Recently, I have a project, I use Unity3D to finish a visualization work, which is the final project for my visualization course.

In this project, I try to visualization some frescoes' deterioration data to help the cultural workers to analiysis and protect cultural relics.

The resources I used include

  • Unity3D Engine,
  • the deterioration data,
  • some tutorials from internet,
  • a lot of my time.

The initial objectives and final outcome of this project I list here,

  • 3D visualization result                                                                 complete
  • read data as json                                                                        complete
  • use Hololens as platform                                                            failure, the memory exceeds limit
  • scene romaing                                                                            semifinished
  • text instructions                                                                          complete
  • accuracy                                                                                     achieve
  • division of deterioration's types and frescoes' age                        achieve
  • division of deterioration's level                                                    achieve
  • clearly and briefly                                                                       failure, too lot memory used
  • good connection between the connoted information                      failure, too many elements, they are intricate
  • agility                                                                                         failure

I plan begin this at 1st Dec, and end at 15th Dec,

But, the actual strating date is 10th Dec and ending date is 21st Dec

That is all about this project.


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