense of speed).
       Multiple compressed files can be concatenated. In this case, gunzip will extract all members at once. For example:
             gzip -c file1  > foo.gz
             gzip -c file2 >> foo.gz
             gunzip -c foo
       is equivalent to
             cat file1 file2
       In case of damage to one member of a .gz file, other members can still be recovered (if the damaged member is removed). However, you can get better compression  by
       compressing all members at once:
             cat file1 file2 | gzip > foo.gz
       compresses better than
             gzip -c file1 file2 > foo.gz
       If you want to recompress concatenated files to get better compression, do:/如果要重新压缩连接的文件以获得更好的压缩,请执行以下操作:
             gzip -cd old.gz | gzip > new.gz
       If  a  compressed  file  consists  of several members, the uncompressed size and CRC reported by the --list option applies to the last member only. If you need the
       uncompressed size for all members, you can use:
             gzip -cd file.gz | wc -c
       If you wish to create a single archive file with multiple members so that members can later be extracted independently, use an archiver such as tar or zip. GNU tar
       supports the -z option to invoke gzip transparently. gzip is designed as a complement to tar, not as a replacement.
    如果希望创建一个包含多个成员的单个存档文件,以便以后可以独立提取成员,请使用tar或zip等存档程序。gnu tar支持-z选项以透明地调用gzip。gzip是对tar的补充,而不是替代品。
       The  environment  variable  GZIP  can  hold a set of default options for gzip.  These options are interpreted first and can be overwritten by explicit command line
       parameters. For example:
             for sh:    GZIP="-8v --name"; export GZIP
             for csh:   setenv GZIP "-8v --name"
             for MSDOS: set GZIP=-8v --name
    对于csh:setenv gzip“-8v--名称”             
    对于msdos:set gzip=-8v--名称
       On Vax/VMS, the name of the environment variable is GZIP_OPT, to avoid a conflict with the symbol set for invocation of the program.
       znew(1), zcmp(1), zmore(1), zforce(1), gzexe(1), zip(1), unzip(1), compress(1), pack(1), compact(1)
       The gzip file format is specified in P. Deutsch, GZIP file format specification version  4.3,  <ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc1952.txt>,  Internet  RFC  1952  (May
       1996).   The  zip  deflation format is specified in P. Deutsch, DEFLATE Compressed Data Format Specification version 1.3, <ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc1951.txt>,
       Internet RFC 1951 (May 1996).
    znew(1), zcmp(1), zmore(1), zforce(1), gzexe(1), zip(1), unzip(1), compress(1), pack(1), compact(1)
    gzip文件格式在p.deutsch,gzip文件格式规范版本4.3中指定,<ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in notes/rfc1952.txt>,internet rfc 1952(1996年5月)。
    zip压缩格式在p.deutsch,deflate compressed data format specification version 1.3中指定,
    <ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in notes/rfc1951.txt>,internet rfc 1951(1996年5月)。
       Exit status is normally 0; if an error occurs, exit status is 1. If a warning occurs, exit status is 2.
       Usage: gzip [-cdfhlLnNrtvV19] [-S suffix] [file ...]
              Invalid options were specified on the command line.
    用法:gzip[-cdfhlnnrtvvv19][-s suffix][file…]在命令行上指定了无效选项。
       file: not in gzip format
              The file specified to gunzip has not been compressed.
       file: Corrupt input. Use zcat to recover some data.
              The compressed file has been damaged. The data up to the point of failure can be recovered using
                    zcat file > recover
       file: compressed with xx bits, can only handle yy bits
              File was compressed (using LZW) by a program that could deal with more bits than the decompress code on this machine.  Recompress the file with gzip,  which
              compresses better and uses less memory.
       file: already has .gz suffix -- no change/文件:已经有.gz后缀--没有更改
              The file is assumed to be already compressed.  Rename the file and try again.
       file already exists; do you wish to overwrite (y or n)?/文件已存在;是否要覆盖(Y或N)?
              Respond "y" if you want the output file to be replaced; "n" if not.
       gunzip: corrupt input/GunZip:输入损坏
              A SIGSEGV violation was detected which usually means that the input file has been corrupted.
       xx.x% Percentage of the input saved by compression.
              (Relevant only for -v and -l.)
       -- not a regular file or directory: ignored/不是常规文件或目录:已忽略
              When the input file is not a regular file or directory, (e.g. a symbolic link, socket, FIFO, device file), it is left unaltered.
       -- has xx other links: unchanged/有XX个其他链接:未更改
              The input file has links; it is left unchanged.  See ln(1) for more information. Use the -f flag to force compression of multiply-linked files.
       When  writing  compressed data to a tape, it is generally necessary to pad the output with zeroes up to a block boundary. When the data is read and the whole block
       is passed to gunzip for decompression, gunzip detects that there is extra trailing garbage after the compressed data and emits a warning by default.  You  have  to
       use the --quiet option to suppress the warning. This option can be set in the GZIP environment variable as in:
         for sh:  GZIP="-q"  tar -xfz --block-compress /dev/rst0
         for csh: (setenv GZIP -q; tar -xfz --block-compr /dev/rst0
   对于sh:gzip=“-q” tar -xfz --block-compress  /dev/rst0             
   对于CSH:(setenv gzip-q;tar -xfz --block-compr /dev/rst0
       In the above example, gzip is invoked implicitly by the -z option of GNU tar. Make sure that the same block size (-b option of tar) is used for reading and writing
       compressed data on tapes.  (This example assumes you are using the GNU version of tar.)
    在上面的示例中,gzip由gnu tar的-z选项隐式调用。确保在磁带上读取和写入压缩数据时使用相同的块大小(tar的-b选项)。(此示例假设您使用的是GNU版本的tar。)
       The gzip format represents the the input size modulo 2^32, so the --list option reports incorrect uncompressed sizes and compression ratios for uncompressed  files
       4 GB and larger.  To work around this problem, you can use the following command to discover a large uncompressed file?. true size:
    gzip格式表示输入大小模块2^32,因此--list选项报告了不正确的未压缩大小和4 GB及更大的未压缩文件的压缩比。
             zcat file.gz | wc -c
       The --list option reports sizes as -1 and crc as ffffffff if the compressed file is on a non seekable media.
       In  some  rare cases, the --best option gives worse compression than the default compression level (-6). On some highly redundant files, compress compresses better
       than gzip.
       Copyright 漏 1998, 1999, 2001, 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
       Copyright 漏 1992, 1993 Jean-loup Gailly
    Copyright 漏 1992, 1993 Jean-loup Gailly
       Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.
       Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived
       work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.
       Permission  is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this
       permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the Foundation.
                                     local                             GZIP(1)


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