
Create a Class Student which should have the following information:
Parameters passed to __init__ when an instance of the class is created:
p_surname - a string
p_given_name - a string
p_id - an integer
p_results - a list - see below for the expected format
These will then be used to set the following instance variables:
self._results (underscore '_' means it is hidden from the user)
There will also be a method:
This method will take as argument a module code e.g. 'nwu112' and it will calculate the final mark for
the student for that particular module according to the assumption:
20% project 1
20% project 2
10% multiple choice test
50% final exam
An instance of a student will be created like this:

student1 = Student( \
{ 'nwu112': { 'project1': 60, 'project2': 65, 'mcq_test': 70, 'final_exam': 80 },\
'nwu113': { 'project1': 68, 'project2': 57, 'mcq_test': 60, 'final_exam': 70 } } )

So, the results consist of a dictionary where the key is 'nwu112' or 'nwu113' and the value in each case
is another dictionary containing the different marks.
When you have your Class written, create a couple of instances of the class; for each one, invent a
surname, given name, ID and results list. etc.
Finally, run calc_marks() on your student objects to find out their final mark for a module. In other
words, you will do:
student1.calc_marks( 'nwu112' )
Your method will be in the Student Class and so will have access to student._results . So in
calc_marks() you will be able to do:
student._results[ 'nwu112' ]
to get the results for the module nwu112. For the project1 marks for nwu112 you will be able to do:
student._results[ 'nwu112' ] [ 'project1' ]
and the value of that, assuming the above data, is the integer 60. You can use these numbers to
calculate the overall result for a module.

class Student:
def __init__(self,p_surname,p_given_name,p_id,p_results):
self._results=p_results def calc_marks(self,subject):
print("The final mark of "+self.surname+" about subject "+subject+" is "+str(result))
return result
from Student import Student student1 = Student( \
{ 'nwu112': { 'project1': 60, 'project2': 65, 'mcq_test': 70, 'final_exam': 80 },\
'nwu113': { 'project1': 68, 'project2': 57, 'mcq_test': 60, 'final_exam': 70 } } ) student1.calc_marks('nwu112')


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