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padding: ;
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width: 102px;
margin-top: 100px;
margin-left: 100px;
.test ul{
overflow: hidden;
.test ul li{
/*display: block;*/
float: left;
border: 1px solid #;
display: block;
width: 100px;
height: 50px;
line-height: 50px;
background-color: red;
overflow: hidden;
.test1 p{
float: left;
<div class="test">
<div class="test1">

给li里面的div设置overflow: hidden就会西湖此案这个问题

如果去掉overflow: hidden或者给li设置display:block或者display:inline-block就正常,不懂为什么





设 A为子容器,B为父容器。




Let me explain to you why this is happening.

According to CSS 2.1 Specs,

The baseline of an 'inline-block' is the baseline of its last line box in the normal flow, unless it has either no in-flow line boxes or if its 'overflow' property has a computed value other than 'visible', in which case the baseline is the bottom margin edge.

To explain in simple words,

i) If inline-block in question has its overflow property set to visible (which is by default so no need to set though). Then its baseline would be the baseline of the containing block of the line. ii) If inline-block in question has its overflow property set to OTHER THAN visible. Then its bottom margin would be on the baseline of the line of containing box.

So, in your case the inline-block cell has overflow:hidden (not VISIBLE), so its margin-bottom, the border of cell is at the baseline of the container element container.

That is why the element cell looks pushed upwards and the height of container appears increased. You can avoid that by setting cell to display:block.


'inline-block'的baseline是其在normal flow中的最后一个line box的baseline,除非它没有in-flow line boxes,或者其‘overflow’属性不等于‘visible’,这种情况下,其baseline位于bottom margin边上。


i) 如果inline-block的overflow设为visible(默认属性),则其baseline是当前行的containing block的baseline。

ii) 如果overflow设为其他,则其bottom margin位于前行的containing block的baseline;





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