I have to protect the one thing I can't live without.


A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to bed at night and in between does what he wants to do.


From Bob Dylan.

Simple guidelines, but really difficult to follow up, especially the last one.

If you can't do what you want, but you have to do, why not do them with your full strength and strive for some accomplishments?

Once you have achieved some good results and successfully delivered them to others, the feeling of achievments and fulfillments would make you change your ideas about your work.


  1. JAVA的网络编程
  2. Crypto++ 动态链接编译与实例测试
  3. smartjs 0.2 OOP讲解 - Klass 类继承
  4. 2016 Multi-University Training Contest 4 Bubble Sort(树状数组模板)
  5. salt 批量部署与配置
  6. Android开发之Intent跳转到系统应用中的拨号界面、联系人界面、短信界面
  7. Oracle: Oracle行转列、列转行的Sql语句总结
  8. PHPexcel 判断日期类型
  9. asp之FSO大全
  10. 【java】内存流:java.io.ByteArrayInputStream、java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream、java.io.CharArrayReader、java.io.CharArrayWriter
  11. jwt验证登录信息
  12. 树莓派3B+ HDMI连接显示屏 因供电问题而不能进入系统
  13. 智能化脚本autoit v3的简单了解
  14. 【Go】go get 自动代理
  15. BZOJ2801/洛谷P3544 [POI2012]BEZ-Minimalist Security(题目性质发掘+图的遍历+解不等式组)
  16. CSharp遗传算法求解背包问题
  17. ASP.NET WebAPI数据传输安全HTTPS实战项目演练
  18. 线上mongodb 数据库用户到期时间修改的操作记录
  19. 树莓派(RespberryPi)安装手记
  20. [原创]K8飞刀20160613 Plesk密码 & 注册表16进制转换 & Html实体解密


  1. 回溯法求解n皇后和迷宫问题
  2. Node.js链式回调
  3. jar命令简单使用
  4. .Net调用Java端带有WS-Security支持的Web Service【亲测通过】
  5. sql多行合并成一行用逗号隔开,多表联合查询中子查询取名可重复
  6. linux的文件基本属性
  7. Enable Scribble,Enable Guard Edges,Enable Guard Malloc,Zombie Objects
  8. SSM+Redis+Shiro+Maven框架搭建及集成应用
  9. sublime3中如何快速生成html头部信息
  10. loj#6235. 区间素数个数(min25筛)