经过快3个月的测试,kbmmw 4.40 正式版终于在圣诞节前发布了。

We are happy to announce the availability of a new kbmMW release!

This is a major release that amongst other things adds support for
Delphi XE5 Win32/Win64/OSX/IOS/Android.

The release also includes the following major features (only a subset of
all new features added):

- A new highly configurable and flexible authorization manager where
actors, roles, resources, authorizations and constraints can be defined.

- New portable high performance algorithms: TkbmMWLock and TkbmMWEvent

  and detailed CPU affinity configuration for functionality groups.

- Async progress framework for subscribing for progress and sending it,

  with the ability to cancel long running operations.

- Multipart HTTP parsing and HTTP authentication support.

- Numerous new bundled ciphers and hashes based on the

  discontinued DCPCrypt open source product. C4D has revived

  the code within kbmMW, and ported it to support all platforms

  supported by kbmMW.

- New FireDAC database adapter.

Please check the log further down in this post for more information!

If you have an active SAU, the download of this latest kbmMW release is
readily available on your portal at:


If your SAU has lapsed, you can extend it with another 12 months.

If it has been lapsed for more than 24 months, contact us for a

10% discount on a new kbmMW license replacing the old.

This release require kbmMemTable v. 7.40.00.

4.40.00 Dec 22 2013

Important notes (changes that may break existing code)


        - Changed JSON object marshalling (TkbmMWJSONMarshal) to not

          add double child arrays in collections.

          Notice this makes JSON incompable with previous JSON

          streaming format.

New stuff


        - Added properties Cancel:boolean, UniqueID:string,

          UniqueCallID:string, RequesterNodeID:string and


          to TkbmMWCustomService. Enables features for cancelling

          ongoing request.

        - Added full XE5 Win32/Win64/OSX/Android and IOS support. Add

          kbmMW and kbmMemTable source directory to Library path

          when compiling for Android or IOS.

        - Added TkbmMWAuthorizationManager which can be used for

          keeping track of resources, actors, logins and authorizations

          and constraints.

        - Added AuthorizationManager property to TkbmMWServer.

        - Added OnPreServeRequest to TkbmMWServer. Provides access to a

          request before even authorization manager kicks in.

        - Added Cancel method to TkbmMWServer allowing for requesting

          cancelation of a specific request.

        - Added Enabled property to TkbmMWCustomServerTransport.

        - Modified OnAuthenticate event to include AMessage:string


        - Added Transport:string to TkbmMWClientIdentity. Is set on

          server to let authentication know from which transport a

          request originates.

        - Added portable high performance TkbmMWLock (when

          KBMMW_SUPPORT_FASTMRWSLOCK is defined (default)) which is

          much faster

          than TEvent/TMutex and TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer.

        - Added TkbmMWTiming which provides portable high resolution

          time functionality.

        - Added TkbmMWInterlocked which provides portable interlocking


        - Added high performance TkbmMWEvent to replace slower TEvent.

        - Added ConfigureAffinity, Yield, Sleep, CurrentThreadID,

          CurrentThread, ThreadGroup and ThreadAffinityType to


          ThreadGroup allows selection of a thread group which share a

          common CPU core affinity. Max 256 threadgroups exists.

          Placement of the thread on a CPU core within the defined

          affinity is determined by the ThreadAffinityType setting.

          Allows for fine tuned thread optimization. Specify affinities

          in global variable: kbmMWThreadGroupAffinity.

        - Added TkbmMWPlatformMarshal for portable memory/bytes

          /utf8/string marshalling.

        - Changed kbmMWHashString from a simple xor hash to the better

          FNV-1A 32 bit hash.

        - Added portable kbmMWGetApplicationName:string returning the

          name (typically with path) of the current executable.

        - Added optional Mapping:string argument to LoadFromDataset.

          Specify sourcefield=destfield;... for custom mapping of


        - Added new WIB message type mwmtEvent (EVT.). Its designed to

          be used for sending system/application events. For example

          used by the new progress management system, which allows for

          a client to subscribe for progress, and a server to push

          progress status, for example for long running synchrone or

          asynchrone requests (require WIB).

        - Added new transport heartbeat functionality via properties

          HeartbeatInterval and OnSendHeartbeat. OnSendHeartbeat is

          triggered every n seconds, and its the developers

          responsibility to then actually send a message/request to

          indicate a heartbeat from a client

          with help of the SendHeartbeat method on the client transport.

        - Added mwsloNullOnValueError as a new SQLite option. Instead

          of excepting the field is set to null.

        - Added Pause:boolean, PausePriority:byte to TkbmMWCustomQueue.

          If Pause=true will pause processing (sending if outbound

          queue) messages equal to or lower than PausePriority.

        - Added counters TotalPushCount, TotalTentativePopCount,

          TotalCommitCount, TotalRollbackCount, TotalRejectCount,

          TotalDeleteCount to TkbmMWCustomQueue.

        - Added support for multiple events for a single subscription

          via the Events property of TkbmMWSubscription.

          Now Subscribe adds an additional event if a subscription

          allready exists for a particular subscription subject.

          Use SubscribeReplace to replace all previously events for a

          subscription with another event.

          Unsubscribe method now overloaded with multiple methods,

          allowing to unsubscribe for a specific event for a subject.

          The "old" Unsubscribe unsubscribes all events for the given


        - Added ThreadGroup and ThreadAffinityType to



          and TkbmMWCustomPooledMessageQueueProcessor.

        - Added new TkbmMWCustomEventMessage which is the basis for all

          WIB based messages that constitutes an event message.

        - Added new TkbmMWHeartbeatEventMessage.

        - Added properties AsEncodedString, UpperName to


        - Added Delete, Values, Names, ValueAsString, AsEncodedString

          to TkbmMWHTTPCustomValues.

        - Added TkbmMWHTTPMimeHeaderValueField,

          TkbmMWHTTPMimeHeaderValueFields, TkbmMWHTTPMimeHeaderValue,

          TkbmMWHTTPMimeHeaderValues, TkbmMWHTTPMultiPart,

          TkbmMWHTTPMultiParts in kbmMWHTTPUtils.pas.

          Thus now multipart HTTP messages can be parsed.

        - Added TkbmMWHTTPCustomAuthorization and

          TkbmMWHTTPBasicAuthorization along with

          new function kbmMWParseAuthorization(const


          for parsing authorization header.

        - Updated TkbmMWHTTPTransportStreamHelper to support new

          TkbmMWHTTPMimeHeaderValues, and added HTTPRealm:string

          property, and added

          Authorization:TkbmMWHTTPCustomAuthorization property.

        - Added  function


          to TkbmMWCustomHTTPService.

        - Updated known mimetypes (Added SVG, JSON, TTF, OTF, WOFF,

          EOT, MP4, MPEG4)

        - Updated known charsets (added JSON = UTF8).

        - Added TkbmMWSAFSyncRequestResponseStatus set

          (mwbrsTimeout,mwbrsAbort,mwbrsOK) which allows for

          a sync/async request to determined if a request has timed

          out, been cancelled or proceeded ok.

        - Added OnProcessorException to TkbmMWCustomSAFClientTransport

          which is triggered if the internal inbound or outbound

          processor encounters an exception.

        - Added optional APriority argument to AnnounceSubscriptions


        - Added OnClientWaitingResponse event to TkbmMWCustomClient.

          Its triggered when a request is sent that is blocking (sync).

        - Added new TkbmMWProgressManager which can be used to send and

          receive progress information via the WIB.

        - Added new FireDAC adapter.

        - Added new ciphers and hashes. The closed DCPCrypt library

          (www.cityinthesky.co.uk/opensource/dcpcrypt) has been

          picked up by C4D and resurrected with support for all


          Thus now added TkbmMWHashHaval, TkbmMWHashMD4, TkbmMWHashMD5,

          TkbmMWHashRipeMD128, TkbmMWHashRipe160,

          TkbmMWHashSHA1, TkbmMWHashSHA256, TkbmMWHashSHA512,

          TkbmMWHashTiger hashes, and

          TkbmMWCipherBlowfish, TkbmMWCipherCast128,

          TkbmMWCipherCast256, TkbmMWCipherDes, TkbmMWCipher3Des,

          TkbmMWCipherIce, TkbmMWCipherThinIce, TkbmMWCipherIdea,

          TkbmMWCipherMars, TkbmMWCipherMisty1,

          TkbmMWCipherRC2, TkbmMWCipherRC4, TkbmMWCipherRC5,

          TkbmMWCipherRC6, TkbmMWCipherRijndael, TkbmMWCipherAES,

          TkbmMWCipherSerpent, TkbmMWCipherTea, TkbmMWCipherTwofish


        - Added TkbmMWCrypt transport encryption plugin, which supports

          all above ciphers and hashes.

        - Added mwsloSharedCache, mwsloExceptOnLocked options to


        - Added MaxLockedWait property to TkbmMWSQLiteConnectionPool.

          It controls how long time a statement will wait (msecs) for

          a blocking lock to be lifted, before excepting.

        - Added support for accessing native SQLite library on Android.

          Make sure NOT to use KBMMW_SQLITE_STATIC_LINKED. On IOS


        - Added UTF8CEncode and String2CBytes to TkbmMWPlatformMarshal.

          They will add an ending zero byte to the resulting byte array.

        - Added TkbmMWCustomHashStream, and made TkbmMWMD5Stream

          descend from it.

        - Added kbmMWCopyDigest and kbmMWZeroDigest functions to


        - Added support for defining null value for boolean value via

          the kbmMW_Null attribute (object marshalling).

        - Added 4 new exception error codes related to

          encryption/descruption to kbmMWExceptions.pas.

        - Added DontExceptOnEmptyString boolean property to

          TkbmMWJSONStreamer. If true, parsing an empty string will

          not cause exception, but only return an empty

          TkbmMWJSONObject instance.



        - Fixed compilation for D2009.

        - Fixed mime encoding/decoding in kbmMWMime.pas.

        - Fixed null validation/conversion for collection items (object


        - Fixed storing/retrieving stream of size 0 in kbmMW Stream


        - Fixed several other issues.

Changes/minor additions


        - Removed old TkbmMWDCPCrypt transport encryption plugin.

        - Changed TkbmMWThreadList to be a generic class.

        - Changed kbmMWImplode to optionally accept AQuote argument

          (default none).

        - Changed TkbmMWAuthorizationActor so the actor name is stored

          and compared case insensitive (uppercase).

        - Changed JSON object marshalling (TkbmMWJSONMarshal) to not

          add double child arrays in collections.

          Notice this makes JSON incompable with previous JSON

          streaming format.


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