When you running a highload website with PHP-FPM via FastCGI, the following tips may be useful to you : )
如果您高负载网站使用PHP-FPM管 理FastCGI,这些技巧也许对您有用:)

1. Compile PHP’s modules as less as possible, the simple the best (fast);


2. Increas PHP FastCGI child number to 100 and even more. Sometime, 200 is OK! ( On 4GB memory server);

2.把您的PHP FastCGI子进程数调到100或以上,在4G内存的服务器上200就可以


3. Using SOCKET PHP FastCGI, and put into /dev/shm on Linux;

3.使用socket连接FastCGI,linux操作系统可以放在 /dev/shm中

注: 在php-fpm.cnf 里设置/tmp/


.socket就可以通过socket连接 FastCGI了,/dev/shm是内存文件系统,放在内存中肯定会快了

4. Increase Linux “max open files”, using the following command (must be root):

# echo ‘ulimit -HSn 65536′ >> /etc/profile

# echo ‘ulimit -HSn 65536 >> /etc/rc.local

# source /etc/profile


echo ‘ulimit -HSn 65536′ >> /etc/profile

echo ‘ulimit -HSn 65536′ >> /etc/rc.local

source /etc/profile

注:我是修改/etc/rc.local,加入ulimit -SHn 51200的

5. Increase PHP-FPM open file description rlimit:

# vi /path/to/php-fpm.conf

Find “1024”

Change 1024 to 4096 or higher number.

Restart PHP-FPM.

5. 增加 PHP-FPM 打开文件描述符的限制:

# vi /path/to/php-fpm.conf


把1024 更改为 4096 或者更高.


6. Using PHP code accelerator, e.g eAccelerator, XCache. And set “cache_dir” to /dev/shm on Linux.

6.使用php代码加速器,例如 eAccelerator, XCache.在linux平台上可以把`cache_dir`指向 /dev/shm


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