JS - module(模块系统)

重新学习ES6 倒数第一章 module




What is a module?

A module is a value that can be accessed by a single reference. If you have multiple pieces of data or functions that you want to expose in a module, they have to be properties on a single object that represents the module. Practically speaking, it's overkill to create a module for a simple value like var tinyModule = 'simple value';, but it would be valid. Modules start to make a lot more sense for modularizing your code - splitting it up into logical subsets for handling specific functionality. If you want to represent a person with information like name and address, perhaps even add some methods to your person, it starts to make sense to put all that code in a single location. A module is stored in your file system in a single file.




CommonJS 模块

动态加载 执行到了才会加载

let { stat,exists,readFile } = require('fs')


let _fs = require('fs')
let stat = _fs.stat;
let exists = _fs.exists;
let readfile = _fs.readfile;


静态导入 页面加载自动引入

import { stat, exists, readFile } from 'fs'


导出 - Math.js

function add(a,b){
   return console.log(a+b);
export {add}

导入- demo.js

import {add} from './Math.js'
import {add as aMath} from './Math.js'


export var firstName = 'Michael'
export var lastName = 'SwalT'
export var year = '1888'
var firstName = 'Michael'
var lastName = 'SwalT'
var year = '1888'
export{ firstName, lastName, year }
function v1(){...}
function v2(){...}
function v3(){...}
export {
v1 as streamV1,
v2 as streamV2,
v3 as streamLatestVersion
import 'loading'


//除了指定加载某个输出值,还可以使用整体加载, 即用星号(*) 指定一个对象, 所有输出值都加载在这个对象上面
export function area(radius){
   return Math.PI * radius * radius
export function circumference(radius){
return 2 * Math.PI * radius

import * as circle from './MathModule.s'
console.log('圆面积:' + circle.area(4))
console.log('圆周长:' + circle.circumference(14))

export default

export default function(){
import module from './export-default'


import export 不可动态处理 !

import 是只读的 本质是输入接口 所以不允许在加载模块的脚本里面, 改写接口

但是如果引入的是一个对象, 那么这个对象的属性值是允许修改的, 但是很难查错



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