本文翻译自SNYK于2020年发布的《 JVM Ecosystem Report 2020 》,全文使用机器翻译自动生成,人为将翻译的离谱和翻译明显错误的地方修正到勉强能看懂的程度。

英语好的大佬们请自便---传送门:《 JVM Ecosystem Report 2020 》


SNYK 于2020年2月5日发布了《 JVM Ecosystem Report 2020 》 (2020年JVM生态系统报告)。

以下报告提供的数据来自 2,000 多份问卷调查,在本次调查中,我们与JVM生态系统中的会议和社区合作,以接触到尽可能多的开发人员。特别向 Adopt OpenJDKBeirut JUGDevNexusDevoxxJava SpecialistsJCreteJfokusLondon Java CommunityManchester Java CommunityThe Developer's ConferenceTimisoara JUGTransylvania JUGUtrecht JUGVirtual JUG 和其他 Java 社区表示感谢,感谢他们给予的宝贵帮助。作为这项巨大努力的结果,大量开发人员参与了调查,对 JVM 生态系统的当前状态给出了深刻的见解。

Report Highlights(报告要点)

1.About your JDK(关于您的 JDK)

Which Java vendor’s JDK do you use in productionfor your main applications?(您在生产环境中为主要应用程序使用哪个 Java 供应商的 JDK?)

Are you currently paying a vendor for JDK support?(您目前是否向供应商支付 JDK 支持费用?)

Who do you pay?(你付钱给谁?)

Did the support and release cadence changes, since JDK 9, affect your decision to pay for support? (自从JDK 9以来,支持和发布节奏的变化是否会影响您支付支持费用的决定?)

Will you consider paying for JDK support in the future, based on the latest release cadence changes?(根据最新的发布节奏变化,您是否会考虑在未来支付JDK支持费用?)

Which Java SE version do you use in production for your main application?(您在生产环境中为主应用程序使用哪个Java SE版本?)

What are the reasons why you have not moved to a more recent version?(是什么原因导致你没有换到最近的版本?)

What is your approach to adopting new JDK releases in production?(在生产环境中采用新的JDK版本的方法是什么?)

How well do you understand the new 6-month release model and the updated support statements made about each release? (您对新的6个月发布模型和每个版本的更新支持声明的了解程度如何?)

How quickly do you apply critical JDK security updates?(您应用关键JDK安全更新的速度有多快?)

What is the main JVM language you use for your main application?(您的主应用程序使用的主要JVM语言是什么?)

Do you write or maintain any Java applications?(你是否编写或维护任何Java应用程序?)

Are you using, or are you planning to use, Java modules in your Java applications?(您是否正在或计划在Java应用程序中使用Java模块?)

How easy was it to adopt Java modules?(采用Java模块有多容易?)

Did you adopt Java modules while writing new applications or while migrating older ones?(您是在编写新的应用程序时还是在迁移旧的应用程序时采用了Java模块?)

2.About your application(关于您的应用程序)

Do you use the Spring Framework?(你使用Spring框架吗?)

What Spring version do you use for your main application?(您的主应用程序使用什么Spring版本?)

Do you use Enterprise Java? (J2EE, Java EE,Jakarta EE)(你使用Java企业版本吗?(J2EE, Java EE,Jakarta EE))

What Java EE version do you use for your main application? (您的主应用程序使用什么Java EE版本?)

What was your reaction to Oracle and the Eclipse foundation not agreeing on continued usage of the javax namespace?(你对Oracle和Eclipse基金会不同意继续使用javax命名空间有什么反应?)

Would you consider switching to another framework/technology in order to avoid migrating to a newer Jakarta EE version, due to the javax namespace changes?(为了避免由于javax名称空间更改而迁移到较新的Jakarta EE版本,您是否考虑切换到另一种框架/技术?)

What other languages does your application use?(您的应用程序还使用哪些其他语言?)

Which client-side web frameworks do you use?(你使用哪些客户端web框架?)

Which server-side web frameworks do you use?(你使用哪些服务器端web框架?)

3.About your tools(关于您的工具)

Which is the main Integrated Development Environment (IDE) you are using?(您正在主要使用的集成开发环境(IDE)是哪一个?)

Which build tool do you use for your main application?(您在主应用程序中使用哪种构建工具?)

Which Cl server do you use?(您使用哪个Cl服务器?)

Which code repository do you use for your main application?(您的主应用程序使用哪个代码存储库?)

When do you scan your dependencies for known vulnerabilities?(您什么时候扫描您的依赖项以查找已知漏洞?)

4.About you(关于你)

Where are you from?(你来自哪里?)

What is your current role?(你现在的角色是什么?)

What is the size of your company?(你们公司的规模是多少?)



SNYK Blog-JVM Ecosystem Report 2020

《 JVM Ecosystem Report 2020 》

Adopt OpenJDK

Beirut JUG



Java Specialists



London Java Community

Manchester Java Community

The Developer's Conference

Timisoara JUG

Transylvania JUG

Utrecht JUG

Virtual JUG

Java Community Process-Java User Groups list



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