#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h> //整数限制
#include <float.h> //浮点数限制
void main()
printf("the FLOAT_MIN number is : %f\n",FLT_MIN); //float的最小值 printf("the FLOAT_MAX number is : %f\n",FLT_MAX); //float的最大值
printf("the FLOAT_MAX number is : %e\n",FLT_MAX); //float的最大值
getchar(); }

#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h> //整数限制
#include <float.h> //浮点数限制
void main()
printf("the FLOAT_MIN number is : %f\n",FLT_MIN); //float的最小值 printf("the FLOAT_MAX number is : %f\n",FLT_MAX); //float的最大值
printf("the FLOAT_MAX number is : %e\n",FLT_MAX); //float的最大值
printf("the INT_MAX number is : %d\n",INT_MAX);
printf("the INT_MIN number is : %d\n",INT_MIN);
printf("the CHAR_MAX number is : %d\n",CHAR_MAX);
printf("the CHAR_MIN number is : %d\n",CHAR_MIN);
printf("the SHORT_MAX number is : %d\n",SHRT_MAX);
printf("the SHORT_MIN number is : %d\n",SHRT_MIN);
printf("the LONG_MAX number is : %d\n",LONG_MAX);
printf("the LONG_MIN number is : %d\n",LONG_MIN);
printf("the DOUBLE_MAX number is : %d\n",DBL_MAX);
printf("the DOUBLE_MIN number is : %d\n",DBL_MIN);
getchar(); }


  1bit(符号位) 8bits(指数位) 23bits(尾数位)
  1bit(符号位) 11bits(指数位) 52bits(尾数位)

  float的范围为-2^128 ~ +2^128,也即-3.40E+38 ~ +3.40E+38;double的范围为-2^1024 ~ +2^1024,也即-1.79E+308 ~ +1.79E+308。


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