与普通数组声明存储空间大小[]的方式是一样有效的,只是加入了一些成员函数和全局函数[get (array)、operators (array)],以便当作标准容器使用

.template < class T, size_t N > class array; 举例:
array<int,10> iArray={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10};  
Member functions:


begin Return iterator to beginning
end Return iterator to end
rbegin Return reverse iterator to reverse beginning
rend Return reverse iterator to reverse end
cbegin Return const_iterator to beginning
cend Return const_iterator to end
crbegin Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse beginning
crend Return const_reverse_iterator to reverse end
std::array<int,> arr = { , , , ,  };
std::cout << "arr contains:";
for ( auto it = arr.cbegin(); it != arr.cend(); ++it )
  *it = 34;    //error can't modify *it
  arr.begin();  //point to array first element
  arr.front();  //return the first element
  arr.back();   //return the end element
  std::cout << *it << std::endl;


empty Test whether list is empty
size Return size
max_size Return maximum size

Element access

operator[] Access element
at Access element  
front Access first element
back Access last element
data Get pointer to first data





const char* cstr = "Test string";
std::array<char,> charray;
std::memcpy (,cstr,);
std::cout << << std::endl;//如果是char类型则打印值 Test string
cout << << endl;//两者等效,等于打印出第一个元素的地址
cout << &charray << endl; array<string,> sArray={"hello","c++","I"};
for (auto it = sArray.cbegin(); it != sArray.cend(); ++it)
cout << *it << '\t';//打印出hello c++ I
cout << << endl;//打印地址


fill Fill array with value
swap Swap content


std::array<int, > arr;
for (auto it = arr.begin(); it != arr.end(); it++)
std::cout << " " << *it;
} arr.assign();
for (auto it = arr.begin(); it != arr.end(); it++)
std::cout << " " << *it;


34 34 34 34 34 5 5 5 5 5


Global functions

get(array) Get element (tuple interface) (function template ) 
operators (array) Global relational operator functions for array

get(array)//Returns a reference to the Ith element of array arr.

.template <size_t I, class T, size_t N> T& get ( array<T,N>& arr ) noexcept;
.template <size_t I, class T, size_t N> T&& get ( array<T,N>&& arr ) noexcept;
.template <size_t I, class T, size_t N> const T& get ( const array<T,N>& arr ) noexcept;

first element in myarray: 30
first element in mytuple: 10



.template <class T, size_T N>
bool operator== ( const array<T,N>& lhs, const array<T,N>& rhs );
.template <class T, size_T N>
bool operator!= ( const array<T,N>& lhs, const array<T,N>& rhs );
.template <class T, size_T N>
bool operator< ( const array<T,N>& lhs, const array<T,N>& rhs );
4template <class T, size_T N>
bool operator> ( const array<T,N>& lhs, const array<T,N>& rhs );
.template <class T, size_T N>
bool operator<= ( const array<T,N>& lhs, const array<T,N>& rhs );
.template <class T, size_T N>
bool operator>= ( const array<T,N>& lhs, const array<T,N>& rhs );
  std::array<int,> a = {, , , , };
std::array<int,> b = {, , , , };
std::array<int,> c = {, , , , };
if (a==b) std::cout << "a and b are equal\n";
if (b!=c) std::cout << "b and c are not equal\n";
if (b<c) std::cout << "b is less than c\n";
if (c>b) std::cout << "c is greater than b\n";
if (a<=b) std::cout << "a is less than or equal to b\n";
if (a>=b) std::cout << "a is greater than or equal to b\n";

a and b are equal
b and c are not equal
b is less than c
c is greater than b
a is less than or equal to b
a is greater than or equal to b



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