You are playing CSGO.
There are n Main Weapons and m Secondary Weapons in CSGO. You can
only choose one Main Weapon and one Secondary Weapon. For each weapon,
it has a composite score S.

The higher the composite score of the weapon is, the better for you.

Also each weapon has K performance evaluations x[1], x[2], …, x[K].(range, firing rate, recoil, weight…)

So you shold consider the cooperation of your weapons, you want two
weapons that have big difference in each performance, for example, AWP +
CZ75 is a good choose, and so do AK47 + Desert Eagle.

All in all, you will evaluate your weapons by this formula.(MW for Main Weapon and SW for Secondary Weapon)

Now you have to choose your best Main Weapon & Secondary Weapon and output the maximum evaluation.

InputMultiple query.

On the first line, there is a positive integer T, which describe the number of data. Next there are T groups of data.

for each group, the first line have three positive integers n, m, K.

then, the next n line will describe n Main Weapons, K+1 integers each line S, x[1], x[2], …, x[K]

then, the next m line will describe m Secondary Weapons, K+1 integers each line S, x[1], x[2], …, x[K]

There is a blank line before each groups of data.

T<=100, n<=100000, m<=100000, K<=5, 0<=S<=1e9, |x[i]|<=1e9, sum of (n+m)<=300000

OutputYour output should include T lines, for each line, output the maximum evaluation for the corresponding datum.Sample Input

2 2 1
0 233
0 666
0 123
0 456
2 2 1
100 0 1000 100 1000 100
100 0

Sample Output

题意 : 有 n 种主武器, m 种副武器, 同时每种武器都有 k 个权值,询问上面所给的目标式子中的最大收益
思路分析 : 考虑一下绝对值的性质, a-b 的绝对值等于 a-b 或者 -a+b , 并且题目所给的 k <= 5, 显然这里我们可以二进制去枚举,记录最大值即可
#define ll long long
const ll maxn = 1e5+5; ll n, m, k;
ll a[maxn][10], b[maxn][10];
ll sa[50], sb[50]; void init() {
ll f = 1;
for(ll i = 1; i <= k; i++) f *= 2;
memset(sa, 0x8f, sizeof(sa)); memset(sb, 0x8f, sizeof(sb));
//printf("++ %lld \n", sa[0]);
for(ll i = 1; i <= n; i++){
for(ll state = 0; state < f; state++){
ll sum = 0;
for(ll j = 0; j < k; j++){
if (state & (1<<j)) sum += a[i][j+1];
else sum -= a[i][j+1];
sa[state] = max(sa[state], sum+a[i][0]);
} for(ll i = 1; i <= m; i++){
for(ll state = 0; state < f; state++){
ll sum = 0;
for(ll j = 0; j < k; j++){
if (state & (1<<j)) sum += b[i][j+1];
else sum -= b[i][j+1];
sb[state] = max(sb[state], sum+b[i][0]);
} void solve() {
ll num = 1<<k;
ll ans = 0x8f;
for(ll i = 0; i < num; i++){
ll pp = num-1-i; ans = max(ans, sa[i]+sb[pp]);
printf("%lld\n", ans);
} int main() {
//freopen("in.txt", "r", stdin);
//freopen("out.txt", "w", stdout);
ll t; cin >> t;
scanf("%lld%lld%lld", &n, &m, &k);
for(ll i = 1; i <= n; i++){
for(ll j = 0; j <= k; j++){
scanf("%lld", &a[i][j]);
for(ll i = 1; i <= m; i++){
for(ll j = 0; j <= k; j++){
scanf("%lld", &b[i][j]);
return 0;


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