1.什么是Familywise Error Rate(FWE or FWER)


换句话说,是造成至少一次Type I Error的概率。术语FWE来自测试系列,这是一系列数据测试的技术定义


  • αIT:一个独立测试的显著水平
  • c : 对比次数

举个例子,对于一个10次试验的的序列,显著水平5%,FWE = ≤ 1 – (1 – .05)^10 = 0.401 ,这意味着Type I Error 发生的概率超过了40%,对于只有10次试验而言,是非常高的




1. 将alpha级别除以正在运行的测试的数量,并将该alpha级别应用于每个单独的测试。例如,如果您的整体alpha水平是.05,并且您正在运行5个测试,那么每个测试的alpha水平将是.05/5=.01。

2. 在每个测试中应用新的alpha级别来查找p值。在本例中,p值必须小于或等于0.01才具有统计意义。


Similar to Bonferroni, but makes adaptive adjustments to each p-value. Several sequential methods exist. The easiest is probably the Holm-Bonferroni Method, but several others have been developed including the Sidak-Bonferroni and Holland-Copenhaver.

  1. Holm-Bonferroni: tests are run and then ordered from lowest to highest p-values. The individual tests are then tested (starting with the one with the lowest p-value) with an overall Bonferroni correction for all tests. See: Holm-Bonferroni Method for a step-by-step example.
  2. Sidak-Bonferroni (sometimes called the Boole or Dunn approximation): a variant of Bonferroni which uses a Taylor expansion (from calculus)

Type I Error

Type I Error 就是错误地拒绝了一个真实的零假设Ho(null hypothesis)(应该接受的)

null hypothesis :普遍接受的假设


Type II Error




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