1: Packing for a Business Trip
What should I bring on this business trip?
Haven't you been on a business trip before?
No, this is my first time.
You should bring your laptop, cell phone, and chargers.
Any other advice?
Bring a carry-on bag only, so you don't have to wait for your luggage.
2. 2: What to Pack on a Business Trip
I'm nervous about this trip.
I'm meeting with the CFO.
Wow, that would make me nervous too.
What should I pack?
Well, you should definitely bring your laptop and tablet.
I know. What else?
Bring a nice suit.
I don't own a suit.
Well, you better go shopping then.
3.  3: Business Trip Attire
Wow, Colleen, you look great.
Thanks. I'm going on a business trip today.
Where are you going?
San Francisco, our corporate headquarters.
Meeting any important people?
Yeah, all of the top management.
Well, you're definitely dressed to impress.
4.  4: Business Trip Etiquette
What are you reading?
A book about traveling etiquette in foreign countries.
I'm going on a business trip next week.
Where are you going?
To one of our offices in Saudi Arabia.
That should be interesting.
Have you been there?
No, I'm scheduled to go next month.
I'm reading about proper etiquette while I'm there.
Give me some tips after you return from your trip.
5.  5: Making a Good Impression
I'm a little nervous about this business trip.
I'm meeting with the vice president of the company.
I heard he is a drinker.
So what?
I don't drink at all.
I'm afraid he's going to think I'm boring.
Then tell jokes.
I heard he likes funny people.
6.  6: Socializing
Are you ready for the business trip?
Yeah, I'm a little nervous.
Is this your first business trip?
No, I just don't know any of these people.
Do you have any advice for me?
Just socialize.
Get to know them.
Go out for drinks one night.
Actually, two of our clients are taking me out for drinks the first night.
Well, that's good.
Don't stress about it so much.
I want to make a good first impression.
Then don't get drunk.
What if I get nervous and drink too much?
Then you'll have more things to worry about.
7.  7: Being Flexible
What are you going to do on your business trip?
I'm not sure.
What's the schedule?
I don't know.
Our clients haven't sent me anything yet.
You're having a good attitude about it.
I know.
I'm trying to be flexible.
8.  8: Getting Advice
When is your business trip?
Who are you meeting with tomorrow?
One of the managers, Kevin Johnson. Have you met him?
Yes, he's a nice guy, but he's very disorganized.
That's good to know. Any advice?
Be flexible, because he changes his mind often.
That can be annoying.
Yes, it can. But have a good attitude about it.
Because he's the CEO's son.
9.  9: Emergency Business Trip
I need to make an emergency trip to our headquarters tonight.
There are no direct flights tonight. There are only non-direct flights.
How many layovers?
There is one layover in San Francisco for an hour.
That's fine. Can you book that flight please?
Do you need a ride to the airport?
No. I will park my car at the airport.
10.  10: Changing Flight Schedule
I need to change my flight departure.
When do you need to go?
I need to leave tomorrow morning.
Can it be a non-direct flight?
I would prefer a direct flight.
There is one direct flight leaving tomorrow morning at 7am.
It's $100 more expensive.
I'll take it.
When will you be returning?
Don't change the return flight.
11.  11: Delayed Flight
Hey, Todd. This is Rob. My flight has been delayed. I won't be there on time.
I guess I'll have to do the presentation alone.
Are you prepared to do that?
I have no choice.
Can we postpone the meeting?
No, the clients are catching a flight right after the meeting.
12.  12: Postponing a Meeting
Lucy, where is Todd?
He's in the conference room. He's been waiting for you.
Could you tell him my flight has been delayed?
He's not going to be happy. He's been waiting for an hour.
My flight isn't leaving for another hour.
Okay, I'll let him know.
Tell him I need to reschedule the meeting.
I don't think I can tell him now.
He's not there. I think he left.
I'll call him on his cell phone.
13.  13: A Free Trip
Your business trips have earned you enough frequent flyer miles for a free airline ticket.
That's great!
Our company lets their employees use the free airline ticket for personal use.
I didn't know that!
You should probably use it during your next vacation.
I think I will ask my wife where she wants to go.
Good idea.
14.  14: Frequent Flier Miles
Hi Vicki.
This is Isabelle.
I'm the company's travel coordinator.
Hi Isabelle.
Is there a problem?
I see that you take quite a few business trips a month.
Yes, I do.
I noticed that you're not signed up for frequent flyer miles.
No, I haven't signed up yet.
Please sign up before your next trip.
You can earn miles and get a free trip anywhere in the country.
I didn't know that.
It's easy to sign up.
You can do it online.
I will have to do that today since I have another business trip at the end of the week.
15.  15: Complaining about Hotel Room
This is the front desk. How can I help you?
This is Janet Lee from room 112.
Hello, Ms. Lee. How can I help you?
I paid for a room with an attached office, but this hotel room has no office.
I'm sorry about that. I will change your room right away.
Great. I'm on a business trip, so an office is important to me.
16.  16: Talking to Hotel Staff
I'm not happy with my room.
May I ask what is wrong?
I asked for a room with a view. This room has no view.
I'm sorry, but we do not have any more rooms available tonight.
When I made the reservation, I paid for a room with a view.
I understand. I'm very sorry, but all of the rooms are occupied.
This is unacceptable.
We will discount your room rate.
Our company does a lot of business with this hotel. I will be telling my boss about this.
May we offer you a free stay next time? It will be a room with a view. I will guarantee it.
17.  17: Lost Luggage
Is this all the luggage from this flight?
I can't find my luggage.
It looks like your luggage is lost.
I need my suitcase.
I have a business meeting today and my suit is in it.
I'm very sorry.
If we locate it, we will send it to you right away.
19.  19: Rental Car
I need to report lost luggage.
I'm very sorry that happened.
What do I need to do?
Please fill out this lost luggage form.
I have very important business papers in my suitcase.
I understand. I am very sorry.
Will you contact me as soon as you find it?
Yes, we will send it to you right away.
I'm staying in a hotel downtown.
We will contact you as soon as we locate your suitcase.
19.  19: Rental Car
Is anyone picking you up at the airport?
No, I'm going to rent a car.
The boss approved your rental car?
Yes, why?
He didn't approve a rental car during my business trip.
I found a great deal for a rental car.
20.  20: Getting an Upgrade
Are you on the phone?
Yeah, but I'm on hold.
Do you have time for lunch?
Not right now. I'm trying to get a free upgrade on my rental car.
Are you having any luck?
The rental car agent is talking to her supervisor right now.
How are you negotiating?
I told the agent that our company does a lot of business with this rental company.
You're right, we do.
Kyle, hold on. The agent is back on the phone.

21.  21: Financial Trouble
I think the company is in trouble.
What kind of trouble?
Financial trouble.
What makes you think that?
I overheard Lou talking about bankruptcy laws.
We can't lose our jobs. I just bought a home.
22.  22: Back in the Black
I think the company has finally made a profit.
That's great news!
We're all getting raises and bonuses this year.
That makes me very happy.
Me too. We haven't had raises in four years.
We've never had bonuses.
That's right.
If the company is doing well financially, we should definitely receive some benefits.
I agree. We work really hard.
Let's celebrate over drinks after work.
23.  23: New CEO
Have you met the company's new CEO?
No, have you?
Yes, she's very nice.
Really? I heard she was very mean.
She asked us a lot of questions about employee happiness and concerns.
I heard if she doesn't like what you say, she will fire you.
24.  24: New CTO
Gloria is stressed out.
The new CTO is visiting our office.
So, what's the big deal?
It's a big deal to Gloria. She's one of the managers.
Gloria is a great boss.
She wants to make a good first impression.
She hasn't met the new CTO yet?
No, this will be her first time meeting him.
No wonder Gloria is nervous.
25.  25: Hospitality Event
I'm planning our company's hospitality event.
What are you doing this year?
We've invited a couple of professional golfers. We're going to do a celebrity golf tournament.
Wow! That's going to be a lot of fun!
I just need to hear back from the golfers.
What if no one accepts the invitation?
Then I am in big trouble!
26.  26: Swag Bags
Are you going to the hospitality event?
Yes, I have a few clients attending.
Great! This year we're doing a raffle and gift bags.
Raffle and gift bags? Isn't that a little childish?
The raffle prize is a sports car and the gift bags are filled with jewelry.
Are you serious? Can our company afford this?
The CEO wants to keep our clients happy.
That's definitely going to keep them happy.
It'll probably attract more clients to our company too.
27.  27: Company Dress Code
Do we have a company dress code?
Yes. On Mondays through Thursdays, we have to wear business attire.
What about Fridays? On Fridays, we can dress casually.
What does casual dress mean? You can wear jeans and t-shirts, but not shorts.
Do we have a company dress code? Yes. On Mondays through Thursdays, we have to wear business attire.
What about Fridays?
On Fridays, we can dress casually.
What does casual dress mean?
You can wear jeans and t-shirts, but not shorts.
28.  28: No Dress Code
Do we have a company dress code?
No, the president of the company doesn't care how you dress.
Really? You can wear jeans and t-shirts or shorts?
Yeah, he only cares about the quality of your work.
That's great! We had to wear suits to work every day at my old job.
Even on Fridays?
Yeah, our president was very conservative.
Was that uncomfortable?
Yes, wearing pantyhose every day is very uncomfortable.
I know.
29.  29: Flexible Schedule
I really like my work schedule.
Do you work flexible hours?
Yes, I can choose my own hours.
I wish I could work flexible hours.
Why don't you?
I can't. I'm in accounting, so I have to work regular business hours.
30.  30: Working from Home
Were you here yesterday?
No. I don't come into the office every day.
Do you work from home?
Yes. I just make sure I work 40 hours a week.
You're so lucky.
I know. My boss gave me a flexible schedule because I am a single parent.
You have a very understanding boss.
I know. I'm very lucky.
I would love to work from home. The traffic to work is terrible.
Maybe you should ask your boss about working a flexible schedule too.


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