1. 收集文档

1.1  SAP HANA Rules Framework by the SAP HANA Academy link

1.2  HANA Rules Framework (HRF) blog of blogs  link

1.3  SAP HANA Rules Frameworklink

1.4  2455694 - SAP HANA Rules Framework 1.0 SPS 11 Release Note

SAP HRF Version SAP HANA Releases SAP HANA Studio Releases
SAP HRF 1.0 SP11 Patch 0 to Patch 4  SPS 12 rev 122.08, 122.09, 122.10 2.3.19, 2.3.22
SAP HANA 2.0 SPS00 Database Revision 002 ( 2.3.19
SAP HRF 1.0 SP11 Patch 5 to Patch 9 SPS 12 rev. 122.14, 122.15, 122.16, 122.17, 122.19, 122.21, 122.23, 122.25

2.3.31, 2.3.32,  2.3.34, 2.3.38, 2.3.39,

2.3.42, 2.3.44

SAP HANA 2.0 SPS02 Database Revision 23, 24, 24.01, 24.02,24.03, 24.05, 24.06, 24.07, 24.08, 24.09, 24.10

2.3.31, 2.3.33, 2.3.36, 2.3.37, 2.3.40, 2.3.41, 2.3.43, 2.3.45

SAP HANA 2.0 SPS03 Database Revision 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 37.02

2.3.35, 2.3.39, 2.3.41, 2.3.42, 2.3.43, 2.3.45

SAP HANA 2.0 SPS04 Database Revision 40, 41

2.3.43, 2.3.44

2. 下载软件

  1. Go to the SAP Software Download Center at https://support.sap.com/swdc.
  2. Choose Software Downloads.
  3. Choose the Support Packages and Patches tab.
  4. Choose By Category  SAP In-Memory (SAP HANA)  SAP HANA Add-ons  SAP HANA RULES FRAMEWORK  SAP HANA RULES FRAMEWORK 1.0  Comprised Software Component Versions  HANA RULES FRAMEWORK 1.0.
  5. Ensure that the following are selected:
  6. Download the relevant file, depending on the type of installation that you are performing:

3. Deploying the SAP HANA Rules Framework Software Component

3.1 Prerequisites

    • You have reviewed the software and hardware requirements and the release note for this release.

      See Software and Hardware Requirements.

    • You have installed the SAP HANA client.

      For more information, see the SAP HANA Client Installation and Update Guide at http://help.sap.com/hana_platform.

    • You have an SAP HANA database user.
    • The SAP HANA sap.hana.xs.lm.roles::Administrator user role is assigned to your SAP HANA database user.

3.2 Procedure

  1. Start a command line client and navigate to the directory in which hdbalm is located.

    By default, hdbalm is located in the c:\Program Files\sap\hdbclient directory on Microsoft Windows and /usr/SAP/hdbclient(/usr/sap/S4D/hdbclient/) directory on Linux.

  2. Set the following environment variables:
    Variable Description
    HDBALM_USER Name of your SAP HANA database user.
    HDBALM_PASSWD Password of your SAP HANA database user.
    HDBALM_HOST Full domain name of the SAP HANA XS engine.
    HDBALM_PORT Port number of the SAP HANA XS engine. The default port is 80+<instance number>.


set HDBALM_PASSWD=******
set HDBALM_HOST=s4hanahost
set HDBALM_PORT=8010
export HDBALM_PASSWD=******
export HDBALM_HOST=s4hanahost
export HDBALM_PORT=8010
export HTTP_PROXY=

3.3 Execute the hdbalm installation command with the required options, command options, or parameters to deploy the software component of SAP HANA rules framework.
ExampleC:\Program Files\SAP\hdbclient_101>hdbalm.bat -v install C:\TEMP\HCORULEFW05P_3.ZIP
/usr/sap/S4D/hdbclient/hdbalm -v install /hana/sapcd/HCORULEFW11P_9-20011528.ZIP 报错:

hbdadm@s4hana:/usr/sap/HBD/HDB10> /usr/sap/S4D/hdbclient/hdbalm -v install /hana/sapcd/HCORULEFW11P_9-20011528.ZIP
DEBUG:root:Request: GET /sap/hana/xs/lm/xsts/ping.xsjs
DEBUG:root:Opening http://boschs4hana:8010/sap/hana/xs/lm/xsts/ping.xsjs?HDBALM_VERSION=1.1.11
Http error: Forbidden
DEBUG:root:Finished with return code 1


Can you please set parameter webdispatcher.ini [profile] wdisp/system_auto_configuration to true?

Can you please run this statement from both, the SYSTEMDB and the tenant?

select * from m_inifile_contents where file_name = 'xsengine.ini' and section = 'public_urls';

Also, please run this other statement from the SYSTEMDB:

select key, value, layer_name from sys.m_inifile_contents where file_name = 'webdispatcher.ini' and section = 'profile' and key like 'wdisp/system%';

And run this one from the tenant only:


So I will be expecting 4 result sets in total. Please export the results in .csv format (you can right-click the result set in the Studio and select "Export Result...") and attach them to the incident.

4. Setting Up a Technical User



  1. In SAP HANA studio, create a technical user with the name: HRF_TECH_USER

2. If you are consuming rule services via REST, XSJS Lib function call, or the SAP HRF web application, the HRF_TECH_USER must be granted the following:

  • execute and/or select privileges on the application runtime schema

  • select privilege on the schema where the data is located

3.As a result of the new user authorization mechanism provided in SAP HANA Rules Framework 1.0 SPS 07, when upgrading from SAP HANA Rules Framework 1.0 SPS 06 or before to this release, you must update the existing permissions of business users that perform editing tasks (create, update, or delete) to the various HRF resources (rules, rule services, vocabularies, and rule templates) so that they include the necessary privileges that permit the required CUD operations.

5.Configuring SAP HANA Rules Framework


  1. Ensure that the sap.hrf.role.model::HrfAdmin role is assigned to your SAP HANA user in SAP HANA studio.
    1. In the navigation tree of the new system, go to Security  Users.
    2. Right-click the user name in the navigation tree, and then select Open.
    3. In the Granted Roles tab, click  (Add).
    4. Search for the role sap.hrf.role.model::HrfAdmin and click OK.
    5. Click File  Save.

2.Open a REST client in your application for interacting with HTTP APIs, for e.g., Postman. Enter the following request in the REST client to run the configuration script.


Enter the following URL in the REST client request:



Enter the following method in the REST client request:



(Basic Authentication) Enter the user credentials of SAP HANA user to whom the sap.hrf.role.model::HrfAdmin role was assigned in Step 1.

Body (Type: application/json)

Enter the following request body in the REST client request:

"timeZoneCode": "<ID>",
"webApplicationConfigurations": "default",
"runtimeSchema": "<SCHEMA_NAME>"

The following table provides more information about these parameters.


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