Get to Know Basic Email Writing Structures(Week 1)

Introduction to Course

  • Email and Editing Basics
  • Subject Lines and Email Text
  • Introductions and Announcements
  • Requests and Apologies
  • Culture Considerations

Email an Introduction of Yourself to Your Course Peers

Tips: I can't write a good email right now!


My name is Xinzhe Wang and I come from China. My native language is Chinese so it's little hard for me to write a good e-mail with the right format. The reason that I attend to this specialization in Coursera is I will pursue my M.S. degree in UC Davis in the 2020 fall, so I want to practise my English skills before that time. I will try my best to learn this course! Thank you for you reading this letter! Hope you healthy and safe!


DOs and DON'Ts in Professional Email


Subject Line

  • DO:Have a subject line

    • clear and specific
    • example
      • Subject: Requesting a Meeting
      • Subject:Canceling My Order
  • DON'T: Don't forget writing basics, like spelling correctly, and getting grammar,punctuation, and captalization right.


  • Dear Professor Lee (Use the job title)
  • Dear Sir / Dear Madam
  • use for addressing a company
    • To Whom It May Concern
  • use for addressing a group
    • Dear Members of the Committee
    • Dear Marketing Group
    • Dear Sales Team

Email Text

= Main MESSAGE + All necessary DETAILS

  • DON'T: Don't write long emails, only include ESSENTIAL DETAILS, remain BRIEF.
  • one or two paragraph, no paragraph should be more than three or four sentences long.
  • 1-2 Requests.
  • Self Blaming
    • Perhaps... was incomplete
    • Perhaps I left somethings out...
  • DO: Always add WORDS of THANKS


  • Keep it SHORT and SIMPLE

    • Regards,
    • Best Regards,
    • Xinzhe(First name) Wang(Last Name)
    • Telephone / Fax number
  • DON'T: Don't send until you READ and CHECK.
  • DO: Think about CULTURE, Consider your READER

Organization, Style & Editing Basics


  • Use your OWN WORDS
  • Use your OWN MESSAGE
  • Say ONLY what is NEEDED
  • We often add adjectives and adverbs and filler words which are not necessary.
  • DO: Focus on PRECISION
  • DON'T: Don't use PASSIVE voice, use active, which is more clear.
  • Words to AVOID
    • must
    • should
    • demand
    • require
    • necessity

Common Errors in Punctuation